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Mortal Online

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Mortal Online Newsletter 8 May 2009

Mortal Online Beta phases
In the past weeks we have been busy testing our network solution and the hardware for our first Mortal Online server. We’ve been very concerned about this phase, but to our big surprise this has been a very smooth period with impressive results (knock on wood). Our next step is to invite our first wave of external testers that have signed up on our website. As you probably know by now we have decided to split the “Beta” into several phases, or chapters, to be able to test the features in each phase in a relatively controlled environment. We will do this in small steps, and we will start by choosing only a handful of applicants to be able to effectively focus on some particular features.

In our first test phase we are focusing on melee combat (coupled with fundamental ranged combat) and balancing of weapon stats, like weight/speed/range/damage. The testers will be brought to an artificial (and empty) test-island in Mortal Online with an arena. In the arena testers will have access to a crafter which will guide them through a crafting menu, which will allow them to craft a number of armours and weapons in different materials. Please see the next topic (Mortal Online PowerPoint) to find some more info regarding crafting. No resources or skills are needed for this part as the crafting process in itself is entirely artificial.

In the middle of the arena the testers will be able to try out weapons, shields, armours and ranged weapons. There will be neither mounted combat nor magic in this test phase, and skills and skill-gain will be disabled (everybody will count as having maxed out in all combat-related skills).

Before this, testers will also go through some of the stages in the character creation process. Here the testers will be able to choose a few variations of faces, hair, beard, tattoos and skin color, as well as manipulate different facial features. Cosmetics aside, the important part of this, stat-wise, will be to choose race, age, size and attributes – and those are all interconnected, i.e. both race, age and size will have an impact on the attributes.

This is also the première of our blood-mix system. Races in Mortal Online are not static, and all races within a species will be able to interbreed, giving you the option to choose your ancestry and heritage in detail. We will only focus on the human family in the first phase, with the option to blood-mix between them. Kallardian mother and Tindremic/Sidoian father? Orcish father and Khurite mother? Both visual appearance and attribute caps will be dependent on the mix.

One important thing we also are testing in this phase is the ping and playability quality from other countries such as US, Australia, Canada and countries from Europe on our EU server.

Don’t forget to still sign up for the beta if you haven’t done so yet, it’s not too late to be part in the different beta phases.

Mortal Online PowerPoint
Due to repeated questions, our not-very-updated site, and recurring interview topics regarding Mortal Online we have decided to share with you a Power Point with what we think is some of the most important and interesting features of Mortal Online.
We believe that both new and old members will enjoy this presentation consisting of both information and small video clips. Please download the presentation here. You don’t need any program to view the presentation (it’s included): all you need to do is read the readme file on how to start it.

Mortal Online Races
We are showing you a sneak peak of two playable races in Mortal Online.

Ending notes
That´s all we have to offer this time. Don’t forget to check the forums for upcoming releases and other fun stuff. We developers try to be active on the forums whenever possible, to read or answer your questions and comments.
Mesaj tarihi:
çok pis patlıcak gibi bi his var içimde ama dur bakalım :P AoC ve WAR sağolsun insanlara paranoya aşıladılar,o kadar bekleyip o oyunlar için pc topladıktan sonra leş ötesi şeylerle karşılaşmak koyuyo tabi..
Mesaj tarihi:
aoc ve war gibi gizli kalmayı tercih edip adam gibi beta testler yapmazlarsa patlarlar bence ama yukarıdaki haber de yazdığı gibi aşama aşama beta olacağı ve bu betalara kademe kademe oyuncu alacaklarını yazmışlar hadi hayırlısı avrupada 4 farklı vpn üzerinden ve 1 de tr den olmak üzere 5 kayıt yaptım :D inş 1 tanesi tutar
Mesaj tarihi:
Aslında dusunduklerı seylerı yapabılırler.
Sadece bırakıcaklar, playerlar halletsin herşeyi
Kısıtlamasınlar mılleti

Bu konuda eve online cok guzel ornek alınabılır.
Turnuvalar harıc nadıren karısıyor adamlar, major event olursa oluyor.
Hatta mıllet paso page mage atmasın dıe, scamming bılımum smacktalk kufur mufur hepsi yasal.

Bi dunya olsun kurulu, ole pve content pvp content zart zurt olmasın. Yasalayalım orda, bi mob oldumu olsun( dedıklerı gıbı cok sevdım bunu ) Ne bileyim adamın bırı kazara bı yaratık gebertsın buda bıseyın koruyucu olsun o cıksın dısarı falan boyle bılınmez eventler olabilir
Çok epic olur coook
  • 4 hafta sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
Beta'da olan birkac kisi taniyorum Darkfall'dan, pek memnun degiller durumdan. AoC sendromu dedikleri olay varmis, grafiklerin biraz abarti olmasindan dolayi toplu pvp'de fps direk felc oluyormus. Bunun disida* instancelar mevcut, bunu kotu bir sey olarak goruyorsaniz tabii. Sahsen ben hicbir zaman pvp agirlikli bir oyunun "cok" iyi grafiklerinin olmasi yanlisi degilim, sonucta herkeste damacana sogutmali nasa bilgisayarlari yok, 100 vs 100 siege'e girdiginde 85 kisi 3 fps oynuyorsa o pvp degil 15 kisinin katliam yapmasidir.
Mesaj tarihi:
I have a friend in MO beta currently. They are basicly testing lag and ping on a small island with some forest around.

Also there's like hardcore nudity involved. If you take off the character's clothes you can see a penis, tits...the whole ordeal.
The devs are still deciding whether to leave it in and make it Mature++ or remove it.

Bizim DF clanının Mortal Online threadinde bir elemanın 31 mayısdaki yazısı. Ardından benim duyduğuma göre(güvendiğim biri değil) MO da 8 kişi aynı ekranda pvp yapmaya çalıştığı an felçmiş oyun ve siegeler release de açık olmayacakmış kısaca end game content yok release de.

Instanced olması zaten baştan fail bence :(
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