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Path of Exile (HnS) RPG. #2

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Mesaj tarihi:
öküz gibi peç gelmiş yine, adamlar her hafta peç hazırlıyor ya ciddi ciddi. her hafta yeni bir skill. gerçekten şu performansı başka hiçbir şirkette görmedim ben. etrafa reklam vermeye de başlamışlar. baya tutturdu adamlar, faith restored in gaming.

bu hafta 3 tane support gem geliyormuş, melee için baya oyunu köklü değiştiriyor demişler.

şu desync olayı ortadan kalksa da tekrar başlasam.
Mesaj tarihi:
Desync ın kalkmasını boşuna bekleme bir başlık var offical forumlarda, devin birtanesi yazmış işte o sizin internetinizle ilgili, major bir problem yok desyncla ilgili pek bişey yapmıycaz diye. Nz de oynayanlarda pek problem yok tabi server client ilişkisiyle alakalı budurum uzaklıktan dolayı oluşan delay bizlerde ve us de problem yaratıyor. İpadden yazıyorum şuan sonra o başlığı eklerim.

Oyunun motoru bazı şeylere izin vermiyor ve programcıları pek pro değil. örneğin channel bir skill yapamıyorlar incinerate eklendi mesala 0.8 saniyede castlediğin projectile vs bunlarda forumlarda konuşuldu. Animasyonların bir kısmıda problemli ve pek düzelitlcek bir yanı yok. Olmıyacak beklentiler içine girmeyin yani oyunun potansiyeli belli teknik konularda.

He ama designerlar gerçekten çok iyi çalışıyor ve sürekli bir adım ileri götürüyor oyunu 1 sene sonra şuan ki halinden kat ve kat iyi olacağı aşikar. Ancak doğru düzgün utility veya deffansive cc skilli falan beklemiyorum ben. Yeni gelicek 3 support skillerden biri de muhtemelen single target melee vuruşa chain etkisi koyacak.

Amatör ruhları çok güzel ama bazı konularda gerçekten amatörler gene oyun gerçek bi h&s benim gözümde itemizasyon skill gems vs çok başarılı zaten oyun bu yüzden oynanıyor.
Mesaj tarihi:
kimin ne yazdığını bilmiyorum fakat Chris daha 2 hafta önce olan patch note'unda hala desync problemi üzerinde çalıştıklarını ve kökten bir çözüm bulduklarını yazdı. Hangi tekniği uygulayarak bu sorunun çözüleceğine dair karar verdiklerini anlatan vs. uzun yazısı var. "Desync" sizden kaynaklanıyor gibi bir şey yok yani ortada.

2 mart :

chris said:

In addition to the changes scheduled for these weekly content patches, work continues on deeper issues such as movement simulation sync, client effect performance in large parties and security changes.

hack and slash'de ne tarz cc'ler istediğini bilmiyorum ama utility olarak bir sürü skill var oyunda zaten şu an.

adamların kendi motoru, herşey kendi dizaynı. bir şeyi yapamayacaklarını iddia etmek baya anlamsız olmuş bence. hiçbir sınırlama yok adamların önünde. zaman alır, ama olur yani istedikten sonra.
Mesaj tarihi:
Desync muhabbetine bende oynamayı bıraktım. All res 80 5k hp var dps de fena değil. O kadar uğraşmışız. Ama Desync yüzünden ölüp %15 xp kaybediyoruz. Eskiden çok koymuyordu. Bir map yapıp %12-15 exp alıyordum. Ama şimdi bir map max %3-4 veriyor. Freni patlamış tır gibi çarpan iskelet kuşlar Desync olunca ya mefta oluyorum yada ucundan sıyırıyorum. Haydee kaybettğini toparlamak için 5-6 map yap. Onlarda Desync olmaması umudu ile.

Olayın Ranger veya Melee ile alakası yok. Ben Lightning Arrow Marauder oynuyorum. Bir anda kendimi grubun arasında buluyorum. Yazık bu kadar potansiyeli olan oyun böyle basit bir olay yüzünden heba oluyor.
Mesaj tarihi:
chris said:

The 0.10.5 patch that was due this coming Wednesday has been delayed for a week because of the vast combinations of skills to test with the new support gems. Instead we'll be deploying the 0.10.4b patch which will contain the week's set of new Unique items (all four of which are designed by Diamond supporters). This news post explains what support gems you can expect in the 0.10.5 patch and touches on a few other issues.

I'm really sorry about having to delay the 0.10.5 patch by a week. Three of our senior developers are away at GDC this week negotiating business deals and stalking other developers. We tried extremely hard to have the patch ready before the end of this week (so that it could be deployed on time), but the new support gems have enough complex problems that it's much safer to deploy them a week later.

Because some other elements of this patch are ready, like the four Unique items, we're deploying them in a 0.10.4b (or appropriate letter) patch on Wednesday. We really enjoy people engage with the weekly unique hunt on these forums and on reddit, so we don't want to skip that this week.

To help make the wait for the new support gems easier, here are details on what they do!
Strength Support Gem - Melee Splash: Adds an area of effect splash radius to a single target melee attack.
Strength/Dexterity Support Gem - Multistrike: Causes you to attack quickly three times with a melee attack. New targets are selected for subsequent attacks if available.
Intelligence Support Gem - Power Charge on Critical: Critical strikes with the supported skill have a chance of granting you a Power Charge.

Needless to say, these are currently the most overpowered insanity the Alpha realm has seen for some time. We're working on making sure they're impactful without completing unbalancing the game :P

I'm also sorry for not finishing the Community Q&A answers yet. I have a bunch of time on planes in the next couple of days to work on those, though! If I completely run out of time I may just answer most of the questions rather than all. I was hoping to answer them all.

By the way, we're definitely listening to vocal feedback on topics like loot allocation. While we haven't said anything in the last few days, there is a lot of discussion occurring internally about various options for those systems. I'll post more once there's more information.

If there are any fans in San Francisco who want to try to meet up while we're at GDC, email me at [email protected]. Please understand that we're very busy with business meetings so may not have much time to meet people (and are only bringing a small amount of shirts to give out), but I'm definitely keen to meet up if the time is good. Monday until around 3pm is currently pretty clear. If there's a lot of interest maybe we can make a meetup out of it.

The Daily Deals we launched earlier this week have been a huge success! We're getting great engagement with the deals and this means more content for you guys over time :)
Mesaj tarihi:
Bugun bütün gün oynadım map yaptım, bi legendary düşürdüm, oyun desynci olayı çıldırtıyor onun dışında eğlenceli ya, kimse kalmadı ama oynayan yine patiden.
Mesaj tarihi:
patinin 2 haftada patatese bağlamadı tek oyun yok ki.

ben duelist kasıyorum arada, desync peçini bekliyorum tamamen dönmek için.

başına oturunca psikopat gibi oynuyorum tüketmek istemiyorum. major peç gelene kadar 78 olmak istemiyorum.
Mesaj tarihi:
kimse kalmadı değil oynayamıyorum yoksa dönücem de. desycn falan da değil fps m 0 a düşüyor ikide bir normal zorluk dışında hayatta kalamıyorum.forumlara baktım ati kartlarda sorun çıktığı yazıyordu. her patchle daha kötü oldu resmen ilk ob başladığında bu kadar kasmıyordu
Mesaj tarihi:
benim ne desync ne de fps sorunum var ama level 59'da kaldım resmen. oynuyorum oynuyorum 2 saat oynuyorum tam level atlayacam 2 kere ölüyorum hop yarıya yine. baydı o yüzden.
Mesaj tarihi:
bende 73 oldum ama hala 20 itemlarıyla geziyorum oyunda hiçbirşey çıkmıyor insanın oynayası gelmiyor. diablodaki 5 stack nv olayı gibi bişey koysalar bari bazen 3-4 Docks runından 1 sarı item bile alamadıgım oluyor saçma bence.
Mesaj tarihi:
rarity falan kaç ki? o kadar az düşmemesi lazım. ben genelde party ile giriyorum da partysiz girdiğimde de her docks run'dan en az 3-4 tane sarı düşüyor. rarity 86.
  • 2 hafta sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:

While the rest of the studio worked hard on the 0.10.5 and 0.10.6 patches, three of our senior developers (Chris, Jonathan and Rhys) were sent to represent Grinding Gear Games at the 2013 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco last week. This article briefly covers what we got up to and who we met at the conference.

There are a lot of things to do at GDC:
A selection of hundreds of game development lectures given by a variety of speakers.
The "show floor", which is where technology/tools vendors demonstrate their products and games companies try to hire new blood.
Journalists: Most of the big sites have representatives at GDC, so it's a good opportunity to update them on how progress is going with the game.
Business meetings. Studios require relationships with dozens of external entities such as publishers, advertising partners, tools vendors and outsourcing companies. GDC is a great opportunity to meet face-to-face and work out new business deals.
Parties! Every evening has a variety of events sponsored by different companies. They are a great opportunity to meet developers from other studios and to trade stories about the industry.

"Sleep" is not on the above list, unfortunately :P

This was the first time we have attended GDC, so everything was very new to us. Due to the recent success of Path of Exile's open beta (and the fact that we're cloistered away in New Zealand, away from most of the industry), we were also new to many of the other developers who had a lot of questions to ask.

From a business development point of view, the conference was awesome. We've been looking into building relationships with publishing partners in the South East Asia region, so we had an opportunity to speak with many such companies to see what they could do to promote Path of Exile in that part of the world.

We had an opportunity to speak with around a dozen journalists and participated in many interviews. It was really good getting to meet some of the journalists that we had only talked to digitally before that point. We had a some cool news to discuss with the journalists (our plans for release late this year and information about future league/race plans).

I only got to spend a brief amount of time at GDC itself - the show floor was interesting to wander around for an hour, and I did manage to attend four of the scheduled talks (one by a security company, two by Blizzard and one by Riot). I'd have loved to have seen more talks or spent more time on the show floor, but the business meetings and journalists were obviously far more important for the company.

The parties were beyond amazing. I met Wyatt Cheng (Diablo III - Senior Technical Game Designer) at the Steam party and he invited us to the Blizzard party the following evening. We were extremely impressed by the scale of the Blizzard party. The food and atmosphere were amazing, and there were so many awesome people to talk to. I spent three hours talking with Jay Wilson about game design. He was kind enough to take a photo with me, which I promised I'd post to our community. Jay and Wyatt are both really humble, nice guys. They explained in detail what lessons they learned from the development of D3 and gave up a lot of their free time doing so.

Speaking of Diablo developers, we also had dinner and drinks with Max and Erich Schaefer (of Blizzard North/Flagship/Runic Games). We took a photo with them too (from left: Rhys Abraham, Erich Schaefer, Chris Wilson, Jonathan Rogers, Max Schaefer). We've known Max for a few years now, so it was great to catch up with him and to meet Erich. It's hard not to act like a fanboy around the guys who created Diablo II.

One of the highlights of the trip was the fan meetup on Monday that I wrote about previously. It was also awesome to be surprised by people throughout the conference who recognised the Path of Exile shirts I was frequently wearing. It was great to see how many of our fans are in the game development industry themselves.

We're now back at the office and are catching up on PMs/emails. The team made great progress while we were gone, so we're expecting to deploy 0.10.5 late this week and the 0.10.6 patch next week.

While working on the Community Q&A during the brief moments of sanity last week, I came to the realisation that many of the answers could be better explained in a more permanent way than just the answers to a single Q&A event. I'll probably be bringing back the "Beta Manifesto" that we had during Closed Beta - to explain what our plans are with each area of the game and roughly when we expect to have them completed by. I expect to start posting entries to this within the next couple of days.

en son announcement, baya vakit geçirmişler blizzard tayfasıyla.



umarım hiçbir şey öğrenmezler ve uygulamazlar PoE'ye. Hehe.
Mesaj tarihi:
Duelist levelliyorum yeni. Defansif olarak lvl65 üstü için yüksek evasion, duel wield block (%4-42 civarı) ve Acrobatics düşünüyorum ancak Acrobatics konusunda şüphelerim var.

Daha önce deneyen oldu mu? Endgame'de patates mi olur?
Mesaj tarihi:
evasion dayali end game defensive build tavsiye etmiyorum, evasion i armor a cevir pasif ile.

This week's content patch, 0.10.5, is almost ready. It includes three game-changing new support gems that have required immense amounts of balance and testing work. We expect to have final quality assurance complete this weekend and will deploy it on Monday, New Zealand time. The 0.10.6 content patch will also be deployed towards the end of next week, which will catch us back up with the schedule. Race Season One is also coming to a close this weekend, so we've been putting a lot of thought about what we're doing for the second season and when it will run.

We received masses of great data and feedback from our first season of race events. The prize structure will be a little different in Season Two, and we're working hard on coming up with awesome rewards and race types. Season Two will start on April 20, 2013, and will last for the same duration as Season One (45 days).

The 12 days between seasons is an opportunity for racers to have some rest and to try out the fun interim events that we have planned. Between seasons, we're going to be running a lot of practise races, trials of weird race ideas and maybe even some cut-throat events. Details may be announced as early as tomorrow!

I can confirm, as suggested previously, that the alternate art Demigod's Triumphs that we'll be giving out to the top 20 players on the Season One ladder will indeed have custom flavour text indicating which final placing the recipient achieved.

The response to my suggestion of a new Development Manifesto (like the Beta Manifesto from last year) was really strong. We will go ahead with this plan and I'm expecting to find time this weekend to put it together.

We may be able to post 0.10.5 patch notes tomorrow. I'm very excited for you guys to try this patch out.

Krip agir ezmis sezon 1`de,


sezon ikide odul sistemi degistirilecekmis, iyi oldu.
Mesaj tarihi:
bingildak said:

evasion dayali end game defensive build tavsiye etmiyorum, evasion i armor a cevir pasif ile...

Tamam da Acrobatics alınca armor kalmıyor zaten. Siliniyor gidiyor. Asıl derdim Acrobatics'in işe yarayıp yaramadığı. Armor olmayacağına göre Acrobatics, Yüksek Eva+Duel Block ile nasıl gider?
Mesaj tarihi:
acrobatics calisiyor, ihtiyacin olan sey iron reflexes, acrobatics e dokunma. cok zorlanirsin endgame`de. 80% bile dodge/evade chance in olsa da, 20% oyle yada boyle denk gelecektir, denk geldiginde armor un 0 olacagi icin kaput olursun.
Bu konu yeni mesajlara artık kapalıdır.
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