darkageman Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 20, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 20, 2016 Neden abi öyle söyledin şimdi. :)
Uzun Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 20, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 20, 2016 said: DARK AND LIGHT COMING 2017 Steam Store Page and Official Website Launched We announced today that Dark and Light, our new online fantasy sandbox RPG, will be coming to Steam in Early Access in 2017! Snail’s development team is busy focusing on polishing Dark and Light, and optimizing the game for fans around the world when it launches next year. We also revealed a brand new gameplay trailer, a new website, for Dark and Light in addition to the official Steam Store page, which our players can follow to keep up-to-date on Dark and Light’s development. To reach our goals for Dark and Light requires that we spend extra time at this stage in the development process to ensure we're delivering an extraordinary game to our players. We appreciate the patience as we approach Early Access. Dark and Light puts players in an immersive fantasy world that is filled with magic, monsters, and mystery. In this world, they will be challenged to survive and thrive through a combination of crafting, exploration, and powerful magic. Players can sign up for the Dark and Light newsletter to receive regular updates and add the game to their Steam wish lists. Stay up to date with the game’s development on our official website, ‘Like’ us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. We look forward to showing off more of what Dark and Light has to offer in the upcoming year! The Dark and Light Team Bana bu gün mail atmışlar..
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