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Mesaj tarihi:
ginaly said:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Selami baban aradı, interneti kapatsın yatsın artık diyor.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


cons said:
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

fede said:
Stranger: sende mi şu paticik denen yerdensin
Stranger: 10 dakkadır paticik yazıyolar
Stranger: gay sitesimidir. hayvanlı mıdır anlamadım arkadaş. memleketin çivisi çıkmış.
cons said:
You: pıt var eks var
Stranger: yes ? no ?
You: yes
Stranger: erkan yolaçla evet hayır yarışmasında kaybettin
haydii şimdi siktir git

You: fede?
Stranger: f diyim o zaman


Mesaj tarihi:
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: turk musun
You: wha?
Stranger: ok
Stranger: u r not turk
Stranger: thank god
You: heh
You: why? do you hate them?
Stranger: no i m turk:D
Stranger: but they just seek girls
Stranger: if u r m
Stranger: ok fuck off they say
You: So you dont seek girls? are you gay man?
Stranger: no i m not gay
Stranger: i seek girls too
You: bisex?
Stranger: hell no
Stranger: i m str8
Stranger: so u r m
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Mesaj tarihi:
yarım saat konuştum, asl lafı geçmedi :p

You: oiiiiii
Stranger: hey
You: sup
Stranger: fine u
You: all good
Stranger: where r u from
You: Turkey
You: you?
Stranger: egypt
You: hot there?
You: :p
Stranger: yea a lot
Stranger: which city
You: ist
Stranger: pretty city
Stranger: i ve been there
You: its nice
You: but crowded as hell
Stranger: no doubt:)
Stranger: what do you do
You: as work?
Stranger: as whatever:)
You: i'm a HR
You: aka human resource
You: what do you do?
Stranger: university student, department of american studies
You: what exactly is american studies :p
You: american history and background or such?
Stranger: its just a lesson in the 1st year
Stranger: social structures,philosophy,visual culture,drama,performance art etc
Stranger: lots of
You: that sounds like a girlie thing to me :p
Stranger: why
You: art and such
You: drama
You: aint men'ish
You: :p
Stranger: interesting view
Stranger: lots and lots of men is hangin around the campus but studyin this:)
You: weird :p
You: i bet they dont offer men'ish study over there :p
Stranger: waht is menish study for you
You: dunno
You: engineering?
Stranger: but you are not :D
Stranger: yep
You: i'm not no :p
You: mathematical figures aint my thing
Stranger: thats kinda girlish then,social things and son on
You: it is, i am just that rare :p
Stranger: it will soon extinct then:D
You: possible :p
You: now this is quite an interesting conversation here :p
Stranger: i totally agree
You: whats the time over there now?
You: i'm so slacking at work now, its just bleh
Stranger: it will get dark for about 2 hours
Stranger: then your work is boring sort of
You: it can be from time to time
You: weird, i thought egypt has some longer days
You: as in daytime
Stranger: in summertime yes, its not as sunny today :)
You: not sunny but hot
You: ouch :p
You: wonder how summer'll be :p
Stranger: yea seasons are all in one place and time limit huh:)
You: pff
You: so how'd you find this site?
Stranger: well, its interesting very useful for to just talk and social community expansion maybe dunno:)
You: i've seen maaaaaaaany people pranking others on this site :p
Stranger: yea off course there s no lying machine:)
You: so, tell me the most popular egyptian food over there :p
Stranger: are you testing me or what:P
You: no no
You: its hard to find what to talk about with a total stranger :p
Stranger: well my mother always makes basbusa, swarma,kishk and i like kofta
Stranger: perfect strangers all of us
Stranger: :)
You: swarma and kofta i know of
You: swarma, if i'm not mistaken, its Turkish origin
You: kofta is not however :p
You: basbusa and kishk is just ?? :p
Stranger: you hungry i think
Stranger: :D
You: i like food in general, especially food from other cultures
Stranger: basbusa is a kind of cake with sugar
You: it can be quite interesting :p
You: now thats yummy
Stranger: kishk is made with chicken
Stranger: its yummy yummy yummy
Stranger: i can assure u that
You: i'll google them, sec :p
Stranger: ok
You: i only get arabic peeps photos :p
Stranger: :)
Stranger: well arabia is near meals are more or less same :)
You: possibly
You: so so
You: first year at university?_
Stranger: no last
Stranger: graduation is in june
You: woo
You: congrats, if you're graduating :p
Stranger: yes i am:)
You: any prom preparations?
Stranger: no will not attend them its kinda silly for me:p
You: why so
Stranger: not necessary thats all
You: hmm
You: its going to happen only once in your whole life
You: even tho not necessary, i think you shouldnt miss the opportunity :)
Stranger: well the music sucks arabic rythms i dont quiet like them :)
Mesaj tarihi:
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: pst
Stranger: ne pst
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Mesaj tarihi:
Stranger: in flames we trust
You: lol
You: dude
You: listen to me
You: you're in danger
Stranger: holy fuck
Stranger: yes?
You: we're all in danger
You: there's a new, nameless shadow in these lands
Stranger: let's go on a quest to cleanse it
You: but dont worry i named it now, haydar
Stranger: asdaksjdas
You: asfas
Stranger: mahau
Stranger: giriş çok iyiydi
Stranger: asdhajshd
You: asdasfas
You: patiden mi yoksa
Stranger: yok, pati ne ya :D
You: neyse :D
You have disconnected.
Mesaj tarihi:


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi there?
You: hi =)
Stranger: asl ?
You: 19 f finland
You: u?
Stranger: 20 m turkey :)
You: oh I have been there once=)
You: love your beaches=)
Stranger: really ? :)
Stranger: bodrum ? cesme ?
You: no it was mamarris
Stranger: thats great too :)
You: really cool place=)
Stranger: yep!
You: where are you from in turkey?
Stranger: i'm from izmir, but i study industrial engineering in ankara
Stranger: 3rd year..very difficult actually..
You: it should be=)
Stranger: so you think coming here again ?
You: actually we were planning with my family
Stranger: cool :)
You: I was tutoring one turkish erasmus student here this year
You: maybe I'll go visit her
Stranger: from which university ?
You: uhmm...hard for me to remember=)
Stranger: :)
Stranger: by the way i love your music very much.i mean the bands playing metal music
Stranger: nightwish and sentenced :)
You: great bands=)
Stranger: my favorites
Stranger: :)
You: actually it is a plastic image that we all finnish people are into the metal music, but yeah we are good at it=)
You: and here electronic staff is more popular
Stranger: yea u r just great!
Stranger: hmm im not into it so much
You: what's your name?
Stranger: okan
Stranger: urs ?
You: sini=)
Stranger: do u have facebook sini, maybe i can guide you when you come to turkey again ?
Stranger: it would be lovely to communicate :)
You: ya tabi ki ama, sanmıyorum ki lazım olsun guidance, zira türküm ben abi, geçmiş olsun =P
Stranger: fazla asılma

adam kendini kötü hissetti bildiğin kjfh
Mesaj tarihi:
Ne pis milletiz said:
You: whats up
Stranger: hi
You: from
Stranger: poland
Stranger: you?
You: turkey
Stranger: sex
You: m
You: u ?
Stranger: ssij
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Mesaj tarihi:
warhammer'da rvr filan yaparken süper oluyo omegle lol, boş vakit geçirme aparatı resmen

yaa :<

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Your conversational partner has disconnected

aşama kaydediyorum

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: how're you doing?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Mesaj tarihi:
fede said:
Stranger: sende mi şu paticik denen yerdensin
Stranger: 10 dakkadır paticik yazıyolar
Stranger: gay sitesimidir. hayvanlı mıdır anlamadım arkadaş. memleketin çivisi çıkmış.

buyrun.. hâlâ paticik olsun diye var mı?
Mesaj tarihi:
You: n,hao
Stranger: hi
You: kankaa you naber yea?
Stranger: what language do you speak?
You: tarzanian.. we just developed it
Stranger: oh
Stranger: i dont know that
Stranger: where r u from
Stranger: ?
You: you are our first subject now I'll write down some sentences and ypou will say what you understand right?
You: we are an useless group of swiss sceintists
You: sencence 1: what yapıyon aga in this saatte?
Stranger: what!?
You: ok for our fist subject failed too much we pass to next one
You have disconnected.
Mesaj tarihi:

You: hiasl
Stranger: hola
Stranger: senor?
You: you seem so strange you are not form around right
You: i like your boots
Stranger: i am spain
You: and I'm United Kingdom I'll conquer you!
Stranger: u r shit
You: commander prepare my armada let the invasion begin!
You: die to king philip!
Stranger: ur mother?
You: we will conquer your mother!
You: I got russel crowe as my 1st mate
You: he will kick your ass with chuck norris
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Mesaj tarihi:
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: hows you doin
You: fine u?
Stranger: uhh fine
You: where are u from
Stranger: sweeden, you?
You: china
Stranger: then, bye!
edit: oluyomuş sdf
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