Norak Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 2, 2019 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 2, 2019 (düzenlendi) Nisan 2, 2019 Norak tarafından düzenlendi
razzRaziel Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 4, 2019 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 4, 2019 sadece izlerken bile kız arkadaşlarınıza sahip çıkın
Borlach Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 5, 2019 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 5, 2019 kızıl arada bayılıp ayıldı mı yoksa numara mı yapıyor anlamadım.
stimpak Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 12, 2019 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 12, 2019 16 saat önce, Xenus dedi ki: araya p'yi nası soktun ya
Xenus Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 12, 2019 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 12, 2019 (düzenlendi) otomatik çeviren script var ondan. vpnsiz garipler de görebilsin diye ama imgurp patlamış herhalde. sabahtan beri yok bende. @ad3m kageurufu'lu versiyona geçtim ben Spoiler // ==UserScript== // @name Imgur Mirror // @version 7 // @description Switches all imgur links to the mirror site // @author Adrien Pyke Façaed by Ad3m // @include *://*/* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://** // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /** * @param sel - the selector you want to wait for * @param action - the callback that will be executed when element/s matching the given selector are found, it is passed the array of found elements * @param stopLooking - if true the function will stop looking for more elements after the first match */ function waitForElems(sel, action, stopLooking) { var tick; var id = 'fke' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 12345); var type = window.MutationObserver ? 'M' : 'S'; var lastMutation =; var lastCall =; var queuedCall; function throttle(func) { var now =; clearTimeout(queuedCall); // less than 100ms since last mutation if(now - lastMutation < 100) { // 500ms or more since last query if(now - lastCall >= 500) { func(); } else { queuedCall = setTimeout(func, 100); } } else { func(); } lastMutation = now; } function findElem(sel) { lastCall =; var found = [], function(elem) { return elem.dataset[id] !== 'y'; }); if(found.length > 0) { if(stopLooking) { type === 'M' ? tick.disconnect() : clearInterval(tick); } found.forEach(function(elem) { elem.dataset[id] = 'y'; action(elem); }); } } if(type === 'M') { tick = new MutationObserver(throttle.bind(null, findElem.bind(null, sel))); tick.observe(document.body, { subtree: true, childList: true }); } else { tick = setInterval(findElem.bind(null, sel), 300); } findElem(sel); return { type: type, stop: function() { if(type === 'M') { tick.disconnect(); } else { clearInterval(tick); } } }; } /** * @param regex - should match the site you're waiting for * @param action - the callback that will be executed when a matching url is visited * @param stopLooking - if true the function will stop waiting for another url match after the first match */ function waitForUrl(regex, action, stopLooking) { function checkUrl(urlTest) { var url = window.location.href; if(url !== lastUrl && urlTest(url)) { if(stopLooking) { clearInterval(tick); } lastUrl = url; action(); } lastUrl = url; } var urlTest = (typeof regex === 'function' ? regex : regex.test.bind(regex)), tick = setInterval(checkUrl.bind(null, urlTest), 300), lastUrl; checkUrl(urlTest); return tick; } //FIX LINK (function() { 'use strict'; var regex2 = /((https?:\/\/)?(?:i?m?\.)?imgur\.com\/(.*?(?:png|jpeg|jpg|gifv|gif|mp4)))|.*/ig; var getNewLink2 = function(imgurLink2, fixLink) { var urlz = imgurLink2.replace(regex2, '$1'); return urlz; }; waitForElems('img,a', function(node) { var isImg = node.nodeName === 'IMG'; var prop = isImg ? 'src' : 'href'; var newLink = getNewLink2(node[prop], isImg); if(newLink) { node[prop] = newLink; if (node.dataset.hrefUrl) { node.dataset.hrefUrl = newLink; } if (node.dataset.outboundUrl) { node.dataset.outboundUrl = newLink; } } }); })(); //FIX LINK (function() { 'use strict'; var regex = /imgur\.com\/(?!a\/|gallery\/)(?:r\/[a-z0-9_]+\/)?([a-z0-9]+)(\.+[a-z0-9]+)?/i; var getNewLink = function(imgurLink, useGif) { var match = imgurLink.match(regex); if (match) { var file = match[1]; if (match[2] == null) { return '' + file + '.png'; } if (match[2] == '.gif') { return '' + file + '.gifv'; } else { return null; } } }; waitForElems('img,a', function(node) { var isImg = node.nodeName === 'IMG'; var prop = isImg ? 'src' : 'href'; var newLink = getNewLink(node[prop], isImg); if(newLink) { if (prop == 'src') { newLink = newLink.replace(/\.(gifv)($|\?)/, '.gif'); } //console.log(newLink); //console.log(prop); node[prop] = newLink; if (node.dataset.hrefUrl) { node.dataset.hrefUrl = newLink; } if (node.dataset.outboundUrl) { node.dataset.outboundUrl = newLink; } } }); })(); changeLinks(); document.addEventListener('scroll', changeLinks); document.addEventListener('click', changeLinks); function changeLinks() { var list = document.querySelectorAll('[href*=""]'); for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var node = list.item(i); node.setAttribute('href', node.getAttribute('href') .replace('', '') .replace('', '') .replace('', '') .replace('', '') .replace('https://', 'http://')); node.setAttribute('href', node.getAttribute('href') .replace('', '') .replace('', '') .replace('https://', 'http://')); } list = document.querySelectorAll('[src*=""]'); for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var node = list.item(i); node.setAttribute('src', node.getAttribute('src') .replace('', '') .replace('', '') .replace('https://', 'http://')); node.setAttribute('src', node.getAttribute('src') .replace('', '') .replace('', '') .replace('https://', 'http://')); } } (function () { 'use strict'; if ( == "") { function cl(ac) { var a = ac.querySelectorAll('a[data-href-url]'); var ct_out = 0, ct_aff = 0, ct = 0, ct_in; for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { /* // This is reddit's function to determine the url, which is stored in `o`. // It then hooks window unload to call sendBeacon with the url in `o` or // modifies the href attribute (if sendBeacon is disabled in config or unsupported by the browser). function o(e) { var t = $(e), r =, o; return t.attr('data-inbound-url') ? o = t.attr('data-inbound-url') : !n && t.attr('data-outbound-expiration') > r && (o = t.attr('data-outbound-url')), o && (i ? s = o : e.href = o), !0 } */ // Some minimal counting so we can tell things are working if (a.getAttribute('data-inbound-url')) { ct_in++; } if (a.getAttribute('data-affiliate-url')) { ct_aff++; } if (a.getAttribute('data-outbound-url') || a.getAttribute('data-outbound-expiration')) { ct_out++; } // Goals: // - make sure `o` stays undefined. // - avoid ever getting this function called // Removing all the relevent attributes gets us both of those // Unclear what the purpose of these is, but they are being used to // re-write urls (and trigger entry to the fn above), so remove. a.removeAttribute('data-inbound-url'); // Doesn't appear that reddit is injecting these affiliate links // anymore, but no reason to remove this a.removeAttribute('data-affiliate-url'); // We don't actually need to remove this, but it does short circuit // the condition quicker & cleans up the html, so do it. a.removeAttribute('data-outbound-expiration'); a.removeAttribute('data-outbound-url'); ct++; } console.log('>>>'); console.log('Outbound redirects removed: ' + ct_out); console.log('Inbound redirects removed: ' + ct_out); console.log('Affiliate redirects removed: ' + ct_aff); console.log('Total redirects removed: ' + ct); console.log('<<<'); } var tbls = document.querySelector('#siteTable'); var obs = new MutationObserver(function (r, self) { for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) { var ad = r.addedNodes; for (var j = 0; j < ad.length; j++) { var n = ad[j]; cl(n); } } }); obs.observe(tbls, { childList: true }); // TODO: consider patching out window.navigator.sendBeacon (which reddit only uses for this link tracking) // TODO: consider blocking the recent_srs cookie used for tracking cl(document); } }) (); Nisan 12, 2019 Xenus tarafından düzenlendi
Xenus Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 13, 2019 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 13, 2019
ad3m Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 13, 2019 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 13, 2019 @Xenus Şimdi gördüm eve geçebilince (?!) kage ve imgurp seçenekleri eklerim istediğiniz zaman dönüşümlü kullanırsınız.
Xenus Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 13, 2019 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 13, 2019 şimdi yine çalışıyor galiba. ilk defa gitti imgurp.
Xenus Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 14, 2019 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 14, 2019
Xenus Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 15, 2019 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 15, 2019 An example of how a cameras capture rate changes due to the amount of light being let into the camera
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