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E3 2017


Öne çıkan mesajlar

Teşekkürler. Yeğen PC'de idi ben de o ara sızmışım :) ama sönük geçmiş, konferanstan da yeni bişi çıkmaz. Gameplay gömerler E3 için.

Şu Battlefield 1 DLC'si için biraz daha detay görseydik ya. Sarıkamış falan olacak mı acaba.

Battlefront 2 hype ve ben bu trene binerim :D 1. oyunu baya sömürmüştüm bunu da sömürürüm. Star Wars hayranı da değil ha.

NBA Live şaşırttı Anthem ve A Way Out için de heyecan yapamadım. Özetle EA sönük geçmiş.
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bonus autism:










kojima is god
dorito pope is his messenger
he orchestrated the rise of this new age of memes and madness
the biggest ruse in history will be exposed on monday


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creepasta olaylarina girmeyelimde cidden 2001 de cikmis oyunda web 2.0 ve sosyal medya kanserini ongordu adam, memeleri ongordu ki meme paylasiminin vs olmadigi cagdan bahsediyoruz. oyunun ana temasi meme idi ustune ahahaha

2013 de MAGA yi ongurdu, death strandingde abuk subuk birsuru sey var del toro nun rozeti gibi


evrim, karaya vuran baliklar, balcik vs

cidden 4chan komplo otistlerine hak veriyorum bazen su konusmalara bakinca


11 eylulden aylar sonra cikmis bir oyun internet daha emekleme asamasindayken nasil bu kadar net bir mesaj verdi. o donem kimse anlamamisti bunu tipki 2013 de "make america great again" e raiden in "what the hell are you talking about?" demesi gibi. 16 sene sonra insanlar boyle izledimi dehsete dusuyor

merak eden icin mgs2 nin kilit noktasi


Most of the major plot elements in MGS2 revolve around the Patriots: a clandestine organization whose goals involve global social, political, and economic control. To achieve this, the Patriots focus primarily on establishing control over the dissemination of information that occurs through digital channels. This falls in line with Kojima's dark projections of advanced technology (where powerful organizations utilize said tech for questionable means), as the Patriots seek to extend and maintain their power by controlling the very flow of knowledge in society. Consequently, MGS2's newly introduced Arsenal Gear isn't even a weapon but rather a massive mobile defense installation with the capability of controlling information across global digital channels. The methodology of the Patriots and their intent to use Arsenal Gear is explained by NPC Emma Emmerich, the leading developer of Arsenal Gear's GW computer system:

"In this day and age, information emerges from every direction, and is freely distributed. In fact, the speed of this circulation process is accelerating on an almost daily basis. [...] Political scandal, corporate corruption; up until now, the Patriots have managed to keep a lid on these and other self-serving events. But with their existing data processing system, they are no longer able to effectively control the flow of information generated at the individual level. With the newly created system, they can fully regulate digital information. High-level information can be categorized in stages, given clearance levels, and deleted as necessary -- never to be seen by the public. By deleting such information, the Patriots can shape the course of history as they see fit."
This echoes a similar concern over knowledge and information championed by postmodern theorist Jean Francois Lyotard in The Postmodern Condition. Along with commenting on the changing state of knowledge in advanced information societies, Lyotard asserts:

"Knowledge will be a major component in the world-wide competitions for power and it is conceivable that nation-states will one day fight for control of information just as they battled for control over territories in the past. [...] Knowledge and power are simply two sides of the same question: who decides what knowledge is, and who knows what needs to be decided? In the computer age, the question of knowledge is now more than ever a question of government."

Lyotard's work reveals that controlling the flow of information in order to shape history is a byproduct of our current postmodern Information Age. MGS2 not only takes this idea to heart, but runs with it full speed and lends itself favorably to Richard Dawkins' theory of memetics. Originally published in 1987, Dawkins' The Selfish Gene introduces the idea of memetics as a method of measuring the cultural evolution of ideas:

"Examples of memes are tunes, ideas, catch-phrases, clothes fashions, ways of making pots or of building arches. Just as genes propagate themselves in the gene pool by leaping from body to body via sperms or eggs, so memes propagate themselves in the meme pool by leaping from brain to brain via a process which, in the broad sense, can be called imitation. If a scientist hears, or reads about, a good idea, he passes it on to his colleagues and students. He mentions it in his articles and his lectures. If the idea catches on, it can be said to propagate itself, spreading from brain to brain."
The theory of memetics shows how creating a mode of natural selection for memes in the sea of uncontrolled digital information via Arsenal Gear would allow the Patriots to shape public discourse by easily replacing radical or opposing ideas with those that the group finds more convenient for maintaining their power.

This rampant focus on memetics and information control brings up an interesting issue: how the MGS series, like all forms of cultural expression, is itself memetic. After all, players can play the game, think about its themes, speak to fellow gamers about the content in the game, post and discuss on internet forums, and pass copies of the game on to others.

>"The untested truths spun by different interests continue to churn and accumulate in the sandbox of political correctness and value systems. Everyone withdraws into their own small gated community, afraid of a larger forum"
>"They stay inside their little ponds, leaking whatever "truth" suits them into the growing cesspool of society at large"
>"The different cardinal truths neither clash nor mesh. No one is invalidated, but nobody is right"

neyse back to e3
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