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FPS & Performans Sorunlarına Çözümler


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Çeşitli başlıklarda darmadağın olarak bahsi geçen çözümleri burada toplayalım

klasik, çoğu kişinin bildiği bir çözüm
graphics ayarlarını önce High yapıp apply yaptıktan sonra low'a düşürüp Shadow'u Off yaparak fps'nizi arttırabilirsiniz.

2. çözüm
bunu swtor forumunu kurcalarken buldum
Provided are tips that are less known, and have a dramatic effect on quality and performance in the game. These come from our research group members internal testing that are fans of SWTOR and are computer engineers and OS theorists.
Provided below each tip is a detailed explanation of why the setting improves performance.

1. Launching the Game

Requirements: (Windows 7 & Vista Users)
Video Card: (Both NVidia and AMD/ATI)

Right click on the SWTOR icon on your desktop or in Start Menu program files, select Properties. In the window that appears select the Compatibility tab. Under Compatibility Mode check Run this program in compatibility mode for: From the box below select Windows XP (Service Pack 3) and then click OK
(This setting is very important when your video card has under 1GB of dedicated VRAM.)
---Technical Details---
Currently the engine/game is turning off the GPU RAM virtualization features of Vista and Windows 7 which is a major feature of the WDM/WDDM technology. This technology allows Windows to manage GPU RAM, by prioritizing textures and assets as needed without saturating the video card’s onboard RAM.

Quality Gain:
Allows medium and high resolution textures, better antialiasing, and various other features to remain enabled for a higher quality image on video cards with lower amounts of RAM. It also allows the higher quality textures to be used on objects in the distance which helps with the terrain, grass, building flaws as you are moving in the game.

Performance Gain:
Increases FPS even with higher Quality settings enabled and reduces the GPU stress by not having to load in and out lower resolution textures. This will even reduce GPU temperatures, as the Memory Controller on the GPU has to do less work with constant loading, unloading, and reloading of game textures and other assets.

By setting the game to Windows XP Service Pack 3 in the compatibility tab, the game/engine doesn’t override this feature of Windows, and this lets Windows manage the GPU RAM, and even if you have 256mb or 512mb of GPU RAM, Windows will tell the game you have 1024mb or more GPU RAM based on how much system RAM you have available and Windows can allocate to the game.

2. Scaling – Display Override

Requirements: (Windows 7 & Visa – Desktop Computers)
*Some laptops may also allow/benefit from this setting.
Video Card: (NVidia)

In the NVdia Control Panel, select Adjust Desktop Size and Position, on the Right under the Scaling tab change Select scaling mode: to No scaling – then change Perform scaling on: to Display. Below this check Override the scaling mode set by games and programs
(This setting is very important when you are running a lower resolution in game than your monitor’s native resolution.)
---Technical Details---
On desktop displays (*Some Laptops), the monitor is capable of ‘resizing’ the image to fit the screen, with its own onboard controller. However, unless this is ‘forced’ to be done on the display, the NVidia GPU often takes on the Task, which requires additional GPU processing to scale the image to the screen.

This has a side effect of reducing ‘pixilation’ and helps antialiasing, as most monitors do up-scaling. So if your monitor is 1680x1050, and you are running the game at 1440x900 or 1280x800, the monitor will do a quick and dirty ‘antialiasing’ effect on the image when it up-scales to fit on the higher resolution 1680 monitor.

When running the game at a lower resolution, the performance should jump; however, without this setting, the GPU is taking on additional processing and this removes a large portion of the performance benefit of the lower resolution setting.

3. Antialiasing Tricks

Requirements: (Windows 7 & Visa – Desktop Computers)
Video Card: (NVidia & AMD/ATI)

As it has been posted before Antialiasing can be forced on, I’ll repost them along with the additional tip.

On AMD/ATI cards this is easy, can you turn on Antialiasing in the Catalyst Control Center.

--- Additional Tricks---
If you are using a desktop computer, and need more performance but would like a higher level of Antialiasing and having completed the ‘Desktop Scaling’ setting above, you can use your monitor to give you a bump in smoothing out the screen by simply dropping your in game resolution a slight notch below your monitors native resolution.

For example, if your Monitor’s resolution is 1680x1050, in game select a close setting of: 1600x1000 or 1600x1025 for example. Try to select one that has a ‘close’ aspect ratio or images will be too wide or skinny.

Quality:This uses the Monitor’s up-scaling controller to give the illusion of an additional level of antialiasing. For example if you normally run 4X antialiasing, and you change from native 1680x1050 to 1600x1000 your can reduce your antialiasing setting to 2X and get almost the exact same image quality. Or if you leave it at 4X it will be closer to 6x/8x.

By using the lower resolution this will increase FPS even if you don’t adjust your Antialiasing setting, and if you do adjust down your Antialiasing down a notch, it is an additional gain in FPS.

Final Results and Notes…

We were able to use these setting to get better quality from the game and better performance on all our various test systems, but for a baseline reference I will use the system that had the most substantial increases as it is a lower end system that not only got a FPS boost but a graphics boost as well.

Athlon X2 5000+ w/4gb of RAM
Geforce GTS 250 w/512mb VRAM

Original performance:

Game Settings:
Resolution: 1680x1050
VSync: On
Textures: Low
Shader: High
Character Detail: Low
Anisotropy: Medium
Shadows: Off
Antialiasing: 2x
The game looked ok, and was marginally playable.

Tips & Settings Applied:
Game Settings:
Resolution: 1600x1025
VSync: On
Textures: High
Shader: High
Character Detail: High
Anisotropy: High
Shadows: High
Antialiasing: 2x
Now the game is above the 30fps playable range all the time, with the added benefit of all the settings on the higher settings. The GPU temperature stays 10°C cooler and textures are no longer dropping to lower quality from a distance.

kaynak: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=114264
masaüstündeki kısayolun uyumluluk ayarlarını windows XP sp3 yapmak, net 10 fps arttırıyor. diğerlerini deneyemedim.
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Sosyal ağlarda paylaş

bende şunlari denedim artış olmadi.

gamebooster acip arkada calisan programlari kapattım
rivaturner ile işlemci ve ekran kartını ocledim.
nvidia panelinden antialysing vb bazı şeyleri kapadım
swtor.exe nin priority sini yükselttim.
w7 yi bastan kurdum.hardiski scanladım.defrag vs.

sonuc ayni ortalama 10fps wzde.imperial fleet de gene 10.
kendi gemimde 100 ,quest yaparken ortalama 40.
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Sosyal ağlarda paylaş

4gb ram, gtx560 ımla 15 fps alıyorum üstüne 2sn de 1 oyun duraklıyor şöle 1-2 sanise falan. var mı buna çözüm önerisi? formatladım bilgisayarı, driverlerı guncelledim, yapmadığım şey kalmadı, bf3 full grafik akarken bunu çözemedim bi türlü. gtx 560 la aynı sorunu yaşayan oldu mu hiç?
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ekran kartı değiştim gt430 aldım ucuza acayip rahatladım hiç sıkıntı yok, eski kartta voss ve ilum mağarlarda klavyeyi kemiriyodum o derece bezdirmişti, şu an 40-50fps altına inmiyor wz dahil bir deneyin isterseniz ayarları.oyun içinden değilde direk .ini den ayarlayın.

nvidia kullanıyosanız kontrol panelden performans ayarlarını yapın
en üstte "ön ayarlı görüntü ayarları" kısmında
benim tercihlerimi kullan diyip performansa getirin.

swtor ayarları için.

%appdata swtor klasöründe client_settings.ini

nativeheight/nativewidth bilgisayarın sistem çözünürlüğü ona göre değiştirin,
height/width oyun çözünürlüğü karıştırmayın.
c/p yapın sizinkinin [Renderer] yazan yerine eskisinide yedekleyin.

Height = 1050
Width = 1680
WindowX = 0
WindowY = 0
D3DFullScreen = true
RefreshRate = 60
DynamicLightsLimit = 2
MeshLODQuality = 0
TextureAnisotropy = 1
FarClipScale = 3.9371195
PlantDensity = 0
NativeHeight = 1050
NativeWidth = 1680
doShadows = false
doBlobShadows = false
UseMinSpecShaders = true
VerticalSyncState = true
EnableBloom = false
FullScreen = true
TextureQuality = 1
AllowDepthOfField = true
GammaRamp = 1.037854
SpeedTreeDistanceScale = 0.75
AntiAliasingLevel = 2
enableadvenvirolighting = true
DebugAdvEnviroLighting = true
Graphics_ClipDistance = 0.10000000149
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Absolut said:

Oyundaki shadow mu OFF yaptın ? yoksa nvidia ayarlarında shadow vs falan mı var?
jonq said:

Shadow u OFF yaptım 30-40 FPS farketti.

Kartın panelinden AA yı bu oyunda kapaması için ayarlamıştım. ( MMO larda AA ya gerek duymuyorum ) Oyunda da bütün ayarlar highda iken oynuyordum bir süredir. Shadow ise Low da idi. Bir ara tamamen OFF yapayım dedim ve 30+ FPS artışı olduğunu gördüm, öylede bıraktım.
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Sosyal ağlarda paylaş

Ara ara takilmalar disk usage / swap den oturu. 4 gb ram le oynuyorsaniz, memory usage a dikkat edin. Dun aksam farkettim, ram %96 e vurmus, windows swap yapacam diye kasarken load ekraninda yaslaniyorum.

Cpu AMD quad core black edition
GPU Nvidia GTX 590

Diger postlara bakiyorum burdaki, daha low level cpu/gpu pair leri ile de gayet smooth fps ve loading time lar alinmis. Sikinti cpu/gpu degil, adamin sacma sapan RAM kullanmasi. Bu adamlarin memory management lari cok kotu. Gercekten kotu yazilmis mal, devsirme graphic engine le bu kadar oluyor demekki.

2 gundur BG loading screen de bekledigim icin, load ettigi gibi BG den kicklendim, cok uzun sure idle kaldigim icin.

More ram, more ram ...
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Sosyal ağlarda paylaş

i5, 6GB RAM, GeForce GT540M

Shadow'u kapatınca 30+ FPS ile oynayabiliyorum ama warzone ve fleet de belirgin takılma oluyor. Warzone'ları keyifli oynamak olası değil. Bu sistem ile oynayabilmem lazım ama optimal ayarlarımı bulamadım halen.
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performans sorunu değilde şu şehirlerdeki laser towerlar yüzünden ortaya çıkan yeşil ışınlar ve diyaloglarda gözükmeyen hologram,lightsaberlara da bir çözüm bulsalar.

yeşil ışın dediğim olay şu videodaki gibi biri koymuş swtor forumlara. heryerde ortaya çıkabiliyor genelde kamp,şehir vs gibi ama genellikle taris,tat ve alderaanda oluyordu bana.
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