Nasıl bir dünya algınız var çok merak ediyorum gerçekten. Ben inandığım için din sömürüsü yapan herhangi bir oluşum(örn:AKP, IŞİD) ya da birey(Nihat hatipoğlu vb.) nasıl bundan faydalanıyor? Mesela 1 milyar inanan sayısına ulaşılınca IŞİD yeni silahlar elde edip, Nihat hatipoğluna +5 hitabet point mi ekleniyor. Cidden inanılmaz mantıksızca birşey ileri sürülmüş.
Ben inandığım için din sömürüsü yapanların nasıl çıkar sağladığını mantık çerçevesinde kanıtlarıyla anlatabilene helalinden bir dürüm.
Hayvan derisi satın alıp sektöre katkı sağlayan insanla bir tutmayın ama o çok saçma çünkü inandığım için hiç bir kişiye veya kuruma para vermedim şimdiye kadar.
First, moderate religion primes children — by the millions, if not billions — from an early age to accept without question the authority of the very same books that serve as the basis for fundamentalist ideologies, and it teaches children that the gods described in those books are worthy of worship. This renders these children susceptible to fundamentalist ideology when, as young adults, they begin seeking a purpose for their lives.
Second, moderate religion propagates and legitimizes the vehicles of fundamentalist ideology — both the texts and the rituals. The fact that millions upon millions of Americans believe that the Bible is a holy book drives publishers to print millions upon millions of copies every year. Bibles are available in every home and on the back of every church pew. And all it takes for a fundamentalist to be born is for one lost soul to pick up a copy and find a powerful sense of purpose in a literal interpretation of the text. The same is true of the Koran.
Third, moderate religion lends credibility to fundamentalism by claiming to believe in the very same gods and the very same divinely-inspired texts that are exalted by fundamentalists. If not for moderate religion, the absurdity of fundamentalist beliefs would be much more obvious. But those beliefs are not as easy to identify as absurd when billions of people worship the same god and study the same scripture. The result is that fundamentalist beliefs are seen not as ridiculous, but as merely unorthodox or misguided interpretations of an ideology that is, on the whole, widely regarded as correct. The absurdity of the situation would be comical if it weren’t so tragic. For generations, we have been printing billions of books containing verses that command us to kill idolaters, adulterers, homosexuals, and unbelievers. We teach our children that these books are holy and then cross our fingers in hopes that they won’t take those verses seriously.
dürümü yazara mı yollarsın bana mı açım
nasil bi kafasi varmis la harbi yobazmis vaybe arkadas
[quote="Sizin bu son 7 yıldaki dönüşümünüze ne diyorlar? -Annem hayatta değil. Babam da pek karışmıyor. Ama ben artık her işimi Kuran’a göre yaptığım ve konuşmalarımda daima ayetlerden referans verdiğim için benimle muhabbet etmek pek işine gelmiyor herhalde. Uzaklaşıyor. Çünkü bu bir tarz meselesi. İnsanlar kendilerini hep haklı zannederler. Olabilir. Ama neye göre haklısınız? Babam bana herhangi bir konuda bir argüman sunduğu zaman ben “Bu Allah’ın kitabına aykırı, dolayısıyla karşıyım” diyorum. O da “Peki peki” diyor, sohbet bitiyor."]
adamı bezdirmiş lan ahahaha
ulan cok uzuldum yazik kafayi yemis ya :( her sene daha kotuye gidiyor demek ki dicektim 2014'mus haber.
Öne çıkan mesajlar
First, moderate religion primes children — by the millions, if not billions — from an early age to accept without question the authority of the very same books that serve as the basis for fundamentalist ideologies, and it teaches children that the gods described in those books are worthy of worship. This renders these children susceptible to fundamentalist ideology when, as young adults, they begin seeking a purpose for their lives.
Second, moderate religion propagates and legitimizes the vehicles of fundamentalist ideology — both the texts and the rituals. The fact that millions upon millions of Americans believe that the Bible is a holy book drives publishers to print millions upon millions of copies every year. Bibles are available in every home and on the back of every church pew. And all it takes for a fundamentalist to be born is for one lost soul to pick up a copy and find a powerful sense of purpose in a literal interpretation of the text. The same is true of the Koran.
Third, moderate religion lends credibility to fundamentalism by claiming to believe in the very same gods and the very same divinely-inspired texts that are exalted by fundamentalists. If not for moderate religion, the absurdity of fundamentalist beliefs would be much more obvious. But those beliefs are not as easy to identify as absurd when billions of people worship the same god and study the same scripture. The result is that fundamentalist beliefs are seen not as ridiculous, but as merely unorthodox or misguided interpretations of an ideology that is, on the whole, widely regarded as correct. The absurdity of the situation would be comical if it weren’t so tragic. For generations, we have been printing billions of books containing verses that command us to kill idolaters, adulterers, homosexuals, and unbelievers. We teach our children that these books are holy and then cross our fingers in hopes that they won’t take those verses seriously.
dürümü yazara mı yollarsın bana mı açım
adamı bezdirmiş lan ahahaha
ulan cok uzuldum yazik kafayi yemis ya :( her sene daha kotuye gidiyor demek ki dicektim 2014'mus haber.