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PC Gaming #2

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Mesaj tarihi:
Yok öyle birşey, Xbox denilen alet zaten DirectX 11.X gibi birşey ve super-light Win8 kullanıyor. Basitçe DX12 Xbox API'ın benzeri. Hatta DX12'deki özelliklerin çoğu Xbox'da vs PS4'da var bile denebilir şu an.

Destekleyen oyunlarda, PC'de dünyaları değiştirecek ama.
Mesaj tarihi:
Sam said:

dx12 yaygınlaşması daha yıllar alır win10'a bağlıyken. ne zaman eskimişse, istediğin yeni oyunlar low settings'e gelmişse o zaman upgrade en doğrusu.

önümüzdeki yıl çıkan yeni hbm memory'li kartlarla upgrade uygun bir zaman olacak tahminimce.

evet ya ben de 2016 diye dusundum cunku hala high'da 35-40 fps oynatabiliyo witcher gibi oyunlari

bi fallout'da patladi yikik sehir bolumlerinde nedense
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Mesaj tarihi:
puskevit sosyal medyadan cekmis kendini komple, ozetle surda kac sene omrum kaldi daha fazla ugrasamam aptallarla demis :( arkadaslarimin cogu yorumalr yuzunden terapi goruyor, ben kaldiramiycam o yuzden videolarim disinda caniniz cehenneme, onlarida begenmiyorsaniz izlemeyin diyor

Well, you’ve heard this many times before, but maybe this will actually be the time this happens. I’m done with social media. I’ve had it. It’s enough.

Look, let’s be real here about the reality of what could happen over the next few years. In a few years, I could very well be dead—two to three [years to live] average is what I’m given for this particular form of this disease. I intend to outlive that by a significant margin, but if it ends up being the last few years of my life, I want to spend them not being fucking miserable. And if that involves disconnecting from everybody, so be it.

My family is gonna come first, my fucking mental health is gonna come first. The expectation that everyone who ever made it on the Internet’s gotta be constantly connected to their fans all the time 24 hours a day 24/7 is insane. It’s unreasonable. Nobody can fucking handle it. Nobody. [sighs] God. You have no idea how many of my friends are in therapy just because of this job.

I even know what you’re going to say. I know what the fucking naysayers are going to say. You’re going to turn around and tell me “ah, you’ll be back.” Yeah, maybe. I might be—because I’m fucked in the head, as I’ve explained many times. It’s a problem. It’s an obsession. But I’ve got to make at least a concerted effort to stop it. This is the only way I know how because I’ve tried every other way. I’ve been trying for years. It doesn’t work. I’m done.

So as of now, my Twitter account is in the hands of Chris [an assistant], and he is under explicit instructions not to let me post anything on it. If I tell him to post something, he’s not going to do it. He’s been told to put up the videos, make announcements, remind people of upcoming events, that’s it. After this Soundcloud is done, I’m giving him control of the Soundcloud—so I’done with that, too. There are not going to be anymore personal Soundcloud audio blogs. This Soundcloud is here solely to host the podcast and and audio versions of my YouTube content. This will be it.

I want no way—no way at all—to contact the wider Internet outside of my work. I don’t want to do it anymore. It’s too much. So that’s how it’s going to be. There will be YouTube videos and there will be streams. If I could, I’d probably shut down the chat in my stream, as well, but I think, at least, that stays reasonable the vast majority of the time so I could probably handle that. We’ll see. That’s probably going to get fucked up as well, isn’t it?

[sighs] There’s the thing. I would delete my Twitter right now if I could. I would delete it. I can’t. I legally can’t. [laughs] I’m under contract. I have to maintain this Twitter for my YouTube channel and for my sponsorship agreements. For my contractual obligations, it has to exist. I can’t get rid of it. So the only thing I can do is make sure that I can never post on it. Hopefully, if I never post on it, I’ll have no desire to read the responses to it, and it’ll be far harder for me to see it.

So that’s how it’s going to be. I’m going to make YouTube videos and you can do one of two things: you can watch them or you can not watch them. That’s up to you. If I end up losing a bunch of money from this because people feel the need to connect with me, otherwise they can’t appreciate my content, so be it. I’ll be happier. Money’s awesome, but it can’t buy me out of this…whatever this is. It hasn’t helped. What you’re gonna get is content, that’s it. Enjoy it or don’t—it’s up to you. I’m handing this Soundcloud account to Chris now, so this will be the last time I post on it. I know what’s going to happen now.

The usual people come out of the woodwork and go “ah, you can’t take criticism, nyah!” And all that other shit. OK! Fine. I accept it. I can’t take criticism. I’m dying of terminal cancer. I don’t think I need to read your Internet criticism of me. I think I’ll live longer if I don’t. And you know what? That should be the priority. I don’t want to leave my wife and son behind. I don’t want to do it. I don’t want to leave my friends behind. I don’t want to leave my job behind. I don’t want to leave my pets behind. I don’t want to leave my family behind. [pause] No. If that’s the price—that I don’t read your feedback? Or I don’t take your criticism into account? I’m going to pay that price. I will happily pay that price.

This is my fucking life, and what is left of it I am going to take control back. Sorry if this disappoints people. I know the vast majority of you are cool and you like this level of interaction, but if this is going to be the last few years that I get to live, I’m going to try and live it in a way that doesn’t make me miserable. I have too much shit on my plate as it is. I don’t need anymore.

Know that the vast majority of you, I appreciate you every day. It’s why I thank you at the end of every video. You let me live my dream, and I’m so very grateful for that. I’m going to go back to work now. See ya.
Mesaj tarihi:
Before the "PC Master Race" folks take this as vindication for the superiority of mouse-and-keyboard controls for first-person shooters or something, it's worth pointing out the types of PC games that are generating most of that revenue. SuperData reckons free-to-play MMOs generated more than half of all PC gaming revenues in 2015 ($17 billion), with "social network-based gaming" taking another 25 percent of the total revenue haul ($8 billion).

Mesaj tarihi:
Daha çok satmak ve untermenschlere hizmet ne zamandan beri bizi ilgilendiren bi konu oldu ki? Topiğimiz adına hiçbir şey ifade etmeyen bir link.

Mesaj tarihi:
Neden isin sovunu yapiyor anlamiyorum. Asistanina devredip sessiz sedasiz sosyal medyadan kaybolabilirdi. 6 ay kisisel cevap gelmeyince, sadece video ve news post gelince yavas yavas sonerdi zaten. Illa bir shit storm baslatiyor her seferinde. Iyi adam. Seviyorum da yorumlarini vs. Immature adam dolu bir ortamda benim icin cogu zaman bir voice of reason oluyor herif. Ama biraz drama seven bir yapisi var. Diagnozdan sonra daha da beter oldu.
Mesaj tarihi:
evet dogru da birakiyorum sosyal medyayi diye cumke alem duysun yaparsan, asilamayacak hendek kazdim gelin asin yiyorsa diyen orta cag kalesi lordu gibi oluyorsun. o ordular mutlaka geliyor kapiya. challenge accepted olayi.
Mesaj tarihi:
acikcasi adamin sebeplerini haksiz gormuyorum. aksine. ancak essegin aklina karpuz kabugu sokmak diye bir sey var. boyle ben artik yokum sosyal medyada yaparsan sana ulasabilmek icin her dagi deler o ferhatlar. caktirmadan kullanmayi asistanina birakip bakmasa, kimsenin ruhu duymazdi. amacina daha kolay ulasirdi. simdi sadece dramasi donuyor her yerde.
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