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Warhammer 40k Online

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2000'den 2010'a gelmişler.

süreçte 120 fps'den 8 fps'e düşmüşler.

bir başarı hikayesi

tarihe bakıyoruz 30.10.2014 diyor

ikinci bir

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Ne içiyosunuz lan siz bu foruma girmeden önce?

Adamlar bu videoyu yayınlarken açıkladılar ki bunu ben yazmadan da akıl edebilecek altyapıya sahip olduğunuzu düşünmüştüm. Oyun daha optimizasyonla uğraşacak seviyeye gelmiş durumda değil. Yıllardır mmo oynuyorsunuz ve hala optimizasyon çalışmalarının yapımın başında gerçekleştirildiğini mi sanıyorsunuz cidden? Vah vah...

Hayır bide garip olan piyasada başka aaa altyapıya sahip, indie olmayan ve oyuncusunun verdiği üç kuruşa bakmayan şirketler arasında bir kaç tane anca böyle ekip bulursunuz. Adamlar alacakları tepkiye bile razı olup yapım aşamasında gün gün yaptıkları en ufak şeyi bile paylaşıyorlar. Offical forumda, redditte ve mmorpg.comda sürekli iletişim halindeler bizimle. Bu videoyuda paylaştılar güncelerin arasında. Dalga geçmeye ne kadar meyillisiniz. Daha şu oyunun çıkmasına 1 yıldan fazla var. Ne optimizasyonun osuyla uğraşılmış durumda ne de grafiklerde istenilen seviyeye çıkılmış durumda.

Çok meraklıysanız bazı diğer yapımcılar gibi tech demosunu ingame footage diye yutturabilirler yani zor değil. (:P)
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Videoda en beğendiğim şey, Dark Angels space marine in armor renginin neon yeşilden koyu yeşile dönmüş olması.

Onun dışında çok fark yok fps drop haricinde. Bilgisayarını upgrade etmesi lazım arkadaşın. :P
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With the recent revelation that pikkoserver technology is not going to be a viable technology choice for several years at least, too long to really be used as the base of Eternal Crusade, the community was informed that, due to both financial and technological limitations, there would not b e one seamless open world for all to play in together. Instead we would be limited to match-style play, albeit with more players than we have seen in shooters to date. After a few weeks of community moaning and groaning, Nathan promised that we would soon see what his new plan was, and how it would work towards Open World play in stages. The time for that revelation is now here... uh, rather, it was Friday, but I will do my best to recap it here.

The plan now calls for one continent at launch, Malcadia, the central continent that the rest of the world will be built upon. Malcadia is massive, about 16 kilometers square, and it will be further subdivided into over 120 locations, each of which is a PvP map, so that's over 120 unique and different maps to fight for.

While the combats will necessarily be match-based, and thus have certain enforced limitations, they will still be pretty massive, the number of players fighting in each zone will be about 100. These zone limits are intended to be removed at some future point, creating more and more of an open world as development progresses.

Each territory is pretty large, about one quarter the size of a Planetside 2 continent, and can be controlled by one of the factions by taking the Stronghold in the territory. The Stronghold is only made vulnerable by taking a number of outposts that are also within the territory. Stronghold battles are designed to have as many combatants as possible, however there are no hard numbers at this point because there is still a good deal of development yet to occur. Outpost battles are smaller in scale, and each one that you control will give your side some small advantage in the battles to come. In the future, once the tech allows, the limitations on territories will be removed allowing the whole territory, both outposts and Strongholds, to be part of the battle, with the number of participants increasing as well.

This sort of flexibility and control will allow the devs to add new content, try new ideas, new types of encounters, and so forth, with limited adverse effects and/or added development time. All of this is leading up having more and more territories linked together into massive territories that can be explored openly, and eventually an entire open world, one linked territory at a time.
So all is not lost, Crusaders, the goal remains the same, the road just has proven to be a bit longer than anticipated. But we have a map now, and we will be able to see where we are, where we are going, and we can also suggest to the drivers where we might want to stop for a bit along the way.
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üyelik açacak olan varsa. ref'li link: https://www.eternalcrusade.com/account/sign-up/?ref_code=EC-W1P3AHGSP3SDG
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