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Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


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Hikayenin ana hatlarının kendine sızdığını iddia eden biri var.


sızdığı iddia edilen senaryo

"Imagine the standard Star Wars crawl, and when it ends the camera pans up to the stars. But instead of a spaceship zooming into frame we see... a hand! A severed hand, tumbling through space. A severed hand gripping a light saber.

That hand falls onto a desert planet, where it is discovered by characters who will be our heroes. One is Daisy Ridley. The other is John Boyega, who is playing someone trying to change his path in life (again, I'm keeping it vague here). They recognize the light saber as a Jedi relic and decide to return it to the proper people.

Their quest takes them off world, and they meet up with Han Solo and Chewbacca, who aren't flying around in the Millenium Falcon anymore but are piloting... well, that could be a spoiler. I'll leave it. Anyway, Han and Chewie recognize the light saber as Luke's, and they say they haven't seen their friend in thirty years, since the events of Return of the Jedi.

So begins a quest to find the missing Jedi Master. Meanwhile, on an ice planet, nefarious forces are building a super weapon, one capable of destroying not planets but entire solar systems..."

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Komutan said:

Hikayenin ana hatlarının kendine sızdığını iddia eden biri var.


sızdığı iddia edilen senaryo

"Imagine the standard Star Wars crawl, and when it ends the camera pans up to the stars. But instead of a spaceship zooming into frame we see... a hand! A severed hand, tumbling through space. A severed hand gripping a light saber.

That hand falls onto a desert planet, where it is discovered by characters who will be our heroes. One is Daisy Ridley. The other is John Boyega, who is playing someone trying to change his path in life (again, I'm keeping it vague here). They recognize the light saber as a Jedi relic and decide to return it to the proper people.

Their quest takes them off world, and they meet up with Han Solo and Chewbacca, who aren't flying around in the Millenium Falcon anymore but are piloting... well, that could be a spoiler. I'll leave it. Anyway, Han and Chewie recognize the light saber as Luke's, and they say they haven't seen their friend in thirty years, since the events of Return of the Jedi.

So begins a quest to find the missing Jedi Master. Meanwhile, on an ice planet, nefarious forces are building a super weapon, one capable of destroying not planets but entire solar systems..."

nasıl yalan belli değil
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  • Genel Yönetici
Disney söyle dedi ama: On 25 April 2014, following the acquisition of the Star Wars license by Disney, it was announced that all previously released Expanded Universe content would henceforth be completely rebranded, referred to as Star Wars Legends. A new company division, Lucasfilm Story Group, will ensure from now on that all new comics, books, games, and other media are non-contradictory to each other and previous works, and valid to the story being told in the films. Given they are part of the same story, however, content and characters from the Legends works may reappear in the new "storytelling approach".

Tamamen uydurma yani yukardaki.Yuuzhan Vong istilasının hemen ardından geçiyor anladığım kadarıyla, öykü olarak boş bir zaman o zaman. Chewbacca yok bu nedenle zaten.
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  • Genel Yönetici
Şu ama onlara zıt da olmayacak demek değil mi:

A new company division, Lucasfilm Story Group, will ensure from now on that all new comics, books, games, and other media are non-contradictory to each other and previous works, and valid to the story being told in the films.
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