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Battlefield V (WWII)

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Gladmir said:

hahah, silmis milleti sonra `ayy hiklinmisim`

Esh said:

lan bi ara sikko bi hek olayi yasanmisti, butun listeyi silmis pic sdfg

yok lan ciddiyim.

eklesenize: Eshreff
Mesaj tarihi:
Goering said:

ben 3840 x 1080 oynuyorum 1080ti'da
HDR acmazsam cok kasmiyor 144hz.

en yuksek grafik, patlamali online 60-70 fps.
en dusuk low-latency arari, 140-150 fps.

Refresh rate secmeyi unutmayin :)

ayni bende de ama post processing'i ultraya cekince graph'da cpu deli gibi spike yiyor, bf1 de boyle bi sorun yoktu. ayrica ben gpu olayi zannediyodum post processing'i.
Mesaj tarihi:
Reached Career rank 50 already? You absolute beast! Fret not, we got more things in store for you. Starting with Overture you will have the new Chapter Rank to pursue, which works a bit different. We also got some fun plans to make the Career grind interesting for a long time!
Loving the rich customization but the amount of clicks wearing your mouse out faster than playing Cookie Clicker? We got some improvements brewing to make your customization experience much more pleasant.
Specializations are cool, you know what is even cooler? Letting you manage them whenever/wherever you want. Coming soon.
Speaking of letting you do things when you want. Special Assignment management in-game 👀 No ETA on that one, but it's something we really want to add.
Do you, like myself, forget to manage both sides of the conflict when it comes to loadouts? We're aware of this frustration, and are looking into different ways of improving it.
This is a small one but one of my personal pet peeves ;) You know how the objective capture status gets hidden when you get a critical message? It's pretty damn annoying, so we fixed that.
And of course the team is keeping a very close eye on any nasty little bugs you might experience, those are always the top priority to fix!

Erik Ortman
Lead Engagement Designer on Battlefield V
Mesaj tarihi:
ne güzel daha bitmeden oyunları piyasaya sürüp sonra ztn release'te olması gereken featureların reklamını yapıp "bakın oyunla ilgileniyoruz satıştan sonra" ağzı yapıyolar. lan bunlar yoksa niye oyun release ediliyor...
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