deadwoll Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Şu weapon quest chaini yapan oldu mu? Druide mace'i alayım diyorum.
nameless Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 lorelol falan ama yine feci gaza getirdi.
Nomorerogues Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 deadwoll said: Şu weapon quest chaini yapan oldu mu? Druide mace'i alayım diyorum. Bende ayrıntılı bilgi bakıyorum ama questi veren npc bile belli değil, yapan biri varmı acaba?
HolyRaider Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 herifler oyunda yeni çığır açmışlar resmen
CapN Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 deadwoll said: Şu weapon quest chaini yapan oldu mu? Druide mace'i alayım diyorum. rewardları nerden gorebılırım ?
ad3m Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Ben hala işteyim kafayı yedim bitsin artık gideyim,oynayayım sıkıldım :(
Dynun Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 OLM KAÇIRDINIZ BİZ BİTİRDİN DANCINLARI KALMADI SİZE
Absolut Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Biri şu druid maci linklesin hakkaten yav nedir nerden alınır neler gereklidir vs vs vs veya adı bile yeter :P
Dynun Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 şurdan
Absolut Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009
pekaziz Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Yeni zindanlardan düşen Battered Hilt'le başlıyor görevler. Çok zor değil, 3-4 saatte biter hepsi.
Absolut Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Görünen o ki bu akşam baya bi heroic yapıcaz :P Quest hakkındaQuests The questline starts from Battered Hilt, this item is dropped by trash mobs in the heroic version of the 5-man dungeons. The questline below is the alliance version. The Horde questline is the same, you just report back to another NPC. (On test realms the indications of the in-game questhelpers were bugged for the horde questline and pointed to Alliance NPCs, be careful!) The Battered Hilt - Return to Caladis Brightspear at Quel'Delar's Rest. This battered old sword hilt has seen better days. Before the hilt was snapped from the blade, it must've been a magnificent example of the blacksmith's art. The graceful symbols and exotic gemstones decorating the hilt suggest that the weapon may have belonged to a powerful person. Surely, the Silver Covenant members would be interested in hearing about the recovery of such an artifact. Seek out their representative at Quel'Delar's Rest, south of the Argent Tournament Grounds. Speak to Krasus at the top of Wyrmrest Temple. - Speak to Krasus at the top of Wyrmrest Temple. There's no mistaking it - this hilt comes from a powerful, ancient weapon, but which one? I do not recall seeing or hearing of a sword with these markings, but that doesn't mean that all is lost. Korialstrasz, better known as Krasus, has long been a friend to the quel'dorei and the Kirin Tor. With his vast knowledge and resources, he's certain to know something. Travel to the top of Wyrmrest Temple and seek his counsel, then report to Arcanist Tybalin inside the Silver Enclave in Dalaran. The Sunreaver Plan - Obtain the Sunreaver Orders. One of my contacts in the Underbelly caught sight of a Sunreaver agent buying reagents from a dealer in the Black Market area. The Sunreavers normally aren't known for their interest in what goes on down in the sewers, so that's a big indication that they're planning something. Head into the Underbelly, find this Sunreaver agent, and take care of him. Search the body for any information that might give us a lead on the location of that tome from Wyrmrest. We can't let them get it back to Icecrown first. A Suitable Disguise - Obtain a Borrowed Tabard from Shandy Glossgleam. Getting you inside the Sunreaver's Sanctuary will be tougher than it appears. Only those who possess Sunreaver tabards are permitted entry to sanctuary. If we can get our hands on one, a simple enchantment will do the rest of the work. On the balcony above Threads of Fate, you'll find Shandy Glossgleam. I've helped him a few times in the past, so he owes me a favor. He handles laundry for a wide variety of people in the city. Maybe he can find a way to 'lend' you a tabard for a while. A Meeting With The Magister - Retrieve the Ancient Dragonforged Blades tome from Magister Hathorel. I've placed an enchantment on the tabard that should allow you to slip past the Sunreaver Sanctuary's defenses for a short period of time. You should have enough time to find your way into The Filthy Animal and meet up with the Sunreaver contact there, one Magister Hathorel. Obtain the copy of Ancient Dragonforged Blades that his men borrowed from Wyrmrest while your disguise holds, and return it to me. Return To Caladis Brightspear - Bring Ancient Dragonforged Blades to Caladis Brightspear at Quel'Delar's Rest. We must get this book to Caladis Brightspear immediately. Would you bring it to him? I cannot rely on anyone else to transport the book and you have proven adept at keeping the Sunreavers at bay. Take it with you to Quel'Delar's rest, south of the Argent Tournament Grounds in Icecrown. Caladis and the sword will be waiting. The sooner we can identify the blade, the sooner we can claim it. Reforging The Sword - Obtain 5 Infused Saronite Bars and the Forgemaster's Hammer and use them to make the Reforged Quel'Delar. We cannot allow Quel'Delar to remain broken and disgraced. Take the remnants of the sword, along with the battered hilt you discovered, and venture into the Pit of Saron within Icecrown Citadel. In the pit, the Lich King uses slaves to mine, process, and transform saronite ore. This infused saronite is what we will use to rebuild Quel'Delar. You must gather bars of infused saronite and capture the forgemaster's hammer, then bring them to the forgemaster's anvil and reforge the sword. Tempering the Blade - Temper the Reforged Quel'Delar in the Crucible of Souls. At last, the pieces of Quel'Delar are rejoined and the blade is whole, but it cannot see battle until you have tempered it. That jagged saronite edge is brittle and will shatter the moment it strikes anything. Deep in Icecrown Citadel's Forge of Souls is a place where the blade can safely be tempered. Take Quel'Delar with you to the abode of the Devourer of Souls and look for the crucible. Plunge the blade into the crucible to temper it and bring it back to me in The Frozen Halls. The Halls Of Reflection - Bring your Tempered Quel'Delar to Sword's Rest inside the Halls of Reflection. You have reforged and tempered the sword, yet it sits quietly in its sheath, showing no signs of the power it should possess. You say the sword pulls you, as though it possesses a will? Dare you bring it where it wishes to go? It's not right that the sword should be this silent and this insistent, yet I fear that if you do not take the sword to its destination, we will never learn why. Take it into Icecrown Citadel's Halls of Reflection, but be on your guard! I'll be waiting for you in The Frozen Halls. Journey To The Sunwell - Speak with Halduron Brightwing at the entrance to the Sunwell Plateau on the Isle of Quel'Danas. Take Quel'Delar to the Sunwell as quickly as possible, . Trust in Uther's words when he says that you will not always be able to control the blade while it is subject to the evil of the Lich King's influence. You must travel to the Isle of Quel'Danas, and there, seek entry to the Sunwell itself, where you can cleanse the sword. The guardians of the Sunwell will not simply allow you to walk in, so you must find Halduron Brightwing, who will be inspecting the guards there. Thalorien Dawnseeker - Visit Thalorien Dawnseeker's Remains and obtain his blessing to wield Quel'Delar. If you truly bear Quel'Delar, , I might be able to admit you to the Sunwell. If you know the blade's history, you recall that it was borne by Thalorien Dawnseeker in defense of the Sunwell against the Scourge. He fell in what is now the Dead Scar, buying time for his men to make their own preparations. You will find his remains near the southern end of the Dead Scar on this isle. Visit them, and if his spirit gives you its blessing, I will allow you to enter the Sunwell. The Purification of Quel'Delar - Immerse your Tempered Quel'Delar in the Sunwell. Speak to a Warden of the Sunwell when you are ready to enter the Sunwell Plateau. I admit, I was skeptical that you had actually re-forged Quel'Delar and I did not expect Thalorien's spirit to reveal itself to you. You cannot understand what it means to me and to the rest of my people that Quel'Delar has been recovered. As promised, I will admit you to the Sunwell and you will find the leaders of Silvermoon within. Carry the sword to the chamber of the Sunwell and immerse it. The blade will bond to you. When that happens, carry it to Caladis Brightspear at Quel'Delar's Rest. A Victory For The Silver Covenant (Sword Reward) - Bring the Restored Quel'Delar to Vereesa Windrunner at the Violet Citadel in Dalaran. In spite of Queen Lana'thel's boasting, you have restored Quel'Delar, . Long have we dreamt of reclaiming Quel'Delar. The Silver Covenant, and indeed all quel'dorei owe you a debt of gratitude. Vereesa Windrunner, the leader of the Silver Covenant, asked to see you after you returned from the Sunwell. Take Quel'Delar with you and go to Dalaran's Violet Citadel where she waits, . You will be able to choose one of these rewards: Quel'Delar, Might of the Faithful Quel'Delar, Ferocity of the Scorned Quel'Delar, Cunning of the Shadows Quel'Delar, Lens of the Mind A Victory For The Silver Covenant (Mace Reward) - Bring the Restored Quel'Delar to Justicar Mariel Trueheart at the Argent Tournament Grounds. In spite of Queen Lana'thel's boasting, you have restored Quel'Delar, . Long have we dreamt of reclaiming Quel'Delar. The Silver Covenant, and indeed all quel'dorei owe you a debt of gratitude. As a , the sword seems to know you lack the training to wield it and hasn't bonded to you. Where, then, will its next master come from? Perhaps the Argent Crusade can find one. Go north to the Argent Tournament Grounds and present the sword to Justicar Mariel Trueheart on behalf of the Silver Covenant. You will be able to choose one of these rewards: Cudgel of Furious Justice Hammer of Purified Flame Lightborn Spire
Absolut Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Hehehe 4 charada yapmak gerekecek bunu baya bi ezberleyecem gibi duruyor rewardlara bakınca. Drop rate ne acaba merak ettim şimdi bu ilk başlatan itemın.
Dworgian Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Dynun said: OLM KAÇIRDINIZ BİZ BİTİRDİN DANCINLARI KALMADI SİZE lool :D
Dworgian Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Absolut said: Görünen o ki bu akşam baya bi heroic yapıcaz :P Quest hakkındaQuests The questline starts from Battered Hilt, this item is dropped by trash mobs in the heroic version of the 5-man dungeons. The questline below is the alliance version. The Horde questline is the same, you just report back to another NPC. (On test realms the indications of the in-game questhelpers were bugged for the horde questline and pointed to Alliance NPCs, be careful!) The Battered Hilt - Return to Caladis Brightspear at Quel'Delar's Rest. This battered old sword hilt has seen better days. Before the hilt was snapped from the blade, it must've been a magnificent example of the blacksmith's art. The graceful symbols and exotic gemstones decorating the hilt suggest that the weapon may have belonged to a powerful person. Surely, the Silver Covenant members would be interested in hearing about the recovery of such an artifact. Seek out their representative at Quel'Delar's Rest, south of the Argent Tournament Grounds. Speak to Krasus at the top of Wyrmrest Temple. - Speak to Krasus at the top of Wyrmrest Temple. There's no mistaking it - this hilt comes from a powerful, ancient weapon, but which one? I do not recall seeing or hearing of a sword with these markings, but that doesn't mean that all is lost. Korialstrasz, better known as Krasus, has long been a friend to the quel'dorei and the Kirin Tor. With his vast knowledge and resources, he's certain to know something. Travel to the top of Wyrmrest Temple and seek his counsel, then report to Arcanist Tybalin inside the Silver Enclave in Dalaran. The Sunreaver Plan - Obtain the Sunreaver Orders. One of my contacts in the Underbelly caught sight of a Sunreaver agent buying reagents from a dealer in the Black Market area. The Sunreavers normally aren't known for their interest in what goes on down in the sewers, so that's a big indication that they're planning something. Head into the Underbelly, find this Sunreaver agent, and take care of him. Search the body for any information that might give us a lead on the location of that tome from Wyrmrest. We can't let them get it back to Icecrown first. A Suitable Disguise - Obtain a Borrowed Tabard from Shandy Glossgleam. Getting you inside the Sunreaver's Sanctuary will be tougher than it appears. Only those who possess Sunreaver tabards are permitted entry to sanctuary. If we can get our hands on one, a simple enchantment will do the rest of the work. On the balcony above Threads of Fate, you'll find Shandy Glossgleam. I've helped him a few times in the past, so he owes me a favor. He handles laundry for a wide variety of people in the city. Maybe he can find a way to 'lend' you a tabard for a while. A Meeting With The Magister - Retrieve the Ancient Dragonforged Blades tome from Magister Hathorel. I've placed an enchantment on the tabard that should allow you to slip past the Sunreaver Sanctuary's defenses for a short period of time. You should have enough time to find your way into The Filthy Animal and meet up with the Sunreaver contact there, one Magister Hathorel. Obtain the copy of Ancient Dragonforged Blades that his men borrowed from Wyrmrest while your disguise holds, and return it to me. Return To Caladis Brightspear - Bring Ancient Dragonforged Blades to Caladis Brightspear at Quel'Delar's Rest. We must get this book to Caladis Brightspear immediately. Would you bring it to him? I cannot rely on anyone else to transport the book and you have proven adept at keeping the Sunreavers at bay. Take it with you to Quel'Delar's rest, south of the Argent Tournament Grounds in Icecrown. Caladis and the sword will be waiting. The sooner we can identify the blade, the sooner we can claim it. Reforging The Sword - Obtain 5 Infused Saronite Bars and the Forgemaster's Hammer and use them to make the Reforged Quel'Delar. We cannot allow Quel'Delar to remain broken and disgraced. Take the remnants of the sword, along with the battered hilt you discovered, and venture into the Pit of Saron within Icecrown Citadel. In the pit, the Lich King uses slaves to mine, process, and transform saronite ore. This infused saronite is what we will use to rebuild Quel'Delar. You must gather bars of infused saronite and capture the forgemaster's hammer, then bring them to the forgemaster's anvil and reforge the sword. Tempering the Blade - Temper the Reforged Quel'Delar in the Crucible of Souls. At last, the pieces of Quel'Delar are rejoined and the blade is whole, but it cannot see battle until you have tempered it. That jagged saronite edge is brittle and will shatter the moment it strikes anything. Deep in Icecrown Citadel's Forge of Souls is a place where the blade can safely be tempered. Take Quel'Delar with you to the abode of the Devourer of Souls and look for the crucible. Plunge the blade into the crucible to temper it and bring it back to me in The Frozen Halls. The Halls Of Reflection - Bring your Tempered Quel'Delar to Sword's Rest inside the Halls of Reflection. You have reforged and tempered the sword, yet it sits quietly in its sheath, showing no signs of the power it should possess. You say the sword pulls you, as though it possesses a will? Dare you bring it where it wishes to go? It's not right that the sword should be this silent and this insistent, yet I fear that if you do not take the sword to its destination, we will never learn why. Take it into Icecrown Citadel's Halls of Reflection, but be on your guard! I'll be waiting for you in The Frozen Halls. Journey To The Sunwell - Speak with Halduron Brightwing at the entrance to the Sunwell Plateau on the Isle of Quel'Danas. Take Quel'Delar to the Sunwell as quickly as possible, . Trust in Uther's words when he says that you will not always be able to control the blade while it is subject to the evil of the Lich King's influence. You must travel to the Isle of Quel'Danas, and there, seek entry to the Sunwell itself, where you can cleanse the sword. The guardians of the Sunwell will not simply allow you to walk in, so you must find Halduron Brightwing, who will be inspecting the guards there. Thalorien Dawnseeker - Visit Thalorien Dawnseeker's Remains and obtain his blessing to wield Quel'Delar. If you truly bear Quel'Delar, , I might be able to admit you to the Sunwell. If you know the blade's history, you recall that it was borne by Thalorien Dawnseeker in defense of the Sunwell against the Scourge. He fell in what is now the Dead Scar, buying time for his men to make their own preparations. You will find his remains near the southern end of the Dead Scar on this isle. Visit them, and if his spirit gives you its blessing, I will allow you to enter the Sunwell. The Purification of Quel'Delar - Immerse your Tempered Quel'Delar in the Sunwell. Speak to a Warden of the Sunwell when you are ready to enter the Sunwell Plateau. I admit, I was skeptical that you had actually re-forged Quel'Delar and I did not expect Thalorien's spirit to reveal itself to you. You cannot understand what it means to me and to the rest of my people that Quel'Delar has been recovered. As promised, I will admit you to the Sunwell and you will find the leaders of Silvermoon within. Carry the sword to the chamber of the Sunwell and immerse it. The blade will bond to you. When that happens, carry it to Caladis Brightspear at Quel'Delar's Rest. A Victory For The Silver Covenant (Sword Reward) - Bring the Restored Quel'Delar to Vereesa Windrunner at the Violet Citadel in Dalaran. In spite of Queen Lana'thel's boasting, you have restored Quel'Delar, . Long have we dreamt of reclaiming Quel'Delar. The Silver Covenant, and indeed all quel'dorei owe you a debt of gratitude. Vereesa Windrunner, the leader of the Silver Covenant, asked to see you after you returned from the Sunwell. Take Quel'Delar with you and go to Dalaran's Violet Citadel where she waits, . You will be able to choose one of these rewards: Quel'Delar, Might of the Faithful Quel'Delar, Ferocity of the Scorned Quel'Delar, Cunning of the Shadows Quel'Delar, Lens of the Mind A Victory For The Silver Covenant (Mace Reward) - Bring the Restored Quel'Delar to Justicar Mariel Trueheart at the Argent Tournament Grounds. In spite of Queen Lana'thel's boasting, you have restored Quel'Delar, . Long have we dreamt of reclaiming Quel'Delar. The Silver Covenant, and indeed all quel'dorei owe you a debt of gratitude. As a , the sword seems to know you lack the training to wield it and hasn't bonded to you. Where, then, will its next master come from? Perhaps the Argent Crusade can find one. Go north to the Argent Tournament Grounds and present the sword to Justicar Mariel Trueheart on behalf of the Silver Covenant. You will be able to choose one of these rewards: Cudgel of Furious Justice Hammer of Purified Flame Lightborn Spire druidler yapmasın diolar galba :( (edik: 2h kullanan moonkin e yani)
Lind3r0th Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Aha dagger aldım FoS dan sinisterden iyidir pvpde kullanırım lol birde yeni lfg sistemi deli olmuş girdim hemen pat bastım party buldum gittim önce HoL yaptım aldım beles frost tokeni sonra birde FoS yaptım peşine hadi PoS yapalım dedık aynı kadro ama ttnet izin vermedi dc oldum adamalr atmış beni :P
Fin Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 quest item boe galiba bide wtb diye dolaniyor millet general chatte
scorch Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 of lan sabah wowu yedekliyeyim diye diğer sürücüya atarken , dedim lan diger sürücedeki wow u siliim de temiz kopya aliim pat yanlışlıkla asil wow u silmişim simdi 800mb patch indirio akşam akşam OFF ALLAHIM OFFF sen hangi akla sabahın 6sında 7sinde yedek alırsin ki...
Absolut Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Kaç para BoE hali AHde? Questi birden fazla kez yapabiliyormuyuz yani druid için mesela 2 kez yapmak falan lazım.
stimpak Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 9, 2009 Forumlarda 5k'ya sattığını yazıyodu bi eleman battered hilt'i, ama ilerde düşer heralde fiyatı. Zaten Heroic Forge of Souls, Pit of Saron ve Halls of Reflection trash mob'lardan %1-2 arası bi drop rate ile düşüyomuş, adamlar 3-4 kere düştü diyodu. Düşürmek sorun olmaz, para bile yapılır sanırım. Kötü haber, quest repeatable deil. Bi kere yapıp kalıyosunuz :)
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