Bone Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 hahah saçmalama moduna girdi sam. neyse.
hamsilipilav Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 axedice said: Yüzüklerin efendisi dışında ork konseptine yabancı, bi shield of innocence ı, bi Vrakk'ı tanımayan insanlardan ork bashing dinleyecek kadar kültürsüz bir oluşum olmamalı pati. uuyyjjjtt
axedice Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011
Sparkcaster Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 sayfalardır ork diyoruz hala obould many arrows demedik, gromu thrall ı gömlek cebinden çıkarır kendisi zira obould başkan ccc
Kaede Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 xunn said: Şundan sonra hala post atılması o kadar gereksiz ki. esas bundan sonra post atımı gereksiz olur Broxigar A blaze of glory At the final battle over the Well of Eternity, Brox realized that if the world and the future were to be saved, his companions needed more time. Brox leapt from the back of one of the red dragons also carrying Rhonin into the swirling portal that was opening at the bottom of the funnel. When he passed through, and arrived in the realm of the Burning Legion, he proceeded to slaughter multitudes of demons, blocking their advance towards the portal, slaying so many that he ended up standing atop a hill of their bodies — mocking more to come challenge him. It was there that he eventually attracted the attention of Sargeras, who came personally to put an end to the orc's life. However, using the magical axe crafted for him by Malfurion, Brox did the impossible, and struck a small wound in Sargeras' leg. This wound would later be the focus of Krasus and his allies' spellwork, that for a second, tore Sargeras' attention away from his struggle to keep the portal open...allowing Malfurion and Illidan to close it upon him. Brox's life was ended by Sargeras, right before the demon entered the portal, by the jagged edge of Sargeras's broken sword. With this final act of loyalty, Broxigar the Red sealed his place in history as the only known mortal to have ever staged an assault upon the Burning Legion's leader. Broxigar the Red died, not a mere honorable death, but was struck down in a blaze of glory nearly unheard of in the history of the orcs. When Krasus returned to the present day, his first act was to take Brox's magical axe directly to Thrall. Disguised as an orc shaman, Krasus told his tale of how Brox helped stop another demon invasion, and implored the Warchief to sing songs of Broxigar the Red, his legendary life, and his glorious sacrifice. The night elves raised up a statue to him, making him the the only orc to have ever been given homage by them. Tyrande and Malfurion honored him after the war and even after the death of the Lich King, the mere mention of Brox's name is enough to remind Tyrande of how they lost him, causing tears to well up in her eyes. Now his brother, Varok Saurfang, High Overlord of the Kor'kron Guard holds his name in honor. Varok also mentions Brox when you turn in Dranosh Saurfang's battle armor. In time, Thura grew up to warrior age and after proving her skills, Thrall gave her Brox's enchanted wooden axe, of which Thrall's most trusted shaman had seen in a dream that it should go to her. She felt honored to wield such a fabled weapon.
Suark Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 axedice said: Yüzüklerin efendisi dışında ork konseptine yabancı, bi shield of innocence ı, bi Vrakk'ı tanımayan insanlardan ork bashing dinleyecek kadar kültürsüz bir oluşum olmamalı pati.
GwindonSurion Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 Super Mario Thank you Mario! But our princess is in another castle :(
xunn Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 Kaede said: xunn said: Şundan sonra hala post atılması o kadar gereksiz ki. esas bundan sonra post atımı gereksiz olur Broxigar A blaze of glory At the final battle over the Well of Eternity, Brox realized that if the world and the future were to be saved, his companions needed more time. Brox leapt from the back of one of the red dragons also carrying Rhonin into the swirling portal that was opening at the bottom of the funnel. When he passed through, and arrived in the realm of the Burning Legion, he proceeded to slaughter multitudes of demons, blocking their advance towards the portal, slaying so many that he ended up standing atop a hill of their bodies — mocking more to come challenge him. It was there that he eventually attracted the attention of Sargeras, who came personally to put an end to the orc's life. However, using the magical axe crafted for him by Malfurion, Brox did the impossible, and struck a small wound in Sargeras' leg. This wound would later be the focus of Krasus and his allies' spellwork, that for a second, tore Sargeras' attention away from his struggle to keep the portal open...allowing Malfurion and Illidan to close it upon him. Brox's life was ended by Sargeras, right before the demon entered the portal, by the jagged edge of Sargeras's broken sword. With this final act of loyalty, Broxigar the Red sealed his place in history as the only known mortal to have ever staged an assault upon the Burning Legion's leader. Broxigar the Red died, not a mere honorable death, but was struck down in a blaze of glory nearly unheard of in the history of the orcs. When Krasus returned to the present day, his first act was to take Brox's magical axe directly to Thrall. Disguised as an orc shaman, Krasus told his tale of how Brox helped stop another demon invasion, and implored the Warchief to sing songs of Broxigar the Red, his legendary life, and his glorious sacrifice. The night elves raised up a statue to him, making him the the only orc to have ever been given homage by them. Tyrande and Malfurion honored him after the war and even after the death of the Lich King, the mere mention of Brox's name is enough to remind Tyrande of how they lost him, causing tears to well up in her eyes. Now his brother, Varok Saurfang, High Overlord of the Kor'kron Guard holds his name in honor. Varok also mentions Brox when you turn in Dranosh Saurfang's battle armor. In time, Thura grew up to warrior age and after proving her skills, Thrall gave her Brox's enchanted wooden axe, of which Thrall's most trusted shaman had seen in a dream that it should go to her. She felt honored to wield such a fabled weapon. GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH LOK'TAR OGAR.
Laurelin Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 yanniz boromiri okluyan orc grommdan daha iyi islenmis b iakrakter lol ismi var lurtz ocaklarda yaratilirken bize cok atarli bir genc oldugunu gosteriyorlar, gromm gibi "vaaay eskiden soyle boyle kahramandi bu" diye kulaktan dolma anlatilmiyor saruman cok seviyor lurtzu, icindeki kin nefret ve darknessi goruyor, lurtzu butun canlilari oldurmesi icin gaza getiriryor, doldurdukca dolduruyor kibirini besliyor iyice sonra saruman hobbitleri getirmesi icin gorev veriyor, 5 dakika filan sadakat ile gorevini yerine getirmeye calismasini izliyoruz arkadasin, diger orclarada bol miktar atar yapiyor amon hende lurtzun komuta ettigi gurup yuzuk kardesliginin dagilmasina sebep oluyor, sean beani oldurmek gibi guzel bir achivement aliyor, sonra aragorn tarafindan kesiliyor ancak lurtz aragornu o kadar oyaliyorki frodo ile sam coktan kacmis oluyor bu karakter peter jacksonun gotunden uydurdugu bir karakter bide bu arada gromm ne yapiyor? kafeste buluyoruz kendisini ilk, YAKALADILAR BIZI BE GARDAS Q_Q emolugu cekiyor sonra agac kesmekle gorevlendirilene akdar bir olayini ve karakter gelisimini gormuyoruz, agac keserken uyari atesi acan elflere saldiriyor cenarious gelinc egidip mannarothun tuzagina dusuyor, relapse lololol cenariousu kesiyor, sonra cairne yakaliyor bunu jainaya goturuyorlar rehabe sokup temizliyolar gidip mannoratha dalip zirhini yariyor ve plot device oldugu icin son derece sacma bir sekilde oluyor
Regalya Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 Onurlu orc Fingolfin pardon Broxigar iblisleri yararak ilerledi Melkor pardon Sargerası bacağından yaraladı ve öldü.
Komutan Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 Bence WOW alemindeki en delikanli irk panda irki. Eminim yakinda kahraman pandalarin Azeroth'u tehdit eden kotulukleri durdurmak icin canlarini feda etmesini gosteren trajik sahneleri seyredip gozyasi dokeriz.
axedice Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 Viktor said: icindeki kin nefret ve darkness peter jacksonun gotunden uydurdugu bir karakter İkisine de katılıyorum. Bu arada matrix çalıntıymış, telif hakları dekartta. O da aristodan araklamış aslında.
Genel Yönetici GERGE Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 Konuyu açan Genel Yönetici Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 Benim denk geldiğim tek karakterli, delikanlı ork Obould Many-Arrows. Some time previous to his current conquest of the lands around Mithril Hall he managed to capture and for some time hold Citadel Felbarr, which he had renamed the Citadel of Many Arrows. He lost this city due to infighting and the cunning of the original dwarven inhabitants who came to reclaim their city. He retreated to Dark Arrow Keep where he plotted his return to the Marches whilst building a new horde. The infighting wouldn't stop and seven of his eight sons plotted against him. 3 of them, Scrauth, Araug and Brymoel, had the gall to do so openly! All the while Obould plotted to sweep back down south, Reclaim the Citadel of Many Arrows and from there, conquer Silverymoon. After that, his plan was to conquer all of the lands north of the Rauvin to create the empire of Obouldar. Eventually, the murmuring of his troops about his apparent weakness was too much for him. In a rage, he put his plans into action, quite possibly killing the sons who plotted against him and realising his goal of uniting most of the Orc tribes in the Spine, also forging an alliance with Gerti Orelsdottr. He tested his army against the human settlement of Shallows and, despite many setbacks his forces easily won the day. During his next assault, on the dwarven settlement of Mithral Hall, he underwent a religious ceremony where he was blessed by the orc god Gruumsh, which gave him greater strength, speed, and intelligence (the strength of a bull and the speed of a wildcat), and made his name synonymous with that of the orc god. He is commonly referred to by other orcs as "Obould-Who-Is-Gruumsh". Something changed within him though, and a desire for peace became gradually more apparent, much to the displeasure of many of his followers. Obould's last living son named Urlgen Threefist was Obould's top commander. Urglen was slain in combat by the moon elf Innovindil. In spite of this, Obould went on to sire another heir, who lived beyond his own death. Upon his death, Obould was raised by Gruumsh to godhood as an exarch in Nishrek, where he continues to exist as one. His legacy on Toril remained behind however and the first stable orcish state was created, the Kingdom of Many-Arrows, which by 1479 DR had established itself as a major power in the North.
ad3m Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 said: I have watched the other races... I have seen their squabbling, their ruthlessness. Their wars do nothing but scar the land, and drive the wild things to extinction. No, they cannot be trusted. Only beasts are above deceit. ~ Rexxar Hadi uzayın. PS : Böyle genel topiclerin (ortak consept) neredeyse hepsinin sonunda Blizzard oyunlarının üzerinden dönen tartışmalara dönüşmesi başarı mıdır? /discuss
axedice Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 Rexxar güzel söylemiş de, hani trajedi? Hani manly tears?
ad3m Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 Ahah trajedi üzerine değil de topic horde vs alliance üzerinden karakter kapıştırma üzerine dönüşmüş. Ama illaki karakter üzerinden trajedi isteniyorsa Rexxarın kurt bunu koruyacam diye bi lock tarafından öldürülüyordu.Çok trajikti :(
Sparkcaster Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 3, 2011 cidden ya obould yanında diğerleri figüran gibi kalıyo sori
chagy Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 4, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 4, 2011 Another World ekran karşısında ilk defa mal mal donup kaldığım sahnelerden biri olsa gerek, sene bilmem kaç.
xunn Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 4, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 4, 2011 Of chagy çok damardan girdi. İlk oynadıgım oyunlardan biriydi sanırım, sene 95 falan, babamın macintosh'unda bulmuştum. Çok ağır oyundur another world.
Bone Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 5, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 5, 2011 MLPciler içine en trajik oyun sahnesi şuymuş diyolaaaa
Osirix Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 6, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 6, 2011 mgs1 Grey Fox'ın itirafı ve kendisini feda etmesi. ace combat 5 Chopper'ın ölümü. final fantasy 9 Black Waltz No. 3'nin Vivi'nin "kardeşlerini" kızartması. red dead redemption John Marston'un ölümü. cod: mw2 Dedicated Server özelliğinin eksikliği.
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