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Werewolf: The Apocalypse [WoD]

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Mesaj tarihi:

Paris-based video game publisher Focus Home Interactive is pleased to announce its partnership with White Wolf Publishing, license owner of the famous World of Darkness universe (Vampire The Masquerade, Werewolf, Mage Ascension).

The World of Darkness is a gritty vision of our own time. The world’s most devious conspiracies are true. The divide between the rich and the poor is huge and corruption is rife. In the shadows of our declining societies, humans fall victim to supernatural horrors, all struggling for control.

The partnership between Focus Home Interactive and White Wolf Publishing concerns the adaptation in a video game of one of the most acclaimed licenses from the World of Darkness - Werewolf: The Apocalypse. The game will be developed by studio Cyanide (Styx: Master of Shadows, Blood Bowl, Call of Cthulhu). Become a werewolf, known as Garou (from French "Loup-garou" meaning werewolf), immersed in the atmosphere of their shamanistic and tribal world. Garou are Werewolf warriors opposed to urban civilization and supernatural corruption, all heading towards inevitable apocalypse.

More info about this new adaptation of this brutal Werewolf mythology to come at this year’s event in Paris, “le What’s Next de Focus”, on February 1st and 2nd.
Mesaj tarihi:
Cyanidesa koyamıyoruz sepete, game of thrones başta iyi gibi görünüp mıy mıy tekrar eden trashle baymıştı. Onun gibi olur heralde yine.

Tabi iyi yanı post-apoc/yeni settingleri değil de orijinal eski settingi konu alması. Zaten new world of darknessı dandikliği yüzünden kimse lisanslamadı sanırım
  • 1 yıl sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
oyunun ismi degismis, Werewolf: Earth Blood olmus.

ufak tefek bilgiler:



Mesaj tarihi:
werewolf cok değişik bir oyun masaüstü olarak
çuvalla zar atıyorsun ama spiritüel bir yanı var felan falan
bence hala en iyi tercih vampir ama werewolfude alırık patates değilse. (magein tadı spell list olmaması olunca tadı yok)
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Mesaj tarihi:

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  • 4 hafta sonra ...
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