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Captain America: Civil War (2016)

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Mesaj tarihi:
Cuce said:

sabonis said:

benim tek anlamadığım bişe var.

captain america nasıl baya bildiğin yumrukluyor ironman'in zırhını veya ağzına ağzına yedikten sonra nasıl kalkıyor falan. normal insan sonuçta herif. tamam normal insan demeyelim de, anladınız yani

sey kafası diey dusundum ben onu. ironmanin o sonda giydiği zırh baya light bişidi, acil drum icin helikoptere falan koyduğu. hani thor'un kafa attığı kıvamda bi zırh değildi

aynen en mantıklısı bu yani. başka türlü saçma geliyor.

ama daha light bir armor ise, hand to hand combat'te kaptan'ın dövmesine lafım olmaz. Kaldı ki filmin adı zaten Kaptan Amerika, kalkıp ironman dövecek değildi, bence onun da etkisi var zaten =)

bingildak said:

adam kol gücüyle havadaki helikopteri çekiyor sen diyorsun ki süper güç yok, peki.

ben bişe demiyorum. comic'ler ve kaptan'ın geçmişi diyor. ben filmi sorguluyorum.
he ayrıca strongest man falan tır çekiyor, helikopter falan da tutulabilir muhtemelen insanın "limit" gücü ile.

quixef said:

Ya Sabonis cahil misin nesin, Hearthstone da katlanıyoruz da burada yürü git hadi hadi seri şekilde, İzmir marşıyla

hs'de sen bana değil, ben sana katlanıyorum. ayrıca bu konuda da yine boş boş atar yapıyorsun her zamanki gibin.
Mesaj tarihi:
la adam super soldier olarak nazilerle savaştı. sen diyosun ki normal adam.

Captain America represented the pinnacle of human physical perfection. He experienced a time when he was augmented to superhuman levels, but generally performed just below superhuman levels for most of his career. Captain America had a very high intelligence as well as agility, strength, speed, endurance, and reaction time superior to any Olympic athlete who ever competed. The Super-Soldier formula that he had metabolized had enhanced all of his bodily functions to the peak of human efficiency. Most notably, his body eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-producing poisons in his muscles, granting him phenomenal endurance.

Mesaj tarihi:
Konuya cahallar dadanmış. Iron man'in giydiği zırh en güçlü zırhı. Light falan değil. Direkt olarak bedeninin içinde yer alan küççük robotcukların ortaya çıkması ile oluşuyor. Bu filmde henüz prototip o zırh. Helikopterde düğmeye basması zırhı giymek için değil, kapakları açmak için.

yok açıklıyorum okumuyor, sonra başka mantık yürütmeye çalışıyor. Almanım diyor İngilizce konuşuyor. Güvenemiyorsun ki
Mesaj tarihi:
normalde anca vosvos kaldıran örümcek de kendi filminde kol gücüyle tren durdurdu.

kendi filmiyse buff alıyor bütün statlara işte anlayın. (:P)
Mesaj tarihi:
super strenght diye gecmez genelde kaptan, peak human diye gecer.

hanı normal bir insanın peak human hızı reflexi gücü gibi dusunun.
ama bunların hepsini bi arada toplayın mesela.

jackie chanin reflexleri, ussain boltun hızı, tysonın yumruğu, naim suleyman oğlunun boyutuan oranlı gucu.

normalde bu ozellikerin bi vucudda toplanması mümkün değil, o acıdan evet super.
Mesaj tarihi:

Wot Powers

Artificially Enhanced Physiology: As a Super Soldier, Steve Rogers possesses enhanced human abilities, such as formidable intelligence, strength, speed, durability, agility, stamina, dexterity and reflexes, as well as an accelerated healing factor, which healed all of his ailments and genetic imperfections quickly. It also prevents him from being drunk. The serum metabolized and enhanced all of Steve's natural anatomical abilities beyond the peak of human potential, pushing into the early levels of superhuman condition. It transformed a frail and sickly Steve into the "perfect" specimen of human development and conditioning. Captain America frequently exhibits superhuman abilities as a result of the Super-Soldier serum. Captain America is extremely intelligent, strong, fast, agile, and durable as well as physically functions at superhuman levels. Although the SSS has definite limits, even without training Rogers' physiology surpasses that of any human being trained to their physical and mental peaks. Rogers maintains an overall healthy lifestyle including a regular extensive exercise regimen and a balanced diet. This appears to have increased his capabilities further, much like how it increases strength, physical performance and muscle control in non-enhanced humans.

Enhanced Intelligence: Steve's mental performance has been greatly enhanced to the very peak of human potential and beyond, thus allowing his mind to operate in the most efficient and rapid manner possible. Some manifestation of this is his exceptionally perfect charisma, eloquence, leadership skills, deductive/analytical skills, and tactical genius. Rogers has demonstrated the ability to quickly process multiple information streams (e.g., threat assessment) and rapidly respond to any changing tactical situations, by creating perfect winning strategies rapidly. He possesses perfect memory as demonstrated when he was able to perfectly replicate the locations of all HYDRA bases on a map, despite "only getting a glance." He is able to learn anything- he can memorize, understand and recall all kinds of information and skills in extraordinary capacity and in limited time. Even with his limited knowledge of modern technology, he was still able to help Tony repair a Helicarrier and prevent it from crashing, or when he quickly gave the Avengers and the first responders an efficient plan to minimize and contain damage from the Chitauri invasion. Since the Super-Soldier serum amplifies personality aspects as well, Rogers' brain chemistry is also altered. Though he was brave, determined, and compassionate before, the SSS has also amplified those character traits.

Enhanced Strength: Rogers' strength is enhanced beyond the peak of human potential, moving into the early levels of superhuman condition. His strength allows him to overpower average combatants, including well-trained humans, extraterrestrial troops, and robot sentries. He can bend metal bars, slam through solid walls and reinforced glass, and pry open steel doors. In combat, his strength allows for him to send enemies, such as fully equipped soldiers, flying several meters in the air from mere punches and kicks. He can even generate enough force to have his shield pierce the metal frame of a Quinjet. His strength is, however, inferior to high-level super-humans like Hulk, and beings from other realms like Loki or Thor. Nonetheless, his combination of strength, pure muscle control and combat skills makes him an incredibly formidable opponent to those that would try to attack him. During his USO tours, Rogers was able to lift a motorcycle frame with three show girls sitting on top without any strain. With one hand, Rogers can lift a grown man over his head and throw him like a rag doll. He was also able to pull himself away from the immense magnetic force applied on his hand by a magnetic lock, which most others cannot achieve. Steve Rogers was able to lift a massive metal support beam to save a trapped Winter Soldier, while he was critically injured. He also supported falling debris from a collapsing building to save Black Widow and himself from being crushed. When chopping wood, Rogers ripped apart a block of wood trunk in half with his bare hands. He has been able to throw a moving motorcycle at a jeep, toss Ultron, who was in his second body, through a concrete pillar during their fight in Seoul and support the weight of an entire car during Ultron's initial attack on Sokovia. He has also shown he is strong enough to stop a helicopter from lifting off, by pulling on the landing gear.

Enhanced Durability: Steve's bones and muscles are denser and harder than a human's, above the highest level of human potential, which makes him much more durable than any human being. Though he is not completely bulletproof, he can survive blunt force trauma such as being hit with solid objects like his own shield, or contact with superhuman opponents like Loki, the Winter Soldier, and the Red Skull. With his vibranium shield, he is capable of surviving falls from heights that would absolutely kill a human. Steve was tasered, shot, stabbed, caught in several explosions, and took several beatings including: being blasted through a city bus by a launched grenade, falling from the 30th floor of Triskelion, and getting beaten by the metal arm of Winter Soldier in the face multiple times. With his enhanced physiology, Rogers was able to recover and continue fighting after taking such blows in efficient time. Another great example of his durability is when Rumlow tried to taze him with the Taser Rod. He was able to resist it for more than 5 seconds with endurable discomfort whereas normal humans would become unconscious within a second of contact. He also dropped down to one if Project Insight's helicarrier at a considerable height. Steve was able to dive out of a Quinjet without a parachute into open water. Steve was also able to take the full power of both Ultron's blasts and Iron Man's repulsors straight in the chest, as well as Scarlet Witch's telekinetic bolts and a super-accelerated punch from Quicksilver, all without any noticable damage whatsoever, while he got back up immediately after all of these.

Enhanced Speed: Steve can run and move at speeds that are superior to the finest Olympic athlete. He can keep up with most standard vehicles and cover a small area such as city blocks within a short period of time. Sam Wilson stated that Steve ran over 13 miles in less than 30 minutes, during their first encounter. Even while completely unmatched, Steve was quick enough to surprise Quicksilver and knock him out with his shield. However, Winter Soldier and Black Panther are able to rival his speed, while the latter could easily outrun him in a chase due to their head start, forcing him to resort to hijacking a car to catch up.
Enhanced Stamina: Steve's musculature produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human. Rogers' body eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-producing chemicals in his muscles, granting him exceptional endurance and lung capacity, greater than of normal humans. He can function in peak capacity for hours before showing fatigue.
Enhanced Agility: His agility is greater than that of an Olympic gold medalist and leagues above even the worlds greatest acrobats. He can coordinate his body with perfect balance, equilibrium, flexibility, and dexterity. He can reach very high places with great ease. While escaping the destruction of the HYDRA base that Bucky was held captive in, he was able to leap from one end of the complex to the other side in order to escape. During his chase of the Winter Soldier, Steve was able to leap outside his apartment into the building across the street. He can leap over cars with simple running moves. Steve uses his enhanced agility to perform amazing parkour and gymnastic moves that would be impossible for a normal human to accomplish.

Enhanced Reflexes: Steve's reflexes are superior to those of the finest athlete. It is beyond human potential which allows him to dodge rapid gunfire in close range. Rogers was once able to evade a gatling gun's gunfire from a Quinjet as he was accelerating towards the airship on his motorcycle. His auto-reflexes allow him to easily dodge gunfire and respond quickly to fast pace combat. Soldiers are subdued by Captain America before they can even align their weapons on him. His immense reflexes can also be used to attack and counter instead of just defensive purposes, allowing him to punish attacks with devastating counters when fighting extraordinary quick opponents.
Enhanced Senses: Steve's five natural senses have been enhanced. This allows him to see further, hear with amazing clarity, detect specific persons, objects, substances with his smell, etc. He was able to notice little things such as sweat coming to a man face to cue him off on danger[6]. He has also spotted a HYDRA soldier high up in a tree completely hidden when platoons of soldiers had no idea[2]. His other senses may also be enhanced.

Regenerative Healing Factor: The super-soldier serum caused Steve Rogers' physiology possesses accelerated healing and regeneration. He is immune to all infections, diseases and disorders; also Rogers cannot become intoxicated by alcohol, drugs, toxins, or impurities. For Steve, large cuts and bruises heal within minutes and even fatal gunshot wounds and fractures will mend within an hour or less. Rogers was able to regenerate from being shot by a Chitauri Gun directly to the abdomen in a matter of minutes. Any and all injuries will heal and regenerate rapidly and perfectly without leaving a trace of injury.[citation needed] Steve regained consciousness in a short amount of time after nearly dying. His accelerated healing powers also helped him to rapidly rejuvenate to his prime conditioning and capabilities after he was defrosted, as well as it kept him alive when he was in cryo-stasis. It also seems to be rapidly regenerating already very healthy slow-decaying cells. Thus in theory, Rogers has a form of extended longevity.

Mesaj tarihi:
Normal insan değil o. Normal insan helikopteri tutar çeker diye bir şey de yok, denemeyin xD. Serumla güçlendirilmiş super asker işte. O serumu kopyalamaya çalışıp başına iş alan çok oldu zaten.
Mesaj tarihi:
şu aşağıdakiler doğru işte gençler...

tamam kaptan güçlüdür falan ama ironman'in gücünün ve durability'sinin yanında tıfıl kalır baya. yoksa "normal insan" değil zaten.

Sam said:

normalde anca vosvos kaldıran örümcek de kendi filminde kol gücüyle tren durdurdu.

kendi filmiyse buff alıyor bütün statlara işte anlayın. (:P)

Cuce said:

super strenght diye gecmez genelde kaptan, peak human diye gecer.

hanı normal bir insanın peak human hızı reflexi gücü gibi dusunun.
ama bunların hepsini bi arada toplayın mesela.

jackie chanin reflexleri, ussain boltun hızı, tysonın yumruğu, naim suleyman oğlunun boyutuan oranlı gucu.

normalde bu ozellikerin bi vucudda toplanması mümkün değil, o acıdan evet super.
Mesaj tarihi:
quixef said:

Yukarıdaki wotu oku bak



en aşağılarda güç-duratbility vs tablosu var.

kısacası dediğim şey şu: Güç var güç var....

Mesela Hulk da güçlü, Spiderman de.. ama belli bir siklet farkı var. Kaptan'ın gücü de bu scalanın en altında kalıyor.

Yoksa şu anki dünyamıza bakacak olursan evet süper güçleri var deriz. normal bir insanın 2-3 katı hızlı koşuyor, 2-3 katı fazla zıplıyor, ve yine 2-3 kat güçlü. ama diğerlerinin yanında tıfıl. ağzının ortasına vursalar, kalkamaması lazım yerden kolay kolay.
Mesaj tarihi:
Sabonis sen filmi izlemedin mi?

Hakikaten daldığında Kaptan Maptan kalmadı zaten ortada, "big reveal" e kadar Kaptanla dövüşüyorlar ama sonuçta yine de çok zarar vermek istemiyor falan.
Mesaj tarihi:
spark'ın dediği çizgiroman kurallarına göre mantıklı aslında. "gücümü son anda keserek çevikliğimi kaybetmeden bu kötü adamları öldürmeyecek güçte vurmalıyım." diye düşünce balonu var orda.
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