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Hitman: Agent 47 (2015)

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HITMAN: AGENT 47 centers on an elite assassin who was genetically engineered from conception to be the perfect killing machine, and is known only by the last two digits on the barcode tattooed on the back of his neck. He is the culmination of decades of research ­and forty-six earlier Agent clones — endowing him with unprecedented strength, speed, stamina and intelligence. His latest target is a mega-corporation that plans to unlock the secret of Agent 47′s past to create an army of killers whose powers surpass even his own. Teaming up with a young woman who may hold the secret to overcoming their powerful and clandestine enemies, 47 confronts stunning revelations about his own origins and squares off in an epic battle with his deadliest foe.

şu Hitman filmlerini çekenler hiç oyunu açıp oynamışlar mı acaba sdf


Somebody isn't getting their Silent Assassin rating.
Mesaj tarihi:
ya su hitman i oynayacak adam gibi cussesi falan yerinde birini bulamadilar..

oyundaki hitman 1.88 boyunda, iri kiyim (the rock kadar olmasada) sogukkanli bisey

bulmuslar yine tifilin tekini, roberto carlos gibi dolaniyo etrafta

sniper sahnesine bisey demiyorum zaten, nerde stealth, kilik degistirme sessiz sakin mekanda cikma nerde bu jason statham kirmasi aksiyon manyagi hitman..

birde muzikler rezalet, iyi bir giris yapmis zannettim ama, abicim bari oyuna sadik kalip su muthis orkestra muziklerini koysaydiniz.


olmadi, olmamis, olmayacak galiba..
Mesaj tarihi:
ooo caesar oynuyormus izlerim. keske timothy abiyi tekrar oynatabilselermis.

hadi timothy olmadi, karl urban var 'one of the most underrated actors' diyebilecegim

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