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Civilization VI

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Civilization VI: Gathering Storm – Features Post

TL;DR: There will be 8 New Civilizations, 5 New Districts, 7 New Wonders & 7 New Natural Wonders. The main new game mechanic are #. It will be available on 14th of February 2019.

New Civilizations
In Civ 6 there will be 8 new Civilizations and one new leader for a returning civ.

Civilization Leader:
Civilization Bonus:
Leader Bonus:
Unique Unit:
Unique District: Cothon

Revamped Old Civilizations
Civilization Bonus: Workshop of the World – Coal and Iron Mines give +1 resource. Bonus production/charges to Military Engineers. Buildings get a bonus when powered

Leader Bonus: Pax Britannica – Now also give you Naval Unit when you build a Royal Docklands

Civilization Bonus: Damage from Blizzards is mitigated, for you and increased for any enemies in your territory

New City States
Old City States Spotted/Updated
Finding Old City States in Screenshots is one was of eliminating possible Civilizations

Bandar Brunei (also gets a new icon)
Buenos Aires


Golden Gate Bridge

Panama Canal (could be a Canal District, yet to be confirmed)

Mound Building (Could also be a Motte Bailey improvement)

Temple Complex (looks Mughal but not much else is known)

New Districts
There are 5 new Districts in Gathering Storm

Canal: Can be used to transit ships over land

Dams: Can be built on rivers to create a lake, will mitigate flooding

Sea Barrier: (Could be a Tile Improvement)

Ski Lodge: Can be built on Mountains (Could be a wonder or special building)

Revamped Districts
Dock: When you build on a coast you gain a dock where ships can go

The Map

Natural Wonders
There will be 7 new Natural Wonders.

Pamukkale: Gives bonuses to surrounding district tiles, not just to Holy Sites

Terrain Features
Geothermal Fissure: Gives a Science Bonus

Flood Plains: Are now no longer stuck on Desert tiles, no food bonus unless a flooding event has happened.

Map Improvements
Geothermal Power Plant: Built on Geothermal Fissure; Gives Power

Offshore Windmills:

Railway: Updated roads

Solar Farm Power Plant: Gives power

Tunnels: Can be Built to transverse Mountain Ranges

Strategic Resources will be completely revamped to be depleted

Geographical Features
You can now name geographical features like rivers

Game Features

Natural Disasters
Droughts: Will spawn in areas without terrain features like forests/marshes

Floods: Will trigger on Flood plains, can damage cities, tile improvements, civilian units, and military units, but will give a food bonus to the tiles. Can be mitigated by building dams

Storms: There are four types of storms – Blizzards, Sand Storms, Tornadoes, and Hurricanes. Once Spawned they progress across the map for two more turns damaging things in their path, but also possible adding fertility. They will increase in number as Global Temperatures Rise

Volcanoes: Will damage surrounding tiles when active, but also will increase tile fertility

Global Warming
Different energy sources effect global warning, like building coal power plants verse renewable energy

World Congress
2 modes

1st is upgrading the Emergencies in the Rise and Fall expansion

2nd normal session of congress, every 30 turns a new resolution

You earn Diplomatic Favour that you can spend in the World Congress

New Victory type: Diplomatic Victory

Future Era
The game now goes later

All the victory conditions have been updated with the new era

The Tech/Civic Tree in the Future Era is randomised

There will be two scenarios in Gathering Storm

Black Death: The Black Death ravaged Europe and western Asia in the mid-14th century, killing a greater share of the population than any other event in world history. The pandemic killed millions, ruined economies, upended political dynasties and transformed the face of the Western world. Your task is to lead your nation through the calamity: keep your population alive, your economy strong, and your faith unshaken amidst a world of terror and desperation.

WW1:At the outset of WWI, the German Imperial Army had a daring plan: invade neutral Belgium and then rush the French heartland before they could mobilize to resist. If successful, the German forces would capture Paris within a month and end their resistance forever. In counter, the French command prepared Plan 17, an all-out onslaught designed to meet and stop a German offensive. When war was declared, both armies swung into motion and set up one of the most incredible and shocking military campaigns in world history. In this multiplayer scenario, players take the side of one of these two great powers at this same precipice. As Germany, your task is to capture Paris. As France, your task is to prevent its capture. The clock is ticking, and the enemy is moving. Advance!

Build Queue – will be added back into the game

Hall of Fame – will be added back into the game

Jersey System – Civilization Colours are now based on a jersey system where there will be four options to pick from

Mesaj tarihi:

şurada first gameplay var. epey bir bilgi içeriyor
özellikle iklim iyi kotarılmışsa oyunun en büyük sıkıntılarından biri olan choppingi sonunda kontrol altına almış olabilirler
Mesaj tarihi:
The main new game mechanic are #

yeni oyun mekanigi demis yazmamis o kismi? alttakilerden tunel, demiryolu, stratejik kaynaklarin tukenmesi yeni. demiryolunu upgrade edilmis yol seklinde yapacaklarsa yapilmisi vardi. mutlaka bir atraksiyon lazim ona.

disaster mekanigi hmm. normalde builder oyunlarinda hic sevmem fakat civ gibi bir oyunda random event olarak hos olabilir.

diplomatic victory anca gelmis............

Build Queue

bu da zahmet oldu klasmanindan.

core mechanic eklentileri olarak eski expansionlari aratti. belki de oyunun daha oturmus olmasiyla alakalidir. guzel duruyor (tu)

bu fiyatlandirmaya benden zirnik calismaz. korsani cikinca bakarim.
Mesaj tarihi:
>new civs are Sweden (Kristina), Hungary (Matthias Corvinus), Inca (Pachacuti) , Ottomans (Suleiman), Mali (Mansa Musa), Maori (Kupe), Phoenicia (Dido), Canada (Laurier) + alt leader Eleanor (Fra/Eng)

>climate change and natural disasters are in

>3 new future era government types Corporate Libertarianism (Domination) Digital Democracy (Cultural) Technocracy (Science)

>World Congress, new diplo options

>Electricity and dams, cities require power which affects productivity

>strategic resources are overhauled somehow

>new wonders/natural wonders

On top of this, the most widespread environmental concern in Gathering Storm is easily the rising sea levels. If things are going badly, entire tiles can be reclaimed by the ocean, which could prove disastrous for a civilization relying on coastal cities. Most interestingly of all, the amount by which the sea levels rise is determined by the actions of every civilization across the entire map.

Let's start with the rivers! Unlike in the base game where you may choose to settle a city next to a river and view its floodplains as a static bonus to your food production, in Gathering Storm you'll need to weigh up the potential risks involved. Those floodplains now actually live up to their name and flood.

Mesaj tarihi:
Yalnız bu climate change olayı beni gram heyecanlandırmadı. Civ oynarken ne zaman WW infantrye gelsem sıkılmaya başlıyorum oyundan. Next turn spamlayarak bitiriyorum oyunu.
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