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The Old Republic Loses 400,000 Subscribers

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Today we are excited to announce the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Free Trial*. Now you will be able to live out your very own Star Wars™ saga with thousands of other players up to level 15 with no charge or time limit! The Star Wars: The Old Republic Free Trial allows individuals, without a previously active Star Wars: The Old Republic game account, to see a portion of what the game has to offer with no payment method required.

Mesaj tarihi:
dökülüyor efenim tutamıyoruz:

The Old Republic executive producer Rich Vogel has left developer BioWare amid a wave of layoffs.

BioWare Austin, the studio behind The Old Republic, have been laid off as well.


Mesaj tarihi:
Aluriel said:

çok eğlenceli lan tortanic konuları

konuyu yenı gordum kolamı ve cipsimi aldım ve 1. sayfadan itibaren okumaya başlıyorum. en guzel diziden bile daha sürükleyici lan.. addgadadfg
Mesaj tarihi:
hala 1-2 çalışan adam kalmış bioware austinde, onlarda fanları suçlamışlar dgdsdfg

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