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Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

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Ağır Spoiler içerir

Luke Skywalker has become a recluse, lives in exile and has trained seven Jedi. He has been described as being a Yoda-like figure in the film.
With the galaxy in chaos, he had to ensure his safety so a new generation of Jedi could be trained .
Elsewhere, the force has begun to emerge in more and more people - including the led characters played by John Boyega and Daisy Ridley.

Boyega's character is a force-sensitive stormtrooper, under the command of Gwendoline Christie, who plays an Inquisitor.
The Inquisitors are a group of lightsaber wielding stormtroopers who head up the remains of the Imperial forces. They're tasked with hunting down force sensitives.

Kira (Daisy Ridley) is a young force-sensitive girl living on Tatooine with the character played by veteran actor Max Von Sydow.
It's later revealed she's the daughter of Han and Leia, and resents Luke's fleeing into exile before he could train her.
She shares a love of history with Sydow's character, who keeps artifacts from the previous chapters in the Star Wars saga around their home, a downed AT AT walker.
Sydow's character is thought to be someone we've seen before in a previous film - but is now mostly cyborg.

At the end of the first act, Deak meets with Kira and Sydow's character, and Han and Chewie take them off Tatooine in the Millennium Falcon.Han takes a liking for Deak, and Chewie has a robotic arm.

Leia has been the leader of the New Republic for 30 years and is married to Han Solo.

The Sith appear to have abandoned the "rule of two" - where there are always two Sith, a master and an apprentice.

Adam Driver's character is a force-sensitive hotshot red-squadron pilot who falls to the dark side. It's thought he plays the hooded character seen in the teaser trailer with the red 'junk' lightsaber, which he constructed himself.

Andy Serkis' character is a very old, very powerful alien Sith. He's thought to have trained or manipulated Emperor Palpatine at some point for his own purposes - though his goals differ from Palpatines.

In the new universe, the Sith are not necessarily aligned with the Empire.

Mesaj tarihi:

Andy Serkis' character is a very old, very powerful alien Sith. He's thought to have trained or manipulated Emperor Palpatine at some point for his own purposes - though his goals differ from Palpatines. In the new universe, the Sith are not necessarily aligned with the Empire.

ya sanırım sadece şu kısım için izleyecem. Lanet olsun Disney'e, beni kandırmayı başardı.

Mesaj tarihi:
Ama o kısım için de izlenir ha.


Force sensitive red squadron pilot ve stormtrooper baya anlamsız olmuş ama genç yaşta anlaşılıp zaten farklı bir yola sapmıyor mu sensitive olanlar, önüne gelen force sensitive mi lan burada

Mesaj tarihi:
axedice said:

inyormaynd said:


Ahahah bu nasıl site lan reklamlara gel


Bana bu reklamları random değil de belli bi algoritmayla atadıysa gidip bileklerimi falan keseyim. Böyle bi insan mıyım ben =((

eğer tipiniz bana benziyorsa, ve benim kadar itici bir adamsanız para falan hiç bir kadını baştan çıkartmaya yetmiyor. insan olun abi. hepimize yetecek kadar kadın var etrafta aslında.

bu arada reklam olarak bana harward üniversitesi falan çıktı abi.
sen tam bir abazasın baltazar. çıktı ortaya işte..
  • 3 hafta sonra ...
  • 3 hafta sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:


The film does open with a lightsaber in space. It falls to the ground in a savannah environment during the day. It is quickly discovered by a farmer named Naka. Naka accidentally ignites the weapon and starts a fire with it. At first he runs, but then turns around and obtains the weapon. I assume he snatches the weapon so it is not destroyed in the fire. Naka then takes the weapon to his elder called The Vicar.

The Vicar is most likely played by Max von Sydow. It is most likely a code name too. Chances are they didn’t need to name the character during filming so they just went with the title The Vicar which means leader or superior. Anyways, the Vicar appears to contact the Rebels and this brings Poe Dameron to the planet.

Later that night, Poe Dameron arrives and retrieves the lightsaber from The Vicar. The only problem? They’ve brought the Empire there as well (not sure if the Empire followed Poe or intercepted the initially transmission he received). Poe sees Stormtroopers are coming and he places the laser sword safely in a little droid: BB-8. The droid flees and the heroic Poe Dameron prepares to fight!

Back to me: Amongst those Stormtroopers is Finn, who - as we’ve discussed previously - has a crisis of conscience and doesn’t follow orders. This lands him in the Empire’s brig, with Poe. Poe is a pilot, Finn is a Stormtrooper, and using their combined knowledge they steal a Tie-Fighter and escape back to the planet, where they crash, where Finn meets Rey, and we’re off to the races!

his sequence takes place on the ramparts of The Evil Castle.

Han Solo is hiding.

He decides to reveal himself to Kylo Renn.

Finn, Rey, Chewbacca and BB-8 stop in their tracks.

They watch as Han Solo confronts Kylo Ren. Kylo Rnn silences the conversation forever.

Chewbacca lets out of a barrage of angry roars and laser blasts.

Kylo Ren flees the scene.


Stormtroopers file in and Finn and Rey are forced to flee.

More explosions.

BB-8 and Chewbacca flee to the Falcon.

Mesaj tarihi:
Norak said:

meanwhile @ hasbro:


şu işin sonunda, lightsaber training'de 2 jedi padawanı ışın kılıcını g.tüne sokarak öldü haberi çıkar.

bu ne biçim şekiller lan.
Mesaj tarihi:
axedice said:

Aslında çok farklı işler çıkabilir burdan...


Nunchakhu müthiş olmuş. Hepsi güzel olmuş aslında. Fanatikler çok kızıyo böyle şeylere ama bence tutucu olmamak lazım.
Mesaj tarihi:
ninja kaplumbağaların eline lightsaber, üzerine jedi robe, itiraz edersen tutucu ve fanatiksin ahah. kafalara gel. holivud bile bu kadar saçmalamadı son filme bakarsanız.
Mesaj tarihi:
mesele beğenilmesi değil abi. uyumsuzluğu görmezden gelebilecek kadar casual olmak. değişik bir ninja kaplumbağa konsepti bile değil. star wars ile birleştirmiş eğlencesine.

"keşke böyle olsa ninja kaplumbaalar." evet, keşke öyle olsa, raphael öbür kaplumbağaları kesip kendini öldürdü diye üçüncü sayfa haberi olsa.
Mesaj tarihi:
Harrison Ford rushed to hospital in critical condition after crashing his vintage plane into golf course


acil sifalar.
Mesaj tarihi:

Yeni trailer ile alakalı ipucları geldi

It opens with a shot of the desert planet. Although it's not dunes. It's a destroyed AT-AT on its side. Voice over (sounds like Lupita Nyong'o): “I shall show you the story...” Forest location with a very large structure (like a castle or something) with an opening in the base of a large tree.

VO continues "of who you seek..." A large city in a tropical location. Looks like it's on the water.

VO continues "the one who taught me..." Cloaked figure (maybe Luke?) standing at the top of stone steps on a high green hill with mountain stones behind him.

VO continues "I know why the weapon came to you." John Boyega (Finn), Daisy Ridley (Rey), and a small blue alien with a CG face in a dark (underground?) cave. Finn takes a lightsaber, and turns it on revealing a green blade. Rey is in the background and looks disturbed.

Things pick up from here. Lots of quick shots.

Han Solo wearing a brown duster and looking past the camera. A black TIE Fighter attacking the forest location we saw earlier. Kylo Ren in a POV shot approaching someone on the ground. His mask is dark with silver accents. The cross-guard saber is ignited. People running in the city seen earlier in the trailer. R2-D2 making a forlorn beep. C-3PO and Princess Leia in what looks like a base command center. New VO (sounds like Andy Serkis from the first trailer) “Don't get too sentimental”. As that VO is playing we see Han looking at Leia and then walking away from her towards the Falcon with Chewie.

The snowy forest from the first trailer. Slow shot of Finn holding the saber, looks like he's protecting Rey from someone as we hear Han say, “You can do this kid, I believe in you.” Final shot of the trailer is a close-up of a hooded head looking up to reveal Luke.

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