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Dragon Age: Inquisition

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bu kazara orta/iyi bişi çıkarsa 2. oyunu da oynamam gerekicek kopukluk olmasın diye, ondan çok korkuyorum ben.

bide şu:

-The Inquisitor can make his/her own rifts (is it the correct word for Risse) in the fade and summon demons
-No fade puzzles (transformations) like Origins
-The Protagonist can actively jump but not climb.
-Homebase system. You will be able to customize certain rooms and buy upgrades, like a garden to grow plants for alchemy. The journalist also suspects that there will be a "map room", where you can allocate troops to open new trade routes or occupy outposts. Besides Skyhold (which is your main base), you can upgrade your other bases as well.
-Animal wildlife works differently: they interact with each other (wolves hunt deer, a dragon once picked a fight with a giant) and need time to repopulate, so if you kill all the wolves in an area, you’re gonna have to be very patient
-To advance the story, the inquisition has to have gained a certain strength, to unlock new regions
-The environment is supposed to have a big influence on battle, like we’ve seen the inquisitor slightly stumble when the ground turns muddy after rain
-(Creative Director Mike) Laidlaw says most areas are roughly three times the size of the korcari wilds from DA: O
-New enemy giants. They like Darkspawn ogres and throw rocks. [Note: They're also much larger than Darkspawn Ogres.]
-A dragon is especially vulnerable on the head.
-There won't be mod-support for DA:I
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aveline-isabelle banter ve buna hawke'un "girls, play nice" ile biten tepkileri bile yeter ama dialoglardaki kinayeli dokundurma seçenekleri çok eğlendirmişti beni, şak şuk laf sokuyordum npc'lere yeri geldikçe.
Mesaj tarihi:
1. There will be 5 regions in Dragon Age: Inquisition:

Fereldan, The Free Marches, Orlais, Nevarra and the Dales:
2 of the areas you can expect to visit are; a war-torn region in Orlais and an elven burial ground, known as the Emerald Graves.
The Emerald Graves, according to executive producer Mark Darrah, is where the Dalish Elves planted one tree for every soldier killed in the Exalted Marches.
According to the magazine, while enemy levels don't scale to your characters, you can affect environmental changes to drastically influence local settlements, establish trade routes, capture territory and disrupt the local ecosystem.
Wild flora and fauna, useful for crafting can be hunted to scarcity, allowing other species to proliferate.
Defeating intelligent enemies like bandits or dragons will have a significant effect on a given region.

2. Dragon Age Inquisition Companions:

There will be no DLC Companions: According to Creative Director Mike Laidlaw: "Because of how deeply enmeshed in the system companion characters are, we can't just add them on the fly; part of them has to be shipped on the disc...which was led to criticism that we're forcing people to pay for content they already own. It's not the case, but we've decided this time to not go that route. There will be no DLC party members."
Solas is an apostate and an expert on the Fade.
The Iron Bull is confirmed as a companion, who is described as "a one-eyed mercenary and outcast from the Qunari faith"
Sera is confirmed as a companion, and is described as "an elven archer. Little is known about them [referring to both Sera and the Iron Bull] at this point, particularly Sera, who turned up seemingly on accident during one of several combat demonstrations..."

3. The Dialogue Wheel:

"We have three wheels that we use in response to any given piece of dialogue" says Gaider. "One of those is what we call the 'tone wheel', which is mostly for role-playing choices. The other two are the 'choice wheel'- for taking an action or stating an opinion-and the 'reaction wheel,' for emotional moments"

4. The Inquisitor:

There will be 4 voices for the Inquisitor 2 for each gender, for all races
To address why the same voices apply to all races, Mike Laidlaw made the following statement: "It's a matter of file size...if we were to have eight voices, two for each race, we would be shipping on 14 discs or something. We figured that with four voices, that would give players enough options while staying within our size limitations"
Bioware is currently exploring options to differentiate the voices, like changing the pitch of the audio.
The Prologue Section (or the "Origin" section" will be the same for all players. The player's appearance, class and dialogue responses during the prologue section will fill in the details, presumably of the Inquisitor's background, and in particular inform how other characters respond to you throughout the story.
The Inquisitor is the sole survivor of a reality-shattering event which results in the Fade tearing opening throughout Thedas.
"Presumbly as a result [of the Fade tearing open throughout Thedas], you're also endowed with a singular ability: you can close these rifts wherever they appear throughout the continent."

5. Endings:

"Bioware is promising a staggering 40 possible endings for the game, dependent not only on choices made in character generation but by actions taken throughout the storyline. [Mark] Darrah stresses, however, that the endings will all be meaningfully different from one another. You won't find 40 endings with only slight degrees of variation between them."

6. Customization:

Armour weights are no longer class specific. Meaning a rogue can wear a mage's robes, and a mage can wear a warrior's armour. The magazine speculates the penalties will be similar to the fatigue penalties used in DA: Origins

7. Other information:

There will be a jar of bees, which can be used as a combat item which according to Bioware: "You throw it, the jar breaks open, and little bees fly around stinging your opponents."
Mesaj tarihi:
5. Endings:

"Bioware is promising a staggering 40 possible endings for the game, dependent not only on choices made in character generation but by actions taken throughout the storyline. [Mark] Darrah stresses, however, that the endings will all be meaningfully different from one another. You won't find 40 endings with only slight degrees of variation between them."

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açıklama gelmiş sdfds

I just want to clarify the endings in Dragon Age: Inquisition

Dragon Age Inquisition's endings variations come in three levels

1. Minor variations based upon choices you make in the game or previous games. There are HUNDREDS of these variations.
2. Major variations based upon larger decisions in the game. There are about forty of these
3. Completely unique endings. There are a small number of these
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Mesaj tarihi:
dragon age mantığında olcaksa gene
3 conflict yaptık
hepsinde 2 şer seçenek var
2^3 8 ending var tadında olur biter
admaların RPG mantığı hala levellı starcrafttan öçteye gidemiyo nasıl olsa
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