Redeagle Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 axedice said: 2K support a şöyle bi mesaj atıyorum civ oyuncusu olarak. said: Dear Sir or Madam, I am ..., a gamer from Turkey and an avid Civilization fan with "1055" hours played on Steam. As you might be aware, Steam included Turkish Lira as a currency along with Mexican Peso 2 days ago. I was very happy to see that the price of Beyond Earth (and many other titles on Steam) was reduced to 75 TL (~$30 - just as most games are cheaper in Russian market i.e.) and bought it immediately. Today when I logged to Steam, I was shocked to see that the price has increased even beyond the initial rate in US to 170 TL (~$75) which is incredulous to say the least. Please see this website for details : I would also like to mention that this price is similar to what ARAL, the official distributor in Turkey, is placing on the label. Because of their unreasonable prices, for years the gamers in Turkey resorted to piracy and illegal downloads to enjoy games. With the advent of Steam, this trend has receded somehow, and we had great hopes that with the Turkish Lira on Steam along with favored prices, the revenues of game companies would see an overall increase in the Turkish market. But this last pricing stunt has ended such hopes. So as a gamer, I plead with you to re-visit your pricing policies in Turkey. Even if you do not favor the Turkish market with cheaper prices ( such as Russia), at least allow the equivalents of international prices and do not let the thieving monopoly called Aral ruin the gaming culture in Turkey. Best Regards, Sevdiğiniz oyunların publisherlarına siz de gönderin bişeyler. Ubiyse ubi, segaysa sega. Sesi duyurmak önemli. Ha bide arala da bişeyler yapmak lazım. Kesinlikle bu. Steam bir şey yapma hakkına sahip olmayabilir. Dağıtımcının sorunu bilmesi daha önemli.
arcane Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 said: gaben, prepare yourself for second gezi resistance. young white turks are disturbed. şunu yazan biyik herhalde lol
sabonis Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 cicim ayları kısa sürdü steam ile :D :D
Sam Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 axe'ın mesaj güzel diye kopyalayıp atmayın da aman diyim ehu.
Norak Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 oyunun ismini deiştirin dsf bende steame yolladım 1-2 tane, hacıt sizin yeni sistemi abuse ettiler, tl diyip yerine eu fiyatı koydular bize haberiniz olsun böle böle, diye
knox Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 arcane said: said: gaben, prepare yourself for second gezi resistance. young white turks are disturbed.
dana22 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 sabonis said: cicim ayları kısa sürdü steam ile :D :D iste gerdekten sonra bosandik..gibi birsey oldu..
vaperon Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Bunların kesinlikle yazışmaları mevcuttur Aral ve Ubi vs. arasında. Rekabet kurulu diye birşey var. Yarın ilk iş resmi başvuruda bulunuyorum. Gelen her yazılı başvuruyu inceliyorlar. Adamlar tekel ve dikte ediyorlar rakamlarını. O yazışmaları buldukları anda aral biter.
NolaxThensbane Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 NolaxThensbane said: Sam said: torrent morrent yazmayın steam'e, molotof atmanın karşılığı. "korsanlık yaparım" demek iş yapmıyor uluslararası ortamlarda, "oh olsun size" diyeni bile çıkar. bozmayın adamların yaklaşımını. You have been permanently banned from all discussions. You were banned by a Steam Community Moderator. Reason: "piracy discussion"
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 HAHHAHAHAHAH
Tori Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 axedice said: 2K support a şöyle bi mesaj atıyorum civ oyuncusu olarak. said: Dear Sir or Madam, I am ..., a gamer from Turkey and an avid Civilization fan with "1055" hours played on Steam. As you might be aware, Steam included Turkish Lira as a currency along with Mexican Peso 2 days ago. I was very happy to see that the price of Beyond Earth (and many other titles on Steam) was reduced to 75 TL (~$30 - just as most games are cheaper in Russian market i.e.) and bought it immediately. Today when I logged to Steam, I was shocked to see that the price has increased even beyond the initial rate in US to 170 TL (~$75) which is incredulous to say the least. Please see this website for details : I would also like to mention that this price is similar to what ARAL, the official distributor in Turkey, is placing on the label. Because of their unreasonable prices, for years the gamers in Turkey resorted to piracy and illegal downloads to enjoy games. With the advent of Steam, this trend has receded somehow, and we had great hopes that with the Turkish Lira on Steam along with favored prices, the revenues of game companies would see an overall increase in the Turkish market. But this last pricing stunt has ended such hopes. So as a gamer, I plead with you to re-visit your pricing policies in Turkey. Even if you do not favor the Turkish market with cheaper prices ( such as Russia), at least allow the equivalents of international prices and do not let the thieving monopoly called Aral ruin the gaming culture in Turkey. Best Regards, Sevdiğiniz oyunların publisherlarına siz de gönderin bişeyler. Ubiyse ubi, segaysa sega. Sesi duyurmak önemli. Ha bide arala da bişeyler yapmak lazım. Geçen csgo bölümünde de biri vardı valve beni banladın para kaybettin sen aslında daha da gelmem davosa falan yazmıştı ilkokul ingilizcesiyle. Direk o aklıma geldi şu yazıyı görünce, steamdeki threadde torrentler geziler dönmüş falan, sonra diyoruz ki gavurlar niye türkleri sevmiyor :p
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 gavurlarında pek bir matahlığı yok abi
NolaxThensbane Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 ilk ve son postum oldu
Biyik Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 bingildak said: gavurlarında pek bir matahlığı yok abi işinize geldi mi batı ileri, modern, über; kazığı yeyince, matah değiller :(((
Laorx Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014
vaperon Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 kermitin bir bildiği varmış. Oh be mis, pırıl oldu pati mode-z ile. Şirkete de kurayım bunu.
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 hahaha bana alıntı yapıyor mesajı gitsin diye, isimden direkt sil e basıp geçiyorum, çok keyifli.
Bright Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Benzin fiyatlarina benziyor ya olay. SP oyunlarda torrent'a devam ya, sonra niye piracy bitmiyor diye agliyorlar sagda solda.
seigen Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Of kendimi junk food ve alkole verdim akşam akşam :P. Halbuki ne umutlarla, steam'de yine ne sale olur diye eve gelmiştim...
goldbären Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Tori said: axedice said: 2K support a şöyle bi mesaj atıyorum civ oyuncusu olarak. said: Dear Sir or Madam, I am ..., a gamer from Turkey and an avid Civilization fan with "1055" hours played on Steam. As you might be aware, Steam included Turkish Lira as a currency along with Mexican Peso 2 days ago. I was very happy to see that the price of Beyond Earth (and many other titles on Steam) was reduced to 75 TL (~$30 - just as most games are cheaper in Russian market i.e.) and bought it immediately. Today when I logged to Steam, I was shocked to see that the price has increased even beyond the initial rate in US to 170 TL (~$75) which is incredulous to say the least. Please see this website for details : I would also like to mention that this price is similar to what ARAL, the official distributor in Turkey, is placing on the label. Because of their unreasonable prices, for years the gamers in Turkey resorted to piracy and illegal downloads to enjoy games. With the advent of Steam, this trend has receded somehow, and we had great hopes that with the Turkish Lira on Steam along with favored prices, the revenues of game companies would see an overall increase in the Turkish market. But this last pricing stunt has ended such hopes. So as a gamer, I plead with you to re-visit your pricing policies in Turkey. Even if you do not favor the Turkish market with cheaper prices ( such as Russia), at least allow the equivalents of international prices and do not let the thieving monopoly called Aral ruin the gaming culture in Turkey. Best Regards, Sevdiğiniz oyunların publisherlarına siz de gönderin bişeyler. Ubiyse ubi, segaysa sega. Sesi duyurmak önemli. Ha bide arala da bişeyler yapmak lazım. Geçen csgo bölümünde de biri vardı valve beni banladın para kaybettin sen aslında daha da gelmem davosa falan yazmıştı ilkokul ingilizcesiyle. Direk o aklıma geldi şu yazıyı görünce, steamdeki threadde torrentler geziler dönmüş falan, sonra diyoruz ki gavurlar niye türkleri sevmiyor :p valla kusura bakma da şu ingilizceyle yazı yazacak 100 gamer yok türkiyede. yazan da emre, engineer. diye yazıyor sanırsın tf2den atmış maili. gayet söke söke upper intermediate olmuş sdfs. adam qqsunu çeksin sallarlar sallamazlar onların bileceği iş.
KapIKulu Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Tam sövmelik durum. Biri PlayStore a haberversin la ucuza satıyorlar. Zarar etmesinler.
bliksem Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Certhas said: şuna upvote. Upvote artı şunu yazdım: said: I've been a huge fan of Civilization games since I first played Civ 2 God knows how long ago. Living in Turkey, games are ridicilously expensive here (CIV:BE is $75 right now). Insane, right? Luckily all those years we've had online retailers and Steam to save us from being analed by bullshit pricing. The culprit for all this is known as Aral Game (also called by its Aramaic translation "Satan's Armpit" in occult circles). Aral Game is the monopoly in Turkey, pricing games however they wish, making insane profits. When Steam first converted their prices into the Turkish Lira CIV was priced at 75TL, which made me very happy. I was going to buy 2 copies of the game, for me and a friend of mine. Today I see that the game is priced at 175TL, with the pricing racked up into Aral levels of cuntery. At every single opportunity publishers moan about piracy, yet here I am, willing to buy TWO copies of the same game for two people living a bus ride away, and now you are pricing the game at a quarter of my rent. Screw my purchase. But you know what? I'm not even going to pirate it either. I am disgusted by this whole thing. If Steam caters to those criminals who are desperate to rape our wallets, fine. We are not the bloody high rollers of the damned planet. We're normal people. Charge us the same bloody price. Steam can bite my Turkish arse and go to hell.
eldar Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 23, 2014 bu ne lan dalga mı geçiyolar
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