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Game of Thrones (2011) - HBO

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Vaaay e iyi olmuş the long night ı anlatacaklarsa sevindim ben. Kitap mitap hayatta yazamazdı tontik, bunların diziye çevrilmesi güzel (tu)

Şimdi sırada Doom of Valyria var, anne baba ve yabancı adına lütfen lütfen
Mesaj tarihi:
Abi herif binlerce ölüyle duvarı geçti ztn bu saatten sonra 10v10 savas olmasın bi zahmet fjdd

Bi de 6 bolum ztn. Bi minas trith savaşı kıvamında ortam bekliyorum.
Mesaj tarihi:

sızmış hatta ending

Jon Snow: The weight of such a burden... it must be mine. For there is no other...

Bran Stark: Jon! You hold a grim destiny in your hands, brother - but it is not your own.

Jon: Bran!

Jon: By all that is holy...

Bran: The dragons' flame sealed my fate. The world of the living can no longer comfort me. Place the crown upon my head, brother. Forevermore, I will be the Jailer of the Damned.

Jon: No, brother. I cannot.

Bran: Do it, Jon!

Bran: You and these brave heroes have your own destinies to fulfill. This last act of service... is mine.

Jon: You will not be forgotten, brother.

Bran: I must be forgotten, Jon! If the world is to live free from the tyranny of fear, they must never know what was done here today!

Jon Snow nods and accedes to Bran's request, sliding the helm onto his head. The chamber begins to shake violently as Jon looks around. There is a flash of light and Bran's eyes are glowing ice silver through the eye slits of the helm.

Bran: Tell them only that the Night King is dead.

Bran's voice changes, acquiring the Night King's characteristic echo.

Bran Stark/Night King: And that Bran Stark died with him.

Bran Stark/Night King: Now, go! Leave this place, and never return!
Mesaj tarihi:
Mantıklı. (tu)

Balerion the Black Dread with his new massive elementium armor reforged and being fitted to him in Deepholm. The Shattering follows in the new season promo wherein earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and floods devastated the world of Westeros.

Pain. Agony. My hatred burns through the cavernous deeps. The world heaves with my torment. Its wretched kingdoms quake beneath my rage. But at last, the whole of Westeros will break!!! And all will burn beneath the shadow of my wings!!!
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