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Sünnet olmasaydım lan vol 2


Öne çıkan mesajlar

chem'in anlamadığı şu.
Biz erkeğiz
makyajla şunla bunla kendimizi beğendirmek zorunda olan değil,
hali hazırda beğenilen tarafız.

O yüzden, sünnetli olsun, sünnetsiz olsun çok farketmez. Hem hollandadakiler için farklı bir deneyim olur işte, salarsın ortama bi urban legend bununla ilgili bitti gitti.

Cinsel organına rig takacağına, diyalog lobuna chip tak panpa
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Abi sırf müslümanlar sünnetli değil ki?
Yahudiler de sünnetli. Amerikalıların çoğuda sünnetli.

It is estimated that one-third of males worldwide are circumcised.[1][14] It is commonly practiced between infancy and the early twenties.[1] The WHO has estimated that 664,500,000 males aged 15 and over are circumcised (30% global prevalence), almost 70% of whom are Muslim.[1] Circumcision is most prevalent in the Muslim world, Israel, South Korea, the United States and parts of Southeast Asia and Africa. It is relatively rare in Europe, Latin America, parts of Southern Africa and Oceania and most of Asia. Prevalence is near-universal in the Middle East and Central Asia.[1][56] The WHO states that "there is generally little non-religious circumcision in Asia, with the exceptions of the Republic of Korea and the Philippines".[1] The WHO presents a map of estimated prevalence in which the level is generally low (less than 20%) across Europe,[1] and Klavs et al. report findings that "support the notion that the prevalence is low in Europe".[57] Estimates for individual countries include Spain[58] and Colombia less than 2%; Brazil 7%;[58] Taiwan 9%;[59] Thailand 13%;[58] and Australia 58.7%.[60] The WHO estimates prevalence in the United States and Canada at 75% and 30%, respectively.[1] Prevalence in Africa varies from less than 20% in some southern African countries to near universal in North and West Africa.[56
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bir önceki konuyu okudumda orada sünnet olduktan sonra hisseden yerlerinin deri tuttupu bu yüzden hissini kaybettiğini belirtmiş. Hatta nasır tutmuş yağ bağlamış kocabaş olmuş !

kolsuz br adam ağzıylamı sünnet etti seni anlamadım ki. Az hissiyat iyidir zaten 5 dakka dayanamayan millet olarak :D
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