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Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

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Mesaj tarihi:
90li olarak yeni kusak degilim artik ama calisan para kazanan biz degil miyiz? ne bu yeni kusak muabbeti onu anlamis degilim.

ayrica prequels ayri bi guzel, evreni extend ediyor gayet. anakinin bitchingi onu dark side'a ceken sey, ilk film de set-up. bitch degilde odun jedi olsa darth vader olmazdi yani.

bonus: http://www.rollingstone.com/movies/news/george-lucas-not-a-fan-of-retro-star-wars-approach-20151230
"Star Wars creator George Lucas doesn't seem too fond of the approach to the latest title in the film series, Star Wars: The Force Awakens. In an interview with Charlie Rose, via IndieWire, he discussed the franchise's legacy and also shared his thoughts about the new film.
" said:
Mesaj tarihi:
Dun gece seyrettim. Kylo ren hiiiiiic olmamis.Anakinin gotunun kili olamaz. 2 osurmakla da dark side agecilmesin bre.

Zenci abi jedi olacak sandim olamadi.
Bol aksiyonlu ve yaratiksiz bir filmdi bu yönleri guzeldi. Republic sehri gene görkemliydi ama patladi gitti anlamsizca. Kazanilmis savas sorasini biraz acmalari gerekiyodu.

2 ds patladi hala akil edemediler su reaktörleri saklamayi:)

Luke patato
Mesaj tarihi:
ayagini sallayip lazerle drois olsurmesi sacma gozukmustu de sith teorisinden sonra acaba dedirtti ya. baya saglam dayanakalari var teorinin
Mesaj tarihi:

obi wan kenobi

The line in question comes at the very end of this Force flashback, and it says, “Rey, you’ve taken your first steps.” Entertainment Weekly caught up with Abrams after a Writers Guild of America screening, and they talked about how they made that happen:

“We asked Ewan McGregor to come in and do the line. And he was awesome and we were very grateful. He was incredibly sweet and handsome, and all that stuff. Then he rode off on his motorcycle. Literally the coolest voice over actor ever.”

“I said, ‘That’s cool, is that the thing from Ewan McGregor?’ He said ‘No, we took a line from Alec Guinness saying ‘Afraid.’ They cut it, and you hear the performance – he’s saying it the way I would have begged Alec Guinness to have said it. It is so crazy perfect. So when you hear Obi-Wan talk to Rey it is both Alec Guinness and Ewan McGregor doing the voice.”

Originally you would have just heard Ewan McGregor in The Force Awakens since Guinness is no longer with us. But one day Bryan Burk, one of the executives at Bad Robot, surprised Abrams with old Obi-Wan Kenobi’s voice saying the name “Rey” and he thought it was just McGregor’s voice manipulated:

Mesaj tarihi:
sostizm said:

Patide Jar Jar sith tartışması oldu mu? reddit youtube falan yıkılıyor

ben linklemistim bilmemkacinci sayfada ama pek rabet gormedi.
ne lan bu diye okumaya baslayip sonunda 100% inandim :D
Mesaj tarihi:
film guzelim star wars filminden alelade superkahraman filmlerine donmus
boyle olacagi belliydi gerci. beklentisiz gittigim icin begendim adamlar savasio uzay gemileri fln var diye izledim.
oyle izleyince guzel film

star wars filmi diye bakarsan, bes para etmez. eski filmlerin hikayesini rewrite yapip yedirmeye calismakta iyi taktikmis. salak var zaten adamlarin karsisinda sfd
Mesaj tarihi:
samaella said:

-Deno- said:

2 ocak olmuş yeni izleyenler var..

Budapeştedeydim, yeni geldim ya :D

Mesaj tarihi:
7. filmin yetersizliğinden insanlar Jar Jar'ın bu twisti yaşatarak ortalığı şenlendireceğine baya baya inanmış durumda yalnız asdf

oh and credits to samaella.
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