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The Division

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Suan bir CDR buildi yapmaya calısıyorum bittiginde lexington kosmayı dusunuyorum. Eger kosacaklar olursa farm yapabiliriz smart cover stackleyerek 10-12 dakka aralıgında surer 1 run.
Mesaj tarihi:
Mosquito said:

aha bu da en son sabahki 4. defa öldüğümdeki video. arka planda küfür var sesi çok açmayın :) biraz hırs yapmışım o kadar xpyi arka arkaya kaybedince

ps:bu arada adam 3ümüzü nerdeyse one shotla kesmiş gibi, nası yaptı o kadar anlamadım 100k hp-%40 mitigation var.
ps2: sonrasında geberttik tabi adamı


evet bir anormallik var orada bence de. haklısın sövmekte lol.
Mesaj tarihi:
oyunun zone mekanigini yeni cozdum lvl 9 gibi

side q leri encounter lari falan yapmamisim ilk bolgelerdeki. donup yapayim mi bundan sonra her zone da takila takila mi ilerliyim
Mesaj tarihi:
normalde ana questleri yapıp sadece sonraki ana mission'nın recommended leveline gelmediysen side missionlara devam edebilirsin. ana mission leveline gelincede ana missionla devam edersin.

tüm missionları yapayım dersen çok vakit kaybedersin ama hepsi ayrı zevkli yavaş yavaş sindirerek oyniim dersen o da olur.
Mesaj tarihi:
Bright said:

Bi lvl30 bul 1.5 saatte bütün lvl15+ dungeon'ları yaparak lvl 7'den 22'ye boost'lasın.

Haydaa oyunda dungeon mi var? Level 15'den sonra mi aciliyor. 15 oldum bugun daha hic gormedim dungeon :/
Mesaj tarihi:
nileppezdel said:

bende duruyor olmalı join at istersen sonra çıksan da aynı dünyada kalıyormuşsun sanırım

Aynı session'da kalmalı.

Sen gruptayken Leave Group yaparsa olmaz, senin çıkman lazım, onun da kendi sessionına dönmemesi.
Mesaj tarihi:
calibration costları herhalde nerf öncesine göre kalmış. mobların dropları düşürmüşler ama calibration costları düşürmemişler. hayır rng olmasa anlayacağım, şu an ki costlar baya şaka.

3 tane talentı aktif edeceğim diye baya kastım ama 2300 küsür stam isteyen talentı alırsam diğerleri kesinlikle patlıyor. 31 ilvl ile mümkün değil anladığım kadarıyla. bir tarafın talentlarını her türlü boşa çıkartman gerekiyor.
Mesaj tarihi:
redditten, çok iyi

To the guy who was pleasing his wife while playing Lincoln Tunnel Checkpoint...

You're a goddamn hero.

Seriously, I was in a pretty terrible mood before playing with you guys, but listening to you gather towels for her before her shower and then listening to her come on to you and ask you for sex over the course of thirty minutes was absolutely hilarious and I couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

I wish the best for you and "Jessica," as well as your baby, and thank you for providing one of the most entertaining gaming experiences I've ever had. You restored my faith in random matchmaking.


By popular request, I'll go into a bit more detail about exactly what was said that made this encounter so humorous for all three other guys in the group at the time. It started off peacefully enough until the wife, Jessica, began asking for a towel presumably because she'd forgotten to get one for her shower, and came down to greet our lovely host while still naked.

After asking him three times, he went AFK with his mic still on and brought her 'a selection of towels,' before returning to the game. Fifteen minutes later, she returned to our loving ears to tell her husband that she was horny, which only made him adamantly demand that he had to kill the boss before he could do anything about it.

By this point, all of us were edging him on and making comments, which prompted him to tell her that we were all laughing. She responded with, "why would they laugh at me wanting to suck your dick?" and implied that one of us must've been a virgin and/or nerd. That person replied by saying he had three kids and had definitely seen naked women before.

He then told her that if she didn't go away, he'd twist her nipples, and she replied that she would just twist his dick. By that point, we were all on the floor dying with laughter, doubly so when he replied with "So what? You think I wouldn't enjoy that?"

By the end, there was some sort of weird food analogy where the husband was comparing his dick to sausage and each sexual act he had planned for his wife to part of a three-course dinner, and something about doggystyle being tantamount to Chinese food. I really have no idea what that meant.



Mesaj tarihi:
Şunlar da burada bulunsun

Weapon talents list

Accurate: Accuracy is increased by x%
Adept: Skill increases your critical hits chance by 3% for y seconds.
Balanced: Weapon acquires maximum accuracy faster when shouldered.
Brutal: Headshot damage is increased by x% when using this weapon.
Capable: Using a skill improves the handling of your weapon for x seconds.
Commanding: Every kill performed while the signature skill is active extends its duration by x%.
Competent: Weapon damage is increased by x% for y seconds after using a skill.
Coolheaded: Performing a headshot reduces all skill cooldowns by x%. Deadly: Critical hit damage is increased by x%.
Destructive: Armor destruction value is increased by x% when using this weapon.
Determined: Killing a target reduces skill cooldowns by x%.
Dominant: Every kill while your signature skill is active reduces the cooldown of your other skills by x%.
Expert: This weapon deals x% more damage when the target is below y% health.
Ferocious: Damage against elite and named enemies is increased by x%. Fierce: Critical hit chance is increased by x% when using this weapon.
Fordern: Kills by active skills prolong their duration by x%. Harmful: Each hit has a x% chance to apply the ‘bleed’ status effect. Intense: The first bullet of a magazine has a x% chance to apply the ‘on fire’ status effect.
Meticulous: Killing a traget has a x% chance to instantly refill the magazine.
Prepared: Damage is increased by x%when more than 40 meters from the target.
Provident: The last bullet in your magazine deals x% bonus damage. Proficient: The first bullet shot when out of combat has a x% chance to result in a critical hit.
Predatory: Killing a target regenerates x% health over y seconds. Restored: Killing a target with this weapon removes all negative status effects.
Responsive: Damage is increased by 5% when closer than 10 meters to the target.
Stable: Stability is improved by x%. Sustained: Killing a target increases your health by x%.
Skilled: Headshot kills with this weapon increase signature skill resources by x%.
Swift: Reloading is x% faster.
Self-preserved: Critical hits with this weapon heal the user for x% of damage dealt.
Talented: Killing a target with this weapon increases skill power by x% for y seconds.
Toxic: Headshots with this weapon have a x% chance to apply the ‘blind’ status effect.
Trained: Critical hits increase signature skill resources by x%. This talent has been temporarily disabled
Unforgiving: Missing health segments increases your damage by x%. Vicious: Critical hit chance is increased by x% while at full health.

Mesaj tarihi:
bunların hangi silah tiplerine gelebildiğine dair bir listeye hiç denk geldiniz mi? SMG'e hangileri gelebilir, rifle'a neler gelebiliyor gibisinden.

bugün redditte bir vector gördüm adam 3 firearms crit talentını denk getirmiş 100 denemeden sonra, ıslanmadım değil.

healı yok doğrusu ama yine de. dps 220k falandı sanırım.
Mesaj tarihi:
o 220k dps in yanında 30k da hp vardı. Character sheetteki dps e cok takılmamak lazım. Bende suan 110k dps var character sheette ama 165k varken vurdugumdan fazla vuruyorum electronicten gelen bonuslar sayesinde ve CDR buildi saolsun 100% up o bonuslar. 165k dps varken elitlerin kafaya 82k critliyodum suan 95k critliyorum mesela.
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