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Assassin's Creed III

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
orjinal alın abi zaten AC serisini. kuruşu kuruşuna değiyor. hayatımda üç oyununu da orjinal aldığım ender serilerden. hatta orjinal aldığım tek single player oyun/oyunlar lol.
Mesaj tarihi:
Abi ne bu aşırı tepkiler apaçice şeyler anlamıyorum.. Özellikle DHde millet ne salak öyle ya
AC2 yapıldığında italyanların olayı buna benzer kaşıladıklarını hiç sanmıyorum.. Ne bebe ne embesil herifler
Şöyle direk:





Mesaj tarihi:
Red said:

killzone 3 türkçesini sevdim ben ya

hepsini temizleyin

hadi cocuklar sdf

ciddi bir senkron sorunu vardı ama onu da hem Sony'nin ilk dublajı olmasına, hemde zaten İngilizcesinde de aynı sorunların bulunmasına bağlıyorum.
Mesaj tarihi:

muhtesem suleyman bize yardim edecekmis oyunda. hook blade adlı yeni silahı yusuf azim usta veriyor ezioya.


- Revelations is supposed to clear things up to this point
- Closing to the stories for characters
- There is a great deal of Templar activity in Constantinople, battling the Ottoman
- Constantinople is more populated than Rome
- Game kicks off as Ezio heads to Masyaf
- Ezio is trying to find information on Altair/the Creed
- Ezio learns that Masyaf has been overrun by Templars
- He later finds out that there is a very powerful artifact hidden in Masyaf
- Needs 5 ancient seals to get access to the artifcat
- Templars are interested in the artifact as well
- Ezio will have new friends in the game such as Suleiman, Yusuf Azim, Sofia Sorto
- Yusuf Azim: master assassin
- Sofia Sorto: Sorto makes Ezio question what his life would be like if he wasn’t an assassin - More in-depth assassins
- You can participate in the random events (girl asking for help, someone being robbed, etc.), or you can ignore them
- Cinematic camera is getting changed
- Desmond is in a coma following the events in Brotherhood
- Desmond is essentially trapped in his own mind once the assassins place him into an animus
- While Desmond tries to put his mind back together, he looks for a “nexus” which explains how Ezio, Altair, and himself are connected
- Expect an improved multiplayer mode
- Multiplayer focusing more on the story-side of things now so that players can get a more detailed look at the Templars and what they stand for
- New game mode features multiplayer story quests
- More customization as well as more characters

Mesaj tarihi:
şu kısım beni gerçekten heyecanlandırıyor,

- Desmond is in a coma following the events in Brotherhood
- Desmond is essentially trapped in his own mind once the assassins place him into an animus
- While Desmond tries to put his mind back together, he looks for a “nexus” which explains how Ezio, Altair, and himself are connected
Mesaj tarihi:
We decided in this opus of the franchise to actually give the players a lot of the answers that they've sort of been thirsting for ever since AC II. A lot of things were set up with Minerva, with Juno, a lot of the details about the end-of-the-world plot line in 2012—as we're getting closer and closer to the actual 2012 marker, the franchise is also concluding its major opus. So this game is sort of where we're setting all the record straight. We're sort of closing all of the loops that have been started. .., We're going to reveal not only a lot of stuff about the first civilization plot-line, but we're actually going to conclude the Ezio, the Altair storylines, and we're going to sort of explain why Ezio is such an important character for the franchise, what his actual role is in all of that plotline, what role Altair plays in that destiny, and, ultimately what role Desmond plays in all that stuff.
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