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Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft #4

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Namessar said:

3 gundur hem ranked hem casual da surekli murlock destesi geliyor onume. hunter cılgınlıgı sırasında destelerimin hepsini modifiye ettigimden pek zorlamıyorlar. artsın sayıları da beles galibiyet goreyim biraz.

dediğim gibi şu son turnuvada izleyen herkes murlock çıkıyor bende başka bişi görmedim
Mesaj tarihi:
ya bu bal ötesi hunter arena draftlarının sonu ne zaman gelicek ben anlamıyorum.

adam şu komboyu 2 kere yaptı 2: knife juggler, timberwolf, unleash. şaka mı? diil gerçek.

he bi de 2 tane arcane golem vardı.

resmen constructed rush deck kurmuş arenada.

ben shaman'ım, ne bir earth elemantal ne fire elemantal, ne weapon... sadece 2 hex'im var o kadar.
Mesaj tarihi:
Sorieno said:

En iyi common kartlar mage'den sonra paladin'de var çünkü.

Druid'in çoktan seçmeli kartları op'likte pek rakip tanıyan cinsten değil, versatile'in de işlevin de dibi var. hem boarda girip hem de yanında seçenekle geliyorlar, o yüzden +3 +4/+4 reduce ap gibi kartlara nazaran daha güçlüler.

Ranked'da maalesef paladin hızlı decklere cevap vermekte en fazla zorlanan sınıflardan bir tanesi. Kendi sınıf kartlarıyla bu duruma cevap vermesi yetersiz kaldığı için de wild pyromancer/equ/cons kombosuna mecbur kalabiliyorsun o da oyun stilini değiştiriyor her decke gitmiyor vs.

Paladin ve Priest ile ladderda yükselmek için gerçekten emek, çok iyi hesap kitap ve benim gibi bahtsız ötesi kart çekemyen bir adam olmak lazım.
Mesaj tarihi:

Thank you for playing, testing and offering your feedback on Hearthstone as we’ve transitioned from closed beta to open beta. The release of Hearthstone is on the horizon, and we have a couple of additional changes to certain cards we feel it is necessary to implement before the game goes live. As we’ve stated, we plan to make very few card changes when the game goes live, and we will only make changes to cards if they are absolutely necessary. Making these changes now will ensure a more balanced state of the overall game into release.

We will be making changes to the following cards: Tinkmaster Overspark and Nat Pagle.

Tinkmaster Overspark is now a 3/3 (up from 2/2) and now reads: Battlecry: Transform another random minion into a 5/5 Devilsaur or a 1/1 Squirrel.

Tinkmaster is a neutral card that silences and often shrinks big creatures. This reduces the amount of big, fun creatures in the environment. We think this change will increase the amount fun creatures in the environment, and bring him more in-line with his cost and overall power. Tinkmaster should still show up in certain types of decks, but will no longer be appearing in every high level deck.

Nat Pagle now reads: At the start of your turn, you have a 50% chance to draw an extra card.

Nat Pagle will now draw a card at the start of your turn rather than at the end. Nat had too much draw power for a card that is fairly hard to counter so early in the game, making it almost an auto-include for many decks. This change reduces the power of the card and gives players more time to counter the card before it starts.

In addition to these balance changes, we have been monitoring your feedback on our Ranked Play system that we implemented with Closed Beta Patch Many players have felt that the start of each Ranked Play season was particularly difficult due to the fact that rankings are reset for all players, regardless of how far they progressed in rankings during that season.

After the next patch, you will receive bonus stars at the start of each season based on your performance from the previous season. This way, players that have progressed far into any given Ranked Play season will not be challenging those potentially new to the game or jumping into Ranked Play for the first time.

For example, if you attained Legend, Innkeeper (Rank 1), or Black Knight (Rank 2) rank in any given season, at the start of next season you will start off at Questing Adventurer (Rank 17) rather than Angry Chicken (Rank 25).

Expert cards that are being changed can be disenchanted for their full cost for a limited time when the patch goes live. We hope these changes will increase the variety of cards you will see at all levels of play, and make playing Hearthstone a more fun and interactive game for everyone.
We’ll see you in game!

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Güle güle tinkmaster. Seninle geçirdiğimiz güzel zamanlar oldu. Ama buraya kadarmış. Sorun sende değil blizz'de. Sen zaten daha iyilerine layıktın..

Güle güle...
Mesaj tarihi:
Abi hem random minion hem 5/5 rng'si nasıl saçmalık ki.
Bu kartı tekrar değiştirirler muhakkak.
3/3 transform random minion 1/1 squirrel yapsınlar da bir işe yarasın.
Mesaj tarihi:
Aceace said:

Thank you for playing, testing and offering your feedback on Hearthstone as we’ve transitioned from closed beta to open beta. The release of Hearthstone is on the horizon, and we have a couple of additional changes to certain cards we feel it is necessary to implement before the game goes live. As we’ve stated, we plan to make very few card changes when the game goes live, and we will only make changes to cards if they are absolutely necessary. Making these changes now will ensure a more balanced state of the overall game into release.

We will be making changes to the following cards: Tinkmaster Overspark and Nat Pagle.

Tinkmaster Overspark is now a 3/3 (up from 2/2) and now reads: Battlecry: Transform another random minion into a 5/5 Devilsaur or a 1/1 Squirrel.

Tinkmaster is a neutral card that silences and often shrinks big creatures. This reduces the amount of big, fun creatures in the environment. We think this change will increase the amount fun creatures in the environment, and bring him more in-line with his cost and overall power. Tinkmaster should still show up in certain types of decks, but will no longer be appearing in every high level deck.

Nat Pagle now reads: At the start of your turn, you have a 50% chance to draw an extra card.

Nat Pagle will now draw a card at the start of your turn rather than at the end. Nat had too much draw power for a card that is fairly hard to counter so early in the game, making it almost an auto-include for many decks. This change reduces the power of the card and gives players more time to counter the card before it starts.

In addition to these balance changes, we have been monitoring your feedback on our Ranked Play system that we implemented with Closed Beta Patch Many players have felt that the start of each Ranked Play season was particularly difficult due to the fact that rankings are reset for all players, regardless of how far they progressed in rankings during that season.

After the next patch, you will receive bonus stars at the start of each season based on your performance from the previous season. This way, players that have progressed far into any given Ranked Play season will not be challenging those potentially new to the game or jumping into Ranked Play for the first time.

For example, if you attained Legend, Innkeeper (Rank 1), or Black Knight (Rank 2) rank in any given season, at the start of next season you will start off at Questing Adventurer (Rank 17) rather than Angry Chicken (Rank 25).

Expert cards that are being changed can be disenchanted for their full cost for a limited time when the patch goes live. We hope these changes will increase the variety of cards you will see at all levels of play, and make playing Hearthstone a more fun and interactive game for everyone.
We’ll see you in game!

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Güle güle tinkmaster. Seninle geçirdiğimiz güzel zamanlar oldu. Ama buraya kadarmış. Sorun sende değil blizz'de. Sen zaten daha iyilerine layıktın..

Güle güle...


3 tane tinkmaster 1600'er dust mu verecek bana.

Mesaj tarihi:
tink'i thalnos'a çevirecem bir o bir de sylvanas eksikti. pagle'da eh işte bir kart haline geldi ama coin ile elden gelen turnlerde halen iyi bir alternatif.
Mesaj tarihi:
Aceace said:

Ağlamaya devam edersin sen gerçi.

Kartım yok benim böhüü diye...

sen ağlama lan asıl.

ayrıca lorewalker cho'yu da bekliyorum değişiklik olsun diye!

3 tinkmaster sallayıp 1 rag, 1 cairne, 1 leeroy yaparım
3200 falan dust harcayıp 2 tane daha yapabilirim, ne yapsam lan?

edit: daha avrupaya hala gelmemiş amunike. beklemedeyiz. 1600 dust vermezlerse yakarım blizzard'ı.
Mesaj tarihi:
benim salı oluyordu gibi kalmış aklımda.

bu arada gerçekten büyük rezalet yapmışlar tinkmaster'ı. hayır 4 manaya çıkarsalardı bari lan. şu an gerçek anlamıyla çöp oldu. hayır bari 1/1 veya 3/3 yapsın ve sadece random enemy minion olsun.

bütün minionlar içinde random olması falan baya acınası kılmış.
Mesaj tarihi:
silence, big game hunter tarzı kartlar ile replace edilecek, direk çöp yaptılar, aptalca bir nerf, mantığı yok yani bu saatten sonra %5 falan tutan kalır elinde o kartı.
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