Argoel Mesaj tarihi: Mart 22, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 22, 2013 Join the Exiles Join the Dominion Videolarda belli olmayan ırkları şimdilik es geçmişler. Yalnız şu videolar inanılmaz başarılı bence kurgu açısından. Bu yaratıcılık oyunda da varsa çok iyi.
Xenus Mesaj tarihi: Mart 22, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 22, 2013 sessiz sedasız geliyor bu mmo bakalım nasıl olacak.
Quo-Vadis Mesaj tarihi: Mart 23, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 23, 2013 birde bunu gördüm biraz önce
Densiz Mesaj tarihi: Mart 23, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 23, 2013 grafik sorun değil ya. içerikli olsun kafi. gw2 gibi kısıtlarlarsa çok fena olur.
tunch Mesaj tarihi: Mart 23, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 23, 2013 Slint said: Barrens wowda barrens var diye , çölde geçen alan yapmasın mı elemanlar? tattooine var o zaman blizz de starwars'dan çalmış -.-
Quo-Vadis Mesaj tarihi: Mart 23, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 23, 2013 Oynanabilirlik önemli tabi. Yalnız cidden videonun bazı kısımlarını editlesen "World of Warcraft Next Expansion, 2 new Playable race and new regions" diye yutturursun. Belli ki grafik konusunda esinlenme var, kibar tabir ile.
Densiz Mesaj tarihi: Mart 23, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 23, 2013 esinlenme derken? zaten wow daki eski elemanlar yapmıyor muydu? Piyasada bir dünya iyi grafikli mmo varda hangisinden hayır gördük arkadaşlar. Adamlar optimizasyon, grafik vs. gibi şeylerle boğuşacaklar diye doğru düzgün oyuna birşeyler ekleyemiyorlardı. Şöyle hoplayarak evaede yapabilmeli (bknz. gw2) + wow daki gibi bol yetenekli (tabi wow daki insta kill gelmesin) birşey yapsalar hoş olmaz mı. Birde pve si wow gibi olmasın mümkünse. "Mageler f2 de dursun, warriorlar e5 de ...... başlayalım skill spama" gibi :D.
Gangren Mesaj tarihi: Mart 25, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 25, 2013 abi süper, lol, oyun beklediğimden iyi olacak gibi.
Mortis Mesaj tarihi: Mart 25, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 25, 2013 oha çok tatlı şimdi bu oyun çıkar, böle housingi inanılmaz ii olur ama diğer kısımları çok başarılı olmaz yalan olur WOW'a çat yeni patch, HOUSING! heuhe aynısı böle, hatta biraz daha ii interfacelisi. Tamam.
dreagloth Mesaj tarihi: Mart 25, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 25, 2013
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Mart 25, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 25, 2013 oynarsam büyük ihtimal pvp ile oynamak zorunda kalıcam, dayanamıyorum artık şu kombat sistemine. çok bayağı geliyor neden bilmiyorum. wow'da oynayamıyorum artık. 15 dk sonra 3. questte içim kararıyor. elite zone'lar istiyorum ben. en basit questleri bile yaparken, normal moblar yerine elite moblar olsun. atıyorum min. 3 kişi olduğunda o zone'a geçebilelim*. ve o questlerin tek düze ölümüne sıkıcı gidişatını her kombatı challenging yaparak biraz da olsa ortadan kaldırsın. yani domuz dışkısında boncuk toplarken bile 3 tane domuzu yanlışlıkla çektiğinde tank aggro'yu dert etsin, healer mana için terlesin, dps cd patlatsın target eritmeye kassın. şu haliyle, benim için, ÇOK SIKICI. geyik öldürmek istemiyorum artık. bütün diğer mmo'lardan farkı 1 ability yerine 2 tane abilitysi var ve yerde nereye vuracağının göstergesi çıkıyor. zaten 90% hiçbirinden kaçmasan da seni zora sokacak bir şey olmuyor zaten. çünkü bütün oyunlar artık dumbed down ötesi. consumable bile kalmadı çoğu oyunda. öldürdükçe heallen, vurdukça heallen, sonsuz potion olsun, bastıkça heallen. eskiden milleti rest yaparken ganklerdik ya.
Khiran Mesaj tarihi: Mart 26, 2013 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Mart 26, 2013 şu sıralar fazla sesi çıkıyor oyunun. beta yakında sanırım.
vaako51 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 26, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 26, 2013 çıksın beta da hayalkırıklığı yaşayıp bombalayalım.
paradoksalkedi Mesaj tarihi: Mart 27, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 27, 2013 avrupadan arkadaşımı aradım oyun patlamış diyorlar orada.
Exodous Mesaj tarihi: Mart 27, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 27, 2013 Oyun yapımcıları şu forumu görse bir daha oyun yapmaktan vazgeçer yeminle.
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 4, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 4, 2013 pve - end game / raids We have a IMO awesome new video that’s come out, talking about what exactly makes WildStar well…WildStar. Why awesome? Well, I’ve been making games for 20 years now (sheesh) and it’s the first time I’ve seen us have to throw out takes from a professional VO actor because he started laughing in the middle of his audio takes. Or say after certain takes: “what the eff did I just say?? And what the hell game are you making?” So, win. Let’s start digging in a little deeper on what’s in that puppy. We’ll start with Elder Games – and specifically Raids (though solo elder games and PVP elder games get love from us too). For us, we think that a solid raiding game is critically important, because coordinated elder game group gameplay is both (done right) fun as hell and super challenging, which is exactly the kind of thing we like to attach great rewards too. And to hell with just having a raid system for the sake of it – we want one cool enough where the best raiding guilds come to WildStar. Which means we need to both do the regular stuff well and have some cool new stuff to take things to the next level. So we’re a bit old-school. Big ass raids. Tough raids. Raids you have to earn your way into beating, and raids that aren’t made so your grandma can make it through. Sure, we can make things easier over time - but only if there are new challenges to give a tough time to the hardest of the hardcore. And we want to be new-school, and then graduate from that and use the learning to design a yet newer school. Dynamic content. Competitive weekly challenges based on the dynamic changes during the week. Epic rewards weekly for being the best or the fastest on your server or worldwide. But here’s the trick: as we’re prototyping and doing final implementation on all this, we need you the player in there telling us when we’ve nailed it and what doesn’t work. So closed beta (soon, by the way) is going to be a critical time to gather a ton of feedback not about what we hype up in words and videos, nor what gets batted about on the forums…but about where the rubber meets the road as we actually have systems fully in game and get real players in a dialogue with us about what works and what doesn’t. We’re getting pretty damn close to kicking beta off because systems and content are coming online on a weekly basis and this is exactly the kind of feedback we need (and thrive on). So comment away, opinions are welcome! And we’ll do our best to get things kicked off where y’all can gauge it for yourself. With that, here’s our esteemed dungeon lead Timetravel to talk about his area of expertise. -JG Jeremy asked me to put together a few words describing what raids mean to us in WildStar. A few short sentences cannot hope to delve into the topic enough, but I'll try to give an (all-too-brief) overview of some of the things that drive our creativity and design philosophies on the dungeon team. Three things stand out (well, four, but I'm not allowed to talk about itemization yet…): Adapting to WildStar Combat WildStar's combat is heavily focused on free-form targeting, telegraphs, and player movement. While familiar to most, this is a new approach to combat in many ways and has both forced and allowed us to structure our encounter design around it. The encounters will often be familiar to players - we're not shying away from the idea of tanks and healers, for instance - but the encounters will also play out in fresh and exciting ways. The telegraph system, both for players and NPCs, creates an exciting amount of movement and positioning throughout. This, to me, makes the fights exceptionally engaging - I love fights that keep me on my toes, no matter what role I'm filling. These mechanics also scale well from solo to group all the way up to raid combat, as an increasing number of players also increases the number of varied (and devilishly punishing) obstacles that we can implement. With our amazing artists and programmers, even the room you're standing in can become a part of the epic nature of some of the encounters. Week to Week (and Fight to Fight) Variance Raids are never intended to be one-shot content. Our goal, and the goal of most raid content, is provide extremely challenging repeatable content for players to enjoy and battle against over an extended period of days, weeks, or months. One of the design goals we've had since the beginning, which Jeremy and Mike Donatelli have both talked about in interviews, is to work our hardest to keep that content fresh. The zone and encounters should remain familiar from week to week but also offer enough variance to feel fresh as well. We've worked hard to incorporate that in many ways within our instances, from 5-man dungeons all the way up through the biggest 40-man raids. We want players to look forward to the instance each week, not dread a slog through 'repetitive' content just to improve their +2 Sword of Boss-slaying to +3. Dungeon layouts, encounter composition, individual abilities, inherently random events, progression paths within an instance…we've really tried to push the number of ways to keep things fresh as much as possible. Our class system also allows us to create encounters with a very different raid composition required to face it without crippling the raids--our players will be able to modify their roles and abilities quickly and easily while not in combat, giving each encounter the freedom to be different from each other. Challenge/Achievement/Progression I touched on this briefly in the last section, but some of the big draws raid content has for many of our employees are the sheer challenges they present, the achievement felt upon defeating an extremely difficult encounter, and feeling of progression through such hard instances. (Also, totally off topic, but "many of our employees" is no exaggeration. We set up a brainstorming meeting a long time ago with the basic premise of "What do y'all want to see in our Raid content?" and asked for only folks who considered themselves experienced raiders to attend. I, uh, I'm pretty sure half the company signed up and attended - opinions in tow - for the meeting.) Challenging content and the joy it can bring is something that many folks here are very passionate about, and we really want to bring that sort of meta gameplay to all of our players. Jeremy has talked about rankings and weekly challenges before as something we'll have - on top of the difficult and rewarding content for our PvE-focused players. The last point on this topic, is to not assume that raids will be "the endgame" as is the case in many MMOs. It is simply "an endgame." For players who don't love this sort of content, there will be many other avenues and heaps of other Elder game content that will not require a player to set a foot inside a 20- or 40-man instance. But I'm a raider at heart, so I'm really looking forward to gifting you all with the most enjoyable wipes I can manage! Hopefully this gives y'all a taste of some of the philosophies behind our PvE group content. Sign up for beta, I'll see you in there! May the repair bills be ever in your favor =) -Timetravel kaynak : pvp - arena - esports A couple of weeks ago, we kicked off a new series to talk to you about what makes WildStar so awesomely WildStar. We talked for a bit about a PvE Elder Game, Raids. If you missed it, you can find it here! This time, we will be focusing on Arenas, one of WildStar’s PvP Elder Games. Our beta players will be experiencing our first Arena map once beta opens – we are intent on getting feedback early to refine our PvP systems for WildStar! Why Arenas? The PvP developer approach to PvP content is very similar to how WildStar PvE developers approach PvE content. We want to provide play opportunities for many types of players, which includes offering different PvP Elder Game options. The Arena Elder Game aims itself at players who thrive on challenging skill play, a competitive environment, and small team tactical play. This Elder Game type also lends itself well to (future!) development of tournaments/e-sport systems, which deepens attachment to the challenge and progression of the Arena system. Arena Gameplay in WildStar WildStar will have 2v2, 3v3, and 5v5 Arena match sizes. Arena teams will be formal teams (a team is created in order to play in matches that earn your team rating points). Players can belong to one team for each match size. One of the biggest differences you’ll see in WildStar Arena gameplay is that our Arena match is not a single elimination match. Each team shares a set amount of respawns (based on the match size). To win an Arena match, your team must get the opposing team to use all of their respawns and then defeat any remaining living opponents. Beyond the Game Much of the competitive nature for PvP Elder Games is enhanced through features which elevate player status or notoriety. Web support (such as PvP leaderboards, profile pages, and reports), spectator modes, and support for streaming tools are items which we are either looking to tackle for launch or are putting on a wish list for future development. The Map You’ve found the seedy underworld of Nexus in the dingy engine room of a Marauder ship. The floor and walls are littered with bottles, beer cans, and broken weapons. Metal pillars sprout from the center of the Arena floor, venting steam. You can see spectators behind the grating. They are eyeing you as they make their wagers. Cameras rove around the room, waiting to record the action. kaynak : eldar game dedikleri bildiğimiz end game. pve tarafı benim için promising duruyor, pvp gayet patates gibi.
Gangren Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 10, 2013 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 10, 2013 Beta yakınmış baya, spam filterlara göz atın diyolla
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