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Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun

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Mesaj tarihi:

boyle bir oyun geliyor, q4 2016, borderlands tarzi grafikler izometrik.


In the year 1615, a new Shogun rises to power in Japan and strives to bring peace to the realm. In his battle against rebellion he recruits five specialists with extraordinary skills for assassination, sabotage and espionage.


Part of this team is Hayato, an agile Ninja who artfully defeats his enemies one by one from the cover of the shadows. Samurai Mugen fights with more strength. As the tank of the group, he can take on several enemies at once, at the expense of his agility. Aiko the Geisha is a master of camouflage and distraction, trapper Yuki is specialized in traps and deceptions. Takuma, being the eldest of the group, relies on his sniper skills for ranged attacks.


The player has to carefully evaluate his options in order to master the challenging missions: how will the characters behave as a team? Which one is best equipped for each task? How can they best master the given environments? Come up with your own ingenious tactics to vanquish enemies and complete missions.


Comeback of a genre: Real-time tactics with stealth elements

Ninja, Samurai, Geisha, Trapper and Sniper – five simultaneously playable characters with unique and versatile skills

Challenging missions, worthy of a strategical mastermind

Thirteen complex missions with classical 3D top-down perspective

Beautiful environments of the Edo period of Ancient Japan

Mesaj tarihi:
eldar said:

Borderlands ile alakayı çözemedim?

grafikler onun gibi iste baska ilgisi yok :p bu oyunda onun gibi "Concept Art style" i kullaniyor.
Mesaj tarihi:
detaylar açıklandı mı bilmiyorum bakmadım da, rpg ile alakasız olacak gibi duruyo. bildiğin stealth-tactical real time strateji gibin bişe. götümden uydurdum türü de, anladınız siz.
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