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Aliens: Colonial Marines

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:

EGM (90/100): "On an express elevator to otherworldly awesomeness."

meanwhile, everyone else...

OXM UK (60/100): "It needed to offer intense combat against an unstoppable force, deft storytelling that matched the cinematic flair of the films, and some new ideas that could have rejuvenated an overexposed franchise. It needed, in short, to be a better game."

Edge (50/100): "Colonial Marines feels stiff, shallow and dated. First announced for a 2008 release before the Aliens franchise machine prioritized other projects, it feels like more work has been retained from that initial production period than either Gearbox or Sega would care to admit. "

Game Informer (40/100): "Take away the Aliens license, and you've got a shooter that has no reason to exist. It would be like stripping the terraforming from Fracture or playing Inversion without its gravity-defying gimmick. At its best, it's barely mediocre."

Eurogamer (30/100): "It's shocking stuff, certainly one of the most glitchy mainstream releases of this hardware generation, and the sort of thing that would barely pass muster as a low budget game from 2002."

EGM neyin kafalarında da şu oyuna 90 vermiş asdf.

Pre-orderlicaktım bide oyunu iyiki beklemişim.
Mesaj tarihi:
lightning fan made patch ile bile düzeltilir. ama o patlamalar çatlamalar için official bişeyler lazım tabi.

mass effect için yapılan şu vardı misal
Mesaj tarihi:
adamlar baya baya sahtekarmış, o demoda sanki bir alien filmini oynayacakmışsın gibi gazı veriyorlar. ama scripted olduğu çok belli haraketler var. ha bazıları cidden scripted bile olsa uygulanabilirmiş maden neden çıkartmışlar basite indirgemişler anlamadım. hepsini çıkarmasalar da fahrenheit-vari checkpoint sistemi koymaları gerekir, çünkü o aksiyonları biri yapsa crusherdan kaçma vs. illa bir yerde fail olur, ama olmayacak iş değil. grafikleri kısmalarına hiç değinmiyorum zaten.
Mesaj tarihi:
Herkesin gözden kaçırdığı birşey var. Amerika Hükümeti bütün oyun geliştiricilerinin oyunlarında şiddet miktarı sınırlıyan sıkı bir sansür politikası sürdürüyor. Gearbox ile Sega arasında ilişkiler kötüye gittiğine dair söylentiler var. Bir söylentiye göre Gearbox grubu sansür politikaları artık ihtiyaç duyulmadığına karar verirken demoyu sansürsüz çıkarttı. Sega da Gearbox'la aynı fikirde değildi bundan dolayısıyla sansürlü yayınlandı ve bu sefer satın alınması daha uygun göründü.

Kasten yaş sınırlaması varken sansüre tamamen karşıyım. Sansür orijinallik bütünlüğü bozuyor...

Gearbox: Geliştirici
Sega: Dağıtıcı
Mesaj tarihi:
yok yani ben sarkastik dedim onu, sansüre takılma kısmı bahane. doğruluk payı olabilir de, kanı şiddeti azaltır tamam eyvallah ama bildiğin oyunu KISMIŞLAR. gölge, ışık bilimum detaylar kısılmış konsol bebişleri rahat oynasın diye.
Mesaj tarihi:
First off, due to me breaking NDA, I can't provide any proof that I'm not just talking out of my ass. But I figure you'd be interested in hearing what I have to say regardless. I've been on the project for around a year and a half, so some of the following are things I've heard from more senior guys.
Pecan (the internal codename for ACM) has a pretty long history. SEGA, GBX and 20th Century FOX came to an agreement to produce an Aliens game around 6 years ago, after which SEGA almost immediately announced it, long before Pecan had even started production. The game has been in active development in the past, only to be shelved in favor of another project (Borderlands, Duke, etc), and each time it was resumed it would undergo a major content overhaul.
SEGA, naturally, wasn't super pleased about the delays, but GBX got away with it for a long time and the contract between SEGA and GBX kept getting augmented to push the projected release further and further back. The last time it was resumed, GBX outsourced a good portion of the game to outside companies. Initially, the plan was for TimeGate to take the majority of campaign, GBX would take MP, Demiurge and Nerve would handle DLC and various other focused tasks. This decision was made mostly so that most of the developers at GBX could continue working on Borderlands 2, while a small group of LDs, coders and designers dealt with Pecan.
Somehow the schedules for Pecan and Borderlands 2 managed to line up and GBX realized that there was no fucking way they could cert and ship two titles at the same time. Additionally, campaign (which was being developed by TimeGate) was extremely far behind, even as Pecan's Beta deadline got closer and closer. In April or May (can't remember which), Pecan was supposed to hit beta, but GBX instead came to an agreement with SEGA that they would push the release date back one more time, buying GBX around 9 mos extension.
About 5 of those 9 months went to shipping BL2. In that time, TimeGate managed to scrap together 85% of the campaign, but once Borderlands 2 shipped and GBX turned its attention to Pecan, it became pretty apparent that what had been made was in a pretty horrid state. Campaign didn't make much sense, the boss fights weren't implemented, PS3 was way over memory, etcetcetc. GBX was pretty unhappy with TG's work, and some of Campaign maps were just completely redesigned from scratch. There were some last minute feature requests, most notably female marines, and the general consensus among GBX devs was that there was no way this game was going to be good by ship. There just wasn't enough time.
Considering that SEGA was pretty close to taking legal action against GBX, asking for an extension wasn't an option, and so Pecan crash-landed through certification and shipping. Features that were planned were oversimplified, or shoved in (a good example of this are challenges, which are in an incredibly illogical order). Issues that didn't cause 100% blockers were generally ignored, with the exception of absolutely horrible problems. This isn't because GBX didn't care, mind you. At a certain point, they couldn't risk changing ANYTHING that might cause them to fail certification or break some other system. And so, the product you see is what you get.
Beyond gameplay, the story has been raised as an issue several times. I can't really comment without feeling bad beyond saying that the script was approved by 20th Century FOX, and that the rush to throw a playable product together came at the cost of the story. Campaign does a pretty bad job of explaining a lot of the questions raised at the start of the game, and so hopefully there will be DLC to flesh that out a bit better.
I'll answer some questions, but I have to run soon, so it may take a while for responses.


oyunun niye böyle olduğu ile ilgili reddit postu açmış biri. olay konsollardan çok Gearbox'ın oyunu umursamayıp Borderlands 2'ye yüklenmesiymiş sanırım.
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