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emaillerinin calinip calinmadigini kontrol ederken emaillerinizi calan! site sdfsdf

sole bi aciklama var;

FAQs dedi ki:

How do I know the site isn't just harvesting searched email addresses?

You don't, but it's not. The site is simply intended to be a free service for people to assess risk in relation to their account being caught up in a breach. As with any website, if you're concerned about the intent or security, don't use it.



buraya guvendigim baska bir siteden gelince dayanamayip kontrol ettim, adobe hacklenince arada benim mail adresim/ sifremde kaynamis arada ?



Cthulhu tarafından düzenlendi
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The big one. In October 2013, 153 million accounts were breached with each containing an internal ID, username, email, encrypted password and a password hint in plain text. The password cryptography was poorly done and many were quickly resolved back to plain text. The unencrypted hints also disclosed much about the passwords adding further to the risk that hundreds of millions of Adobe customers already faced.

götürmüş maili
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