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Manga: Naruto (bol spoiler içerir)

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:


Pain is defeated by Rasengan.
Naruto pulls out a black rod from Pain and stabs himself with it.
He locates Nagato's whereabouts.
Naruto's flashback.
About happiness and peace.

Hinata is gradually recovering under Sakura's treatment.
Team Gai and Sakura hear from Katsuyu that Naruto had finally beaten Pain.

Neji says he wants to go after Naruto.
Katsuyu tries to stop him but to no avail.

Shikaku arrives and sees Naruto.
Naruto tells him he is going to Pain's real body alone.
Ino's dad tries to stop him.
Shikaku thinks about his conversation with Shikamaru and decides to entrust it totally to Naruto.

The papers wrapping around the tree open up.

Nagato: Go, Konan.
Konan: Nagato

Naruto: The one at the back is your real body!?
Nagato: Peace will arrive soon

The thoughts of Naruto and Nagato.

The End.

Mesaj tarihi:
xunn said:
kitsune said:
the naruto ne harbiden ya, ayrıca sadece rasengan atan süper kahraman mı olurmuş? :)

Terbiyesiz, Naruto'nun asıl tekniği Guts.

guts ipponun tekniğin dasdas
Mesaj tarihi:
Allah'ımm sana geliyorum!


Nolur bu seferde iyilikle yola getirmesin naruto, bambaşka şeyler olsun. Bu noktaya kadar getiren iq digitleri daha ilginç şeyler göstermeye yetmiyomu, bizi şaşırtmaya..

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Bu konu yeni mesajlara artık kapalıdır.
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