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Diablo 3 Teknik Sorunlar ve Olası Çözümler


Öne çıkan mesajlar

Diablo 3 video kart desteklemiyor diyorsa bir çözüm. laptopta Intel 4500MHD Max. ekran kartı vardı. diablo3 ü desteklemiyor diyordu. quess pass olmadığı için oyuna daha tam olarak giremedim ama account giriş ekranlarına fln erişebildim. quess pass sonrasi ne kadar yararlı bişey yine yazarım.

Olay şu ..

If your computer found that the ‘card-not-supported’ error message and make Diablo 3 run on your laptop, do the following steps:
1. When you receive the error message: ‘this video card is not supported’, press ESC instead of clicking ‘OK’ to dismiss the window and launch the game immediately.
2. If the Step no. 1 failed, try to add ‘-launch’ to the command line to launch the game without the game launcher. So, right-click on the Diablo 3 icon and get to ‘Properties’. After that, go to the Target field and add ‘-launch’ to whatever you see there. For example, C:Diablo IIIDiablo III.exe -launch
3. As soon as the game has started, exit it. Then, go to your Documents folder (libraries/documents/diablo III) and there will be a Diablo III directory with a file called ‘D3Prefs’. You should open it with Notepad. Next, do the changes to the following settings:
- DisableTrilinearFiltering ’1′ (from 0 to 1)
- HardwareClass ’1′ (from 0 to 1 as well)
4. Finally! Launch the game for once more. It should work!
Besides the above procedure, you also need to lower your resolution and graphics settings in order to get a decent frame rate. A user got 4FPS at 1366×768 pixels which was unplayable. But when he lowered down the resolution, he got the better (playable) frame rate.

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Patch'i indirmeyi deniyor, internet'e bağlanamıyor.
1. İnternet bağlantın yok
2. Firewall vs kurduysan engelliyor
3. Windows'un kendi engelliyor.

1 ve 2 için yapacağın şey belli. 3'yü kontrol için Windows Firewall with Advanced Security diye bişi var Start menüde. Onu açıp Inbound Rules kısmında Diablo,BattleNet ve Blizzard yazan herşeyi ara, bul, hepsini sil. Oyunu yeniden başlat.
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Regalyağ said:

Bu wizard da energy armorun görünüşü atarlı güzel böle dönerli mönerli animasyondan tepede hafif kırmızı salak bi şeye döndü optionsda değişen birşey yok bilen varmı nasıl düzeltilir?

Forumda buldum çözüm
I didn't know I was having this problem until I looked online and saw that my energy armor didn't look like other people's energy armor.

This is how I fixed it.

Go to your documentsdiabloIII and find a file called D3prefs open it then find the line

HardwareClass "x"

If x is less then 3 then you wont get the bubble effect from energy armor.
Change it to 3 then save the file, your bubble should now be working.
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