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Playstation 4 - Fun and Video Games - II

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Mesaj tarihi: (düzenlendi)

Tr hesaplarda yok ama oyun oynamada sorun olmuyor ben kablonet kullanıyorum online oynadıklarımda lan geç kaldı dediğim olmadı hiç. Zaten bayadır download seçeneği var normal oyun gibi download edebiliyorsun ve sorunsuz oynanıyor. 

Edit: Trial var aç çakma eu ya da us hesabı dene.

DareJedi tarafından düzenlendi
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General Info

The official name is PlayStation 5.

Releasing Holidays 2020.

Ray tracing support is hardware-based.

New SSD will help boot times, loading times and streaming.

The controller now has adaptive triggers, haptic feedback, new speakers, USB Type-C.

Physical games for the console will use 100 GB optical disks.

Optical drive also acts as a 4k Blu-ray player.

Additional Info

The dev kits (which were leaked) are actually real and developers have access to them.

A new modular approach to storing data. Finer grain access to data, as opposed to big blocks. Ex: Users might have the ability to install only Multiplayer components of the game.

Completely revamped UI.

The new controller will have a larger battery capacity and will be a bit heavier than Dualshock 4.

Haptic feedback for PS4 Pro's Dual Shock 4 could have been implemented, but was decided against.

Bluepoint studios (folks behind the Shadow of the Colossus remaster) are working on a "big" PS5 title.

The GPU has been used to power Machine learning.

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Mesaj tarihi: (düzenlendi)


Nioh is one of the free games for the month of November.

It will be joined by horror game Outlast 2.

You can download the free games from November 5.



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