Komutan Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 21, 2018 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 21, 2018 https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/dev-team-2-2-2-patch-now-live-checksum-5b48.1140495/ 2.2.2 should be compatible with 2.2.1 saves
Civcivhead Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 25, 2018 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 25, 2018 releasede alıp fleetlerin saçmalığından bırakmıştım. oyun ne durumda şimdi tarafsız ecukeytıd opinyon alabilir miyiz?
Remus Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 25, 2018 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 25, 2018 Paradox oynu release oynanmaz... Herkes bildiği bir şey bu. 2.2.2 olmuş düzelmiştir muhtemelen.
Law Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 25, 2018 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 25, 2018 Düzelme değil ama oyun bambaşka bir durumda ve halen tam değil. Ve şu hali biraz bayık geldi bana.
Civcivhead Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 25, 2018 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 25, 2018 Remus said: Paradox oynu release oynanmaz... Herkes bildiği bir şey bu. 2.2.2 olmuş düzelmiştir muhtemelen. said: ecukeytıd opinyon no thx para vereyim mi derdim o. edit: fakirim. edit 2: korsanlayacak kadar değil
Suark Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2018 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2018 eu4 in space gibi ama değil gibi. Eğlenceli tabide, politika baya vasat geldi bana. Onun dışında çoğu zaman mikroyla çok uğraşıyorum, hep planetlarda ordan oraya adam taşı falan fıstık, bu kadar detaya gerek var mıydı? exploration daha detaylandırılabilirdi vs vs.
arcane Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2018 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2018 exploration 4x'lerin gimmick'i. gunun sonunda her zaman glorified fog of war acmaca. ruins buldun -> random bonus veya event trigger.
Remus Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2018 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2018 Suark said: eu4 in space gibi ama değil gibi. Eğlenceli tabide, politika baya vasat geldi bana. Onun dışında çoğu zaman mikroyla çok uğraşıyorum, hep planetlarda ordan oraya adam taşı falan fıstık, bu kadar detaya gerek var mıydı? exploration daha detaylandırılabilirdi vs vs. Vicky'e benzemiş baya
Namessar Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2018 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2018 Ornegin 8 sistemli ai var. Ordusu da o kadar sistem icin iyi. Birikmisleri de kotu degil. Full claim ediyorum, tum gezegenleri ile. slavery var outputum muhtemelen isgal sonrasi hosnutsuzlukta dahi ai inkinden iyi olmasi lazim. Ekonomim cokuyor. 2-3 sistem alinca hadi diger sistemler dengeliyordu herhalde dersin de, full isgaldeyim. Adamin ne varsa artik elimde. Sacma sapan seyler yapmis gezegenlere. Yikip geri dikene kadar gg. Ya AI hile yapiyor ya da benim yonetim yapim kurdugu gezegenlere uygun degil, benim kafa basmiyor. Ya da amenities mikroyu hic anlamamisim. Viktorya dan da nefret ederim bu arada.
Namessar Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2018 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2018 Eski patchlerden birini oynayacagim muhtemelen artik.
Promenader Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2018 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2018 paradoxun yapay zekası total warların diplomasisinden kötü
Suark Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2018 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2018 belki mutsuzluktan az calısıyorlardır. eu4 kafası yapıyorum abi ben rahat kafa, işgal et sonra vassala çevir zaman içinde ilişkiler düzelince alırsın. Olmadı vassal kalsın derdi tasası az olan asker işte. zergler geldi, önünde tampono 2-3 vassalım vardı onları bi yediler derken ancient protosslar yardıma geldiler saolun. ağız burun kırıcaz şindi. bide armor muş bunlar onlara yönelik gemide yaptım ağız burun kırıyorum. başka böyle event olcakmı acaba yoksa çok sıkıcı bi yere gidio oyun, tech reasearch etmek heyecan veriyor onun dısında bi yer almamın esprisi yok su anda
arcane Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2018 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 29, 2018 AI dedigin normal zorlugun ustunde her daim hile yapiyordur. binali'nin bulut bilisimi gibi bir sey AI. bosverin onu :P pop uzerindeki isgal negatif bonusu 20 sene falan suruyor. xenophobic misin, koleci misin, purge yapiyor musun, orbital bombartmenti nasil yaptin vesaire mutsuzluk kaynaklari girla. isgal sonrasinda hemen rebuilder governor'i atadigini, karakollari diktigini, pop controlunden siki yonetime edictleri yapistirdigini, satranc kiti firlatir gibi amenities firlatabildigini, happiness ile stabilityi yukseltmeye calistigini, housing ve employmenti goz onunde bulundurdugunu varsayiyorum: sekteye ugramadan, bir seferde 8 sistem kapabilmek icin cok saglam surplus lazim. su an oyunun bunlari kusursuz dengelemis oldugunu sanmiyorum. mesela 8 gezegenlik bir claim icin galaksinin net hakimi olmak yetmiyor olabilir. son yamada resource capler arttirilmisti. sanirim onun sebeplerinden biri de buydu. su asamada yama beklemek disinda yapilabilecek tek sey oynayis aliskanliklarini degistirmek olabilir. belki de silo abanip storage'i alisik oldugumuz miktarlarin 3-4 misline cikarmamiz gerekiyordur.
Suark Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 31, 2018 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 31, 2018 zergleri yendik sonra protoss abiler oyunu kazandı dedi oyun? ee bittimi şimdi? Yeni tanımadıgım bi ırk geldi, orda bişiler açıldı ama takıldık kaldık. Neden başka yer işgal edeyim diye bakıyorum su anda cunku zaten ekonomim süper. ee napcam ben yeni oyun acim dimi
Namessar Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 4, 2019 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 4, 2019 once bir suru kucuk zerg vassal yaparak cozdum ekonomi sorununu, amacim vassallar zamanla basima bela olmasindi. ama baktim savaslarda hic bir faydalari yok, integrate edip bu sefer 2 ana vassalda topladim. tam tekrar komsu fetihlere baslamistim ki war in heaven trigger etti. hic bir alliance a katilmayarak risk aldim, 3 faction birbirlerini yemeye basladilar bana gelen giden olmadi sansima. tam palazlandim, fallenlardan birinin vassalini yiyordum ki unbidden trigger etti. su anda war in heaven + unbidden ayni anda launch etti. WTF olarak ekrana bakmaktayim. bundan sag cikma ihtimalim yok. sansima unbidden larin komsusu bir fallen empire var. arada bunlari paketliyor.
Namessar Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 5, 2019 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 5, 2019 yeni oyun basladim, ancak machine empire lar biraz sacmalamis mi yeni sistemde? agir nerf yemis gibi, ama oynanmaz seviyede nerf gibi duruyor. gene ben mi bir seyleri beceremedim?
Namessar Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 6, 2019 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 6, 2019 "Machine Empire 2.2" said: In stellaris, I've always played materialists and gone for robots. with Utopia, I always went synth. as soon as synthetic dawn came, I played almost exclusively machine empires. sure, they had some serious disadvantages, but hell, they were fun. plus, I'm not against modding the hell out of the game to make it more fun and fix anything that isn't. A couple of days after 2.2 was released and enough of my mods were updated to appease me enough to put down Spyro and Epic Battle Fantasy 5 long enough to turn all organics in the galaxy into electricity again, I saw a lot of posts talking about how MEs were nerfed into the ground. I figured, maybe the reviews were overstated. or maybe even if they aren't it's somewhat fixable. maybe someone's already made a mod that fixes any problem people are currently having with MEs. fast forward to today, and I can assure you, the reviews were understated, the problems plaguing machine empires are not reasonably fixable, and mods that slap bandaids on the massive leaks only serve to reveal even more problems. First off, the problems of a machine empire. Machine Empires, as you may expect, do not require food to survive and grow [citation needed]. Instead, they require energy to survive, and minerals to grow. this may look like a positive, since you can just ignore food and focus on minerals/energy, which are important anyway, right? FIRST ISSUE: district limits. by default, there will always be at least 3 energy districts, 1 mineral district, and 3 food districts. it's not hard to find planets that are lacking in minerals or energy, but plentiful in food. even with the Bigger Colonies mod, you'll often be left with these relatively useless districts. "but you can use bio generators to convert food to energy" except it converts food to energy rather inefficiently - 20 food to 15 energy (I believe it used to be 20-20, which was reasonable, but 2.2.2/GAI [which is porting what it can from 2.2.2 to 2.2.1] nerfed it to 15). to put it in perspective, it takes 10 farmers and 3 building slots to produce the energy produced by 11.25 tech drones. if looking purely at workers, it's a very slight boon, but the conversion also costs building slots, which could be something more useful. you don't even see any gain in energy generation until the 3rd reactor (2 farms+1 reactor gives 15 energy and 4 excess food, vs 16 energy from 2 generator districts. 4 farms+2 reactors gives 30 energy and 8 excess food, vs 32 energy from 4 generator districts. 5 farms+3 reactors gives 45 energy, vs 40 energy from 5 generator districts). it's ultimately a loss. "but you can also sell food on the market" true, I've seen the prices be as good as a 1:1 ratio of selling food for energy. the second you start selling food, though, the ratio gets worse. if at any point you get a 100:66 ratio, you're better off just not farming. furthermore, you're going to research techs that boost your energy production, like the energy nexus and the "+10% from tech drones" tech. that's just a fact. however, if you're -also- making food, now you also need to research food bonuses and food buildings to keep up. that's tech points better spent elsewhere. you could have researched something more useful, like terraforming tech. which leads me to my next point. SECOND ISSUE: You can forget about research if you're playing a Machine Empire. Machines are heavily reliant on expansion (more on that later) and basic resources. if you have pops without a job, you're putting them to work in the mines, reactors, and factories. with their abysmally slow pop-growth (even with all possible modifiers), you can't afford to man more than that, and energy is a huuuuuuuge need for MEs. you can build no districts but energy districts and still come out losing energy. Furthermore, because pop-growth is so slow, you're forced to expand - which is energy intensive and alloy intensive. if you're going to make a colony, you have to stop everything else you're doing to send drones to the new colony to sit around picking their oil-ports until the population reaches a size where they're capable of building pops on their own so they can actually begin producing energy and minerals. until then, they're a massive drain on resources, rather than a net gain. the colony's basically useless until you get 10 pops there, at which point it's mildly self-sustaining and can start dripping back profits. so why not try playing tall instead? because that's not a choice for MEs. I've tried it, several times (mostly because I couldn't reliably get enough alloys to actually expand, and energy was so much of a problem that if I did, I'd run out of energy). if you don't colonize other planets fast, you'll soon hit a point where you can't get more energy, and your population will be so low that you can't support increasing science production. even if you do it anyway, everyone else will be ahead of you. robots need energy for resettling, blocker clearing, typical building/starbase maintenance, generating unity, and simply existing - existing will by far be the most expensive part of the bill. they need minerals to make buildings, districts, replaceable parts, making alloys, generating science, and building pops. they need alloys to feed the neverending expansion caused by always running low on energy and minerals, both with starbase creation and colony ship creation (oh, and forget making a navy for a long while, and forget fielding a large/good one for even longer. ships are expensive to build and have an alloy maintenance cost. this impedes your expansion immensely. enjoy seeing everyone around you having a "superior" or "overwhelming" fleet. even if you did make a fleet, it's not like war will help you much due to having low influence generation). alloys especially are very hard to get - vanilla it's a 6 mineral - 2 alloy ratio (GAI it's 6-3), and each foundry only creates 2 jobs, and requires 5 pops per building (and your pop generation is s l o w). you're going to need at least 4 of these on your home world (so 48 minerals->16-24 alloys). the advanced version requires getting lucky with tech choices (x2, the mineral->mote building and the advanced alloy building techs) because your low research generation in these two fields means you can't just burn through low-tier techs until you get what you want. ironically, MEs are very good at society - don't let your 200/300 research points per month fool you, 250 of that's society, and the rest is split between physics and engineering. considering society's always been considered the weakest tech branch, and doubly so for MEs who need engineering for most of their tech-equivalents, it's rather funny how society of all research types is easy to come by. The reason why is because MEs are also reliant on unity to work. for MEs, it's a rush to megastructures and machine worlds. Coordinators are the best source of unity. they also give a bunch of society research. they also eat up 3 energy. at least machine worlds require a society tech, so that's not that bad, but both megastructures and synthetic age require engineering. ISSUE 3: extreme reliance on expansion and unity. MEs require lots of minerals and energy. if you are lucky with spawn generation and are given enough room to balloon to the point where you have well over 100 systems, then great! once your currently colonized worlds aren't providing enough E/M, you can colonize another world in your massive borders and use the resources there. and, of course, mining stations are a boon. I seem to get more basic resources from mining stations than planets. of course, this is also the only time you'll be getting a reliable amount of science via research stations. However, if at any point, especially early game, you find yourself boxed in and you don't have machine worlds or megastructures (especially megastructures), and you're not going to be getting them real soon, you may as well quit right there and start over. to give an example, in my most recent game, I had tossed in a mod that cleared up one of the biggest issues with MEs, their slow pop-production. it does this by changing the robot factory to have a cap of 4 per planet and provide 2 jobs each. now, that's for both robots and machines, so it's not purely a ME buff. I definitely needed it this run, as I ended up boxed in. I had no choice but to play tall. and thanks to being able to field 8 pop-builders on each planet, that was actually possible. however, I quickly reached a point where an increase in population hurt me more than it helped. all of the planets in my own borders had their district count capped, I couldn't add more energy or mineral production. my starbases and even outposts (from the starbase mod that gives 24 M/B slots to starbases, and I modded that to add in the removed feature that gave outposts module and building slots. spoiler alert, I needed them) were kitted out with everything that could boost energy, mineral, and even science production. however, despite completing 4.5 tradition trees, I never managed to come across climate restoration, and thus couldn't get machine worlds. Briefly before this point, I had come across the market exploit, and since I was just trying to have some fun without being too serious for this run, I did it (currently looking at ways of getting rid of the exploit for future runs, though so far it looks like the best way is to just not do it lol). fast forward to the death spiral (-70 minerals and -50 energy), and suddenly the exploit was needed just to survive. up until then, I had only done it once, and once the death spiral kicked in, I tried everything I could to avoid having to do it again. and then I ran out of minerals. from 15k to 0. no choice but to do it again until my resources stabilized. utilizing a cheaty exploit could not save my empire from dying once I ran out of space and didn't have access to megastructures and machine worlds. why didn't I declare war on a neighbor? despite having a higher pop growth, alloys were still hard to come by. the AI was somehow capable of fielding 40 ships while I could only field 20, and they definitely weren't very upgraded ships (lvl 2 kinetic guns and lvl 2 shields, eventually a basic combat computer). by the time I was capable of attacking them, they were now in a defensive pact with my other neighbor. I could deal with 1 guy with equivalent fleet power, but not 2. by the time I could realistically make a fleet to deal with both, now they're in a federation with the largest empire in the game. I had no choice but to sit in my corner. and I ran out of time. to summarize the issues, machine empires are heavily reliant on basic resources (namely energy and minerals), can't focus on research (at least on-world) due to needing alloys to get more basic resources, has a max pop production worse than organics who focus a little on food, and even when getting rid of max pop production issues, you're running against the clock on when you get boxed in and when you get megastructures/machine worlds. machine worlds alleviate the issues with resources, and megastructures allow you to generate resources without a planet. I have never considered building a dyson sphere other than because I could. 2.2 machine empires though? downright necessary. I've played a lot of ME games. I'm familiar with the strategies for pre-2.2. I've tried that and various new strategies for 2.2. I've tried modding out the disadvantages of MEs without breaking the balance too much. I've tried modding out the disadvantages without care to balance. I've tried straight-up cheating. it always resulted in the same. they are always playing catch-up, and in the cases where they aren't, they've got a time limit until they break. As soon as they stop expanding, they die. Alright Paradox, you win. I'll go play the space commies instead.
arcane Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 3, 2019 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 3, 2019 ilk kez gestalt consciousness denedim. ne kadar rahatmis. uzerine baska turlu oynamak zor gelecek
arcane Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 13, 2020 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 13, 2020 cok playtest imkanim olmadi fakat federations featurelari bekledigimden guzel olmus. federations mekanigi sahane. birlesmis illetler mekanigi fena degil, cilalanirsa potansiyeli var. origins zaten numero uno. megalari henuz denemedim late late game gelmeden galibiyetten galibiyete kostugum icin dfgh. zorlugu arttirsam bu sefer early game'de sikinti... habitatlara revamp gelecekmis ilerki guncellemelerde.
Komutan Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 11, 2020 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 11, 2020 Yarın epey büyük bir update geliyor. Spoiler # 2.7.1 "Wells" Free Features ###################### * Federation votes show the voting method in the voting popup. Law votes also show the current law of that category. * The Galactic Community will occasionally send strongly worded letters to empires that are in Breach of Galactic Law, giving them an opportunity to make all adjustments necessary with a single bureaucratic stroke. * 70+ Original Audio Assets Remastered ** New Ship Designer sounds with more variations. ** Loads of new ambient planet reveals. ** Mono to Stereo Upgrade of legacy sounds. ** Technical fixes on several sound effects * Added Extended Shifts edicts which increases worker and slave output at the cost of happiness. * Added Industrial Subsidies edict, which increases consumer goods output of artisan jobs, at the cost of energy upkeep. It is unlocked by Global Production Strategy tech. * Added Forge Subsidies edict, which increases alloy output of metallurgist jobs, at the cost of energy upkeep. It is unlocked by Global Production Strategy tech. * Added Extended Shifts edict which increases worker output at the cost of worker happiness. It is unlocked by Workplace Motivators domination tradition. * Added Drone Overdrive edict for gestalt empires that is unlocked by the Drone Networks domination tradition. * Added Evacuation Protocols edict which is available to Doomsday origin empires. * Implemented Slave Trade Resolutions. * Which peace offer is possible must now be scripted per war goal type. * Added accessibility settings for Multiplayer chat. * Added new VFX and SFX for “Space Storms”, which can appear randomly from the mid-game onwards. * Added new VFXs and SFXs for Nebulas. * Added new VFX and SFX Crisis Systems. * Added new VFX and SFX for consecrated planets. * Added a galaxy generation option to completely disable Xeno Compatibility. * Added some Envoy related events. * Added new Hive Mind name list. * Added a joint operation event chain for Galactic Unions and Research Co-operatives. * Added a joint operation event chain for Research Co-operatives. * Added a joint operation event chain for Hegemony Federations. * Added a joint operation event chain for Trade Leagues. * Added event chain for joint military exercises for a militarist federation. * Habitats no longer require removing mining or research stations and can be built directly on top of them. Habitats built above nanite deposits now retain the nanite production. Habitats built above Zro, Dark Matter, Living Metal, or Nanite deposits are now treated as research habitats. * Added a home system each for Tiyanki and Space Amoebas. * Added several events to spawn amoebas and during the game. * Added the Tiyanki Conservation Act resolution to the Galactic Community * Added the Tiyanki Pest Control resolution to the Galactic Community * Added a Space Amoeba Protection Act galactic resolution, letting all countries peacefully coexist with space amoebas (or face the consequences). * Added a new Tiyanki Hatchling type and randomized Tiyanki fleet compositions * New Tiyanki fleets can now spawn from their home system * Added a new roaming Space Cloud * Added a pirate fleet which may also spawn in the late game, raiding systems for basic resources. * Added turbulent nebula systems where ship systems are impaired * Remnants Origin is now unlocked by owning either Ancient Relics or Federations (does not require both) * Orbital Habitats now have reduced tech and construction requirements, and start with 4 districts. Two additional tiers of Habitat technology have been added, which unlock planetary decisions to expand the size of your habitats. Advanced Habitats can also support basic housing buildings. The Voidborne Ascension Perk has been changed to give each of your Advanced Habitats 2 additional building slots, add the new Habitat technologies as research options, and permit the construction of advanced housing buildings on Advanced Habitats. Void Dwellers now begin with their capital Habitat upgraded to be an Advanced Habitat, and have Habitat Expansion available as an engineering research option. * Mining Drones can now occasionally expand to nearby unclaimed systems. * Crystals can now occasionally spawn a single ship that seeks out far away asteroids to crash into and spawn new crystals. * Made it possible for edicts to be running perpetually until turned off. * There is now an edict capacity, and going over it means a hit on empire sprawl. * Praise be! A new set of resolutions have been added to the Galactic Community that uphold the Divinity of Life. We expect the righteous empires of the Community to support this cause. * Favors can now be used to convince your federation allies to accept your law proposal. * Added Expanded Breeding Program edict, that is unlocked by the Gene Crops tech ###################### # Balance ###################### * Encourage Planetary Growth decision has been removed from the game * Food Policies removed from game, and Nutritional Plenitude has been changed into an Edict, now unlocked by the Gene Crops tech * Healthcare Campaign, Drone Campaign (hive) and Drone Campaign (machine) have been removed from the game. * Inward Perfection civic effect on growth speed reduces from +20% to +10%. * Inward Perfection civic now also increases edict cap by +1. * AI Empires are more willing to conform to Galactic Law. * Greater than Ourselves now moves pops more regularly and more often. * Adopting Diplomacy traditions no longer increases pop growth from immigration, but unlocks the Diplomatic Grants edict instead. * Farming Subsidies edict is now unlocked by Food Processing tech instead of Eco Simulation. * Databank Uplinks discovery tradition now also unlocks Research Subsidies edict. * Adopting Discovery traditions now also unlocks Map the Stars edict. * Gestalt Crystal Mining, Gas Extracting, and Mote Harvesting drones are now classified as miners like their non-gestalt counterparts. (This does not alter drones working in synthetic special resource production jobs). * Increased the duration and research boost for rewards from joint operation "Dismembered Cloud" (Galactic Union & Research Co-operative). * Cut the size of rebel armies spawned when revolts take place by a third. * Nerfed the randiness induced by event-spawned mushroom spores so that the planet no longer turns into a pop factory. * Added some help for the AI to not die as badly when Doomsday happens. * Galactic Community Senate debate time has been reduced to 4 years. * The cooldown on declaring a resolution an Emergency Measure has been increased to 20 years. * Increased the chance of getting the Lesser Messenger arc site. * You no longer need to demolish mining or research stations to build Dyson Spheres or Matter Decompressors, they will automatically remove those upon completion. * Wenkwort Artem is no longer a viable candidate for the Ecumenopolis project if you accept custodianship of its (unpaved) paradise. * Hive Minds will now treat hive-minded pops that aren't of their species as full members of the hive, meaning that they must be given full citizenship and can no longer be enslaved or purged. * Weak pops are now more likely to embrace pacifist ethics. * Marauder successor state civics now have an effect (+15% naval cap and +10% ship fire rate, respectively).* Space Clouds are now individually far more powerful but no longer spawn in fleets * Added empire modifier effects for empire's that propose Resolutions, depending on whether the Resolution passes or fails. * Killing Tiyanki now yields energy and exotic gases but upsets xenophile empires ###################### # Stability & Performance ###################### * Fixing CTD that happened during finishing the joint operations special project. * Automatically create a save when receiving a hotjoin request. * Fixed OOS on hotjoin due to zombie pops. * Significantly reduced the impact of assimilating species on the length of the yearly tick. * Fixed a possible OOS on hotjoin when a new resolution has been passed. * Fixed tooltip in planet view colonization tab not clearing between updates and just adding lines each update until it CTDs * Disabled threaded polling of events on linux during startup since it may cause CTD due to race conditions in X * Safed up some code that should prevent a CTD from happening when accidentally being able to open an extra "downgrade" popup. * Fixed a freeze when loading a savegame and encountering impossible government configurations. * Fix OOS with species when growing half-species. * Fixed technology status being read incorrectly, causing OOS. * Fixed a couple of OOS happening on hotjoin (PLANET_MODIFIERS and pretty much all modifiers) * Fixed an oos related to faction approval. ###################### # UI ###################### * Clicking on a topbar resource selects it when opening the market view. * Fixed some overflowing texts in different languages. * Improvements to declare war vote to show enemy and potential enemies. * Added a scrollbar to the advisor voices tab. * Tweaked habitat names and renamed the old orbital station core. * Made the position between tabs in planet view consistent so they don't move when changing tabs. * Increased the height of the portrait window in the planet view for the governor so that it does not get cut off. * Switched the ship size icons for Gardening Drones and various drakes for more appropriate ones. * Improved Ethics tooltips in factions screen. * Display modifiers to Naval Capacity are now grouped, so that we don't get 200 anchorages with +4. * Improved AI acceptance tooltips when attempting to change a federation law. * More appropriate event pics used for Feral Overload. * Edicts have more clearly disabled checkboxes when you cannot interact with them. Also added a tooltip for clarity. ###################### # AI ###################### * AI will always use the best available template when modifying a species (to avoid creating hundreds of species with just a few pops each). * AI takes edict cap into consideration The AI now takes the edict cap into consideration when deciding which edicts to enact. The AI will always try to be at the edict cap, prioritizing removing exceeding edicts over adding new ones. * Updated AI economic plans to support subplans, also made it so that if the AI finishes a plan early it can take a plan ahead of time. * Ensure military AI doesn’t try to merge Federation fleets with regular ones. * Improved AI weightings for various Gestalt resource-producing jobs to factor species traits into the weightings. * AI has more granularity while considering federation laws. * Align AI evaluation code between ask to join and invite to federation. (Hopefully fixing the issue where AI Nation continuously asks to join a Federation). * Fixed economic AI computation of admin cap (and subplans in general) * Improve AI economic plan logging * Military AI should issue orders to orbit in the current system when waiting for others to regroup. ###################### # Modding ###################### * Abandoned Terraforming Equipment is now less likely to break in hilarious ways when people mod in new planet classes. * Made auto open an attribute on the message type to control if a message is gonna remain an alert or show a popup on creation. * added flag "regenerates_when_disabled" to ship design. It is set to true by default. * Added any/every/random/count_envoy scope * Added trigger has_envoy_task = { task = harm_relations/improve_relations/galactic_community/federation (optional: who = country) } * Added more debug information (AI weights, scopes) for event options. * Added localisation command GetGovernmentName. * Added is_leader_age trigger * Added any_pop_faction scope change * Added has_envoy_cooldown = yes/no * Added envoy_location_country scope change (for the country where an envoy is improving/harming relations at) * Added fleet trigger can_access_system = <system> * You can now used triggered option names ("name = { trigger = { <triggers> } text = localisation }" rather than just "name = localisation") * Made the tooltip for add_deposit effect show the full information for what the deposit does when used on a colonisable planet * Added system-scope trigger has_system_trade_value >= 25 * Added effect country_list_tooltip = { limit = { triggers = yes } }, which will print a list of the countries that fulfill those conditions, and similar lists for owned planets, pop factions, leaders and fleets. * Added has_completed_special_project / has_failed_special_project = <special project> triggers, for when you have several projects in an ongoing event chain. * Added complete_special_project effect * Added country_modifier to deposits. * Added on_colony_5_year_pulse on_action (fires for each planet every 5 years (counting up from colonisation date) * unassign_leader will now work on envoys too * Added set_cooldown effect to lock a leader in its current position for a specified number of days * Allow script to set a title for event diplo windows not tied to a country (diplomatic_title) * orbital_station scope now exists, scoping to any station in orbit of a planet * Added has_current_purge trigger, checking if any pop on the scoped planet is being purged * Added random/every/any/count_rival_country and _federation_ally scopes, also count_playable_country * Added sector_capital scope change (usable from sector scope) * Turned observation_outpost_owner into a proper scope, so exists = observation_outpost_owner will now work * Renamed every_pop to every_galaxy_pop so as to make clear what it does and avoid disastrous misunderstandings! * Improved the tooltip for various count_x triggers * Added trigger is_sector_capital and effect set_sector_capital * Added trigger has_sector_focus and effect set_sector_focus * Added effect set_colony_type to set the colony designation * Improved intermod compatibility with planet classes and districts: Added district_set tag in planet classes and uses_district_set trigger to check that. Note: Mods adding habitable planet classes will need to add this tag to their planets. * Added num_housing trigger * Added planetary_resource_compare trigger to check the production/upkeep/balance of a specified resource on a planet * Added "=yes" and "=no" to the "has_government" trigger to expand its usefulness and detect countries without government. * Added triggers is_forced_friendly and is_forced_neutral to check if the country has been forced to be neutral or friendly to another via set_faction_hostility. (is_hostile already covers if they are set to hostile). * Added effects to start and end truces. Starting can be done with either a country or a war as target. * every_owned_ship now works in both country and fleet scope (referring to every ship in the fleet in the latter). Also added count_owned_ship, making count_fleet_ships and count_owned_ships obsolete. * has_modifier trigger now works in megastructure scope * "log" in triggers now works in all scopes, not just a select few * AI weight for federation laws is now used to properly build a value instead of just compare to a threshold * The tooltip = { } effect now works in every scope * Made set/check/etc_variable work in many more scopes than they used to * calc_true_if now accepts all logical parameters instead of simply assuming >= * assign_leader can now be used to assign governors to sectors. * Added forced_add_civic and forced_remove_civic effects. * Fixed effect create_research_station so it now does what it’s meant to. * Erosion Explosion Exposed: Entities now have erosion_in and erosion_out values set in shaders that are tied to creation and destruction of the entity, look at the new system effects for reference. * Added command line arguments "-rng_seed" and "-rng_position" to force a specific seed/position when starting (or loading) a game. * Added slot_restriction attribute to ship component templates for preventing components to be used for a certain slot template. ###################### # Bugfixes ###################### * Fixed minor problem with options being greyed out in the Golden Rule Federation Challenge. * Events about interdimensional trade increasing or decreasing now have a tooltip describing their effects. * Added a location to the Drums of War event, so that you don't need to search for the Great Khan * Enclave and Marauder species now have habitat habitability preferences. * Random effects should display correctly in tooltip even if scope changes are hidden. * Fixed from scope in on_cancel in special projects * Unrelated ambient objects are no longer nuked when restoring a ruined Mega Shipyard. * Fix if more than one planet is missing at the beginning of On the Shoulders of Giants Origin. * Fixed issues with the formation of the Non-Aligned League where countries that were rivals of or at war with existing members would be added, leading to various bugs. * The Non-Aligned League is now a defensive rather than aggressor party in the War in Heaven * Updated the description of the Trade League benefit. * Fixed so Juggernauts can now be followed properly. * Rudimentary Robots are now spawned only when the planet finishes colonisation, solving a number of UI and gameplay issues caused by having pops on the planet during the colonisation process. * Fixed a case where attacking certain neutral fleets e.g. tiyanki could cause them to not turn hostile to you. * Tooltip for the breach icon in galactic community now includes info on which resolutions the country is in breach of, and which modifiers are being applied to it. * Added better information for federation votes. * Fixed an issue where if multiple countries started with the Scion origin with 0 preset Fallen Empires in multiplayer, one country might end up lacking a Fallen Empire overlord. * Fixed the bug where Envoys could become faction leaders. * Fixed a bug where changing planet owner (i.e. through revolts) didn't release slaves on the market. * When voting in the galactic community, favors no longer apply if you are both voting for the same side. Also, you can no longer call in favors from empires voting for the same side. * Kicking an Empire from a Federation now triggers a truce. * Fixed a minor loc error in a primitive observation event. * Prosperous Unification will now give exactly 4 extra start pops in exactly every case. * Being Lithoid is now a reason to want to serve in soldier jobs * There is now a Void Dweller version of the Sol System that can be manually picked by the Player on the Creation screen. * Fixed context switch tooltip creation erroneously reporting invalid switches. * The results of the Psionic Federation election are now announced after 60 days rather than 10 days, giving you time to react in multiplayer. * You will no longer get rewarded for defeating the Prethoryn if you merely crush the vanguard but the main force is yet to arrive. * Slaves of xenophobic Fallen Empires will no longer start without a planetary habitability trait. * Fallen Empire fleets now have admirals. * Galactic Focuses relating to the War in Heaven will now all only last for as long as the War in Heaven lasts * Fixed various irregularities that could happen if you started the Zroni precursor chain later in the game: The arc sites are now spawned closer, in systems that you are more likely to be able to access, and definitely not next to a fallen empire. * In the Time Loop event, the research station is now removed when the planet loses its deposit. * The Memorex now appears on your capital, not your home world (which might have been destroyed in the meantime...) * Sentinels events now check if you have resources before giving you the option to spend them. * Fixed a bug where playing Shoulders of Giants in multiplayer with multiple people picking the origin would lead to you getting the arc sites multiple times. * The event "Eat or be Eaten" now establishes communication with an empire with all the normal messages and content being triggered. * The slaves of the xenophobe Fallen Empire can no longer be robots with biological traits. * Factions now need at least 5 pops to have their ethos before they can be spawned. * Imperialist faction loyalty boost "Leviathan Slayer" will no longer disappear if all leviathans are dead, i.e. people won't suddenly have collective amnesia about the terrible horrors they have just freed the galaxy from. * Variants of a country's founder species should now be allowed to have different rights. * The title of various diplomatic events is no longer "?" * Fixed an error with the Gateway Construction tech weight that made it almost always appear as soon as its prerequisites were met. * The "Relic Activation Alert" is no longer shown when you can't afford to activate a relic. * Ships start in orbit around the starbase (for real, this time). * The Galactic Focus to resolve the War in Heaven is now resolved if one of the combatants defeats the other. * envoy_events.16 will no longer improve relations with unlikely suspects such as the Caravansary Coalition. * Fixed the bug when the policy in breach alert hasn't been updated in UI properly. * The "Claim" CB for Conquest wars now mention that you have x claims on the enemy and their allies, to reduce the confusion in the case where you have claimed one of the defenders, but none the one you are actually attempting to declare the war on. (You must declare the Conquest war on a target which you have claims on.) * Fixed so that the Space Storm negative modifier went away once the event was over. * You can no longer select Void Dweller Sol without the Voidborn origin. * Changed default auto open on diplo messages to be minimized for player ones and popup for others (3rd party messages). * Don't show "lasts until" for Edicts that have no end date. * Use correct tooltip for edict checkbox when active * Divinity of Life resolutions no longer incorrectly trigger breach events from the Rules of War line. * The Dessanu systems are now set to correctly collect resources from space. Also, their planets' population is up to 30 from 8 (presumably 8 was the pre-Megacorp figure) and now have buildings on them. * It is now possible to remove the last shipyard from star bases. * Brought the way pops ethics chances are displayed and the way they are calculated when chosen in sync. * Ensure modifiers were properly calculated before calculating Ethics attraction when creating original pops in empires. * Planet modifier Safety Checked Alien Factory now adds 15% to local building costs rather than +25% to local edicts cost (local edicts no longer exist). * Proposing a resolution now requires you to confirm the selection in a pop up. * The planet modifier "Shroud Deviance" now has a proper modifier icon rather than a placeholder. * The Enigmatic Fortress will no longer spawn on choke points. * Fix Empire without a name and civics created due to revolt. * Fixed Prikki Ti, Nomads, Machine Uprisings and Awoken Robots sometimes not establishing communications. * Space storms and other modifiers on systems are listed as environmental effects when inside the system. * Fixed an error in which the Bemat Thalassocracy species adjective was not properly assigned during setup, and so would not appear in some options texts. * The enigmatic fortress doesn't regen once it's been disabled anymore * Adding some invasion weight to non edible pops for swarm AI so it just do not ignore planets with just robots. * Fixed missing localisation for class-T Brown Dwarf stars. * Fixed numerous incorrect script tags, where names would fail to show in pirate.155 (communicae from the Bemat Thalassocracy). Also fixed the event location. * The menu ambient sound cuts at the right time (on the loading screen). * The pool of candidates for oligarchic elections is selected correctly.
Gallant Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 11, 2020 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 11, 2020 Anniversary den dolayi indirimde gelebilir, ama onceki indirimlerle ayni tutarda olur gibime geliyor.
arcane Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 12, 2020 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 12, 2020 bir sonraki run habitat origin baslamak lazim.
Sam Mesaj tarihi: Mart 15, 2021 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 15, 2021 çıktığı zamanlardan bu yana oynamamıştım, her bakımdan geliştirip ilerletmişler ve çeşitlendirmişler oyunu. tam olarak paradox'a yakışır bir oyun olmuş artık. yapay zeka gene snowball yapamıyor oyuncu gibi ama belki scaling difficulty ile daha iyi oluyordur, denemedim. pop sistemi bütün paradox oyunlarının darısı başına.
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