Luriel Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 12, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 12, 2016 limitsiz isteyen quick play oynasın?
-Bonesoul- Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 12, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 12, 2016 patch notes PATCH FEATURES New Hero: Ana (Support) After being out of the fight for several years, one of Overwatch's founding members is returning. Introducing Ana—a battle-scarred veteran who supports her teammates from a distance using a unique and highly specialized collection of weapons. Ana’s primary weapon is her Biotic Rifle, which fires long-range darts that can restore the health of her allies or deal ongoing damage to her enemies. Meanwhile, her Biotic Grenade is perfect for a close-quarters clash, simultaneously healing teammates and injuring foes caught in its small area of effect. (Affected allies will also receive a temporary increase to all incoming healing, while affected enemies can’t be healed for a few moments.) And if the battle starts to get out of hand, Ana's sidearm can fire a Sleep Dart, knocking her adversaries unconscious. Plus, Ana's ultimate ability, Nano Boost, empowers one of her teammates, granting faster movement, increased damage, and resistance to enemy attacks. To learn more about Ana, click here. GENERAL UPDATES Gameplay If a match goes into Overtime for more than 20 seconds, the fuse will now start to "burn down" more quickly Players now respawn more slowly during Overtime (increased spawn time by 2 seconds) Competitive Play Competitive Play matches can now only have one of each hero per team. For more info, click here. Miscellaneous Added Ana as an AI-controlled hero in Practice vs. AI, Play vs. AI, and Custom Game modes Timing on Zenyatta's Rapid Discord achievement is more lenient Targeted teammates now respond by saying "I'm with you," when players use the “Group Up” communication Renamed five sprays to avoid duplicate titles HERO BALANCE UPDATES General Self-healing abilities now charge ultimate abilities. As a result, some heroes’ ultimate costs have been adjusted (see below). Bastion Configuration: Tank Ultimate cost increased by 10% D.Va Defense Matrix Cooldown decreased from 10 seconds to 1 second A new resource meter has been added. This meter will deplete while Defense Matrix is active and then recharge when it’s not in use. Defense Matrix takes 10 seconds to reach full charge from empty At a full charge, Defense Matrix will last for 4 seconds Defense Matrix will now remain active as long as its assigned hotkey is held Defense Matrix has been reclassified as an alternate fire and is now bound to RMB (by default) An option to “Toggle Defense Matrix” has been added under Options > Controls > D.Va Self-Destruct Ultimate cost decreased by 15% Explosion delay reduced from 4 seconds to 3 seconds Explosion no longer damages D.Va (the player who activates it) Developer Notes: D.Va isn't being selected as often as our other tanks, and we feel a lot of that stems from the underperformance of her damage absorption abilities. So, we've reconfigured her Defensive Matrix, making it more flexible and giving players the ability to use it more often. We’ve also given Self-Destruct a little more oomph, because it felt slightly underwhelming when compared to many of Overwatch's other ultimate abilities. Lúcio Sound Barrier Ultimate cost increased by 10% McCree Peacekeeper Now maintains full damage at longer distances, but will deal less damage at extreme ranges Developer Notes: While the game does feel better following the nerf to McCree’s close-range damage in a previous patch, it left him a little too weak. So, we're increasing his effective distance, making his range similar to Soldier: 76’s. This should hopefully give players another option for dealing with pesky long-range damage dealing heroes like Pharah and Hanzo. Mercy Caduceus Staff Damage Boost Bonus damage increased from 30% to 50% Effect will no longer stacks with bonus damage provided by another Mercy Resurrect Ultimate charge cost increased by 30% Movement is no longer prevented during activation Guardian Angel instantly resets upon use Developer Notes: Mercy's ultimate is one of the most powerful abilities in the game; however, players would often fly into the fray and die while using it. With this update, Resurrect will now take a bit longer to charge, but Mercy will be a lot safer when activating the ability in the middle of combat. In addition, we always intended Mercy’s Damage Boost beam to be her primary method for dealing damage, but it often felt so weak that you were better off pulling out your blaster. To help address this, we've slightly increased its potency. Roadhog Whole Hog Ultimate cost increased by 45% Soldier: 76 Heavy Pulse Rifle Spread recovery will begin after a short delay (rather than instantly) Tactical Visor Ultimate cost increased by 10% Zenyatta Base shields increased by 50 (now 50 Health/150 Shield) Orb of Discord and Orb of Harmony Projectile speed has been increased from 30 to 120 Transcendence Movement speed is now doubled upon activation Healing amount increased from 200 to 300 health per second Developer Notes: While Zenyatta has never had the healing abilities of Lúcio or Mercy, he made up for it by dealing more damage. However, his lack of mobility and low health has meant he’s struggled to find a place in many games. To increase his effectiveness, we've made several changes, the biggest of which is an increased shield pool. This will allow him to go head-to-head with more enemies. The Orb of Harmony and Discord changes are also a quality of life change, helping Zenyatta move his orbs around and apply their effects more quickly. And lastly, we’ve increased Transcendence’s healing throughput. This ultimate was designed to be the most effective against sustained, high-damage fire and least effective against short, high-damage bursts (like D.Va’s or Junkrat's ultimates). But, due to the amount of healing it provided, there were times when it was possible for even sustained fire to overcome Transcendence’s output. We’ve made the heal powerful and also allowed Zenyatta to move around more quickly while it’s active. UI UPDATES Game Options Players can now enter numerical values for any option that also has slider (e.g. FoV, volume, sensitivity, etc.) Controls Mouse sensitivity can now be adjusted out to two decimals Gameplay Mid-match tips can now be toggled on or off (this will enable/disable tips that pop up after a player dies) Social Friend Request toasts can now be toggled on or off Friend notifications can now be toggled on or off Whispers can now be toggled on or off Video Added 21:9 aspect ratio support Players can now enable a real-world clock by toggling the "Display System Clock" setting Social Features Certain commendations will now appear less frequently during end-of-round voting (e.g. Zenyatta’s Transcendence Healing and Zarya’s Projected Barriers Applied) BUG FIXES General The Hero Gallery now remembers the last hero you were looking at and will properly highlight that hero whenever returning to the gallery Fixed a bug that caused the “payload is nearing its final destination” music to continue playing even after the match was over Fixed a bug that caused the UI to disappear whenever the game was forced into windowed mode by an external application Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause visual healing effects to appear on the wrong hero whenever multiple players attempted to up a Health Pack Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause different heroes’ victory poses to clip into each other Fixed several lighting issues with the killcam Maps The payload on King’s Row will no longer retreat back inside its starting location if the attacking team fails to push it Adjusted the Hero Select screen volume for the attacking team on Watchpoint: Gibraltar Added Spectator camera collision to most maps Fixed issues with player collision across multiple maps Fixed issues with ambient lighting and shadows across multiple maps Heroes Fixed a bug that caused D.Va to sometimes ignore player collision when summoning her mech Fixed a bug where Mei’s Ice Wall would persist in the game world even after the player switched heroes or left the game Fixed even more bugs that allowed Reaper to Shadow Step to unintended locations Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Reinhardt’s Barrier Field to get stuck in the “on” position if the player used the “Toggle Barrier” setting Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Roadhog to accidentally Chain Hook targets standing behind him Fixed a bug that caused Winston’s Barrier Projector shield to ignore the “Sound Effects Volume” setting
scorch Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 12, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 12, 2016 Hero limit quicke de lazım ya 5 junkyart kadar pis bi oyun görmesim no skill randomness resmen
-Bonesoul- Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 12, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 12, 2016 quick match zaten training ground ısteyen ıstedıgını oynasın.
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 12, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 12, 2016 Dva baya güzel olmuş roadhog ultisi =)
Phyx Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 12, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 12, 2016 bingildak said: Dva baya güzel olmuş roadhog ultisi =) nerelerdesin olm sen
-Bonesoul- Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 12, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 12, 2016 zen dayanıyor, dva baya eglenceli. anayı gorecez bakalım efektik hali nasıl olacak.
Mortis Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 oynadım baya bi ana az önce süper keyifli oynaması çok scope açmadan saldırıorum genelde güzel de vuruyor açıkası. böle karambol bi combatta arkadaki adamı sleep dartı ile indirince falna inanılmaz fark ediyor adam 5-6 saniye yatıyor yerde :) ama karambolde adama sıkınca herkes bi vuruo ağzına. Fakat genel olarak ulti durdurma veya arkada supporta flanke gelen adamları engellemeye yarayacak. Genji çok pis reflectler yalnız o dartı haberiniz olsun :) E abilityse baya heallio atiosun ortalığa karambolde sen heallaniosun karşı taraf damage ve heal debuffı alio falan . Baya aksiyonlu bir support yani millet sevecek. Bakalım Competitive'de yerini bulacak mı? DVa oynadım biraz da o da baya ii olmuş.
Daesu Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 said: said: CORE CONCEPT FAIL
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 işte geldim buradayım, ben bu işte ustayım akşama geliyorum :)-D Phyx said: bingildak said: Dva baya güzel olmuş roadhog ultisi =) nerelerdesin olm sen
xunn Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 Tamam işte akşam sen roadhog lethi zarya tank işi çözülür. Mortis de artık sonsuza kadar heal atacagını kabul etsin rahatlayalım.
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 arada sırada avrupada ilk 50 de olduğum roadhog screen shotlarıma bakıyorum
xunn Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 said: Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Roadhog to accidentally Chain Hook targets standing behind him Ooo bana buff gelmiş. Şu an hook hitscan oldugu için oluyo sorunlar. Projectile gibi behavelemiyor, o yüzden hem hoglar hem hogların targetlarını delirten şeyler oluyor. Fixleseler şahane olucak. Hani oyuncu animasyonunun basladıgını görüp dodgelayamıyor, ben tamamen şimdi atacak diyip blink atıyorum atarsa seviniyorum atmazsa gerilim devam ediyor dfg.
Phyx Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 xunn said: Tamam işte akşam sen roadhog lethi zarya tank işi çözülür. Mortis de artık sonsuza kadar heal atacagını kabul etsin rahatlayalım. 50+'lara çıkardık adamı, artık o kadar da boynunun borcu
Mortis Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 diyen adam benden daha düşük rank das
Mortis Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 xunn said: Tamam işte akşam sen roadhog lethi zarya tank işi çözülür. Mortis de artık sonsuza kadar heal atacagını kabul etsin rahatlayalım. sen abi şunu anlamadın. Siz hep aynı heroları oynuosunz. Biz dün Leth ile ilk defa farklı bir şey yapıp reinhardt ve zarya duosu gittik ve herkesin ranki fırladı. Yoksa siz yine soldier, siz yine tracer.. Farkı yaratanlar belli .
xunn Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 Patch gelsin defansta Zenyatta spamliyorum çok net. Ofansta bile spamleyebilirim bir süre, en büyük buff'ı toplarının gidiş hızı.
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 roadhog ilah gibi hero lan. hem defansif hem ofansif saçma sapan baskı kuruyor karşı takıma eğer reaperlar özgür ve mesut bir şekilde dolaşmıyorsa. ölmeden çok fazla öldürüyorsun. 4 e yakın kd var. tıkandığı yerde adam çekersen de takım avantaja geçiyor. daha nolsun.
elesso Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 abi reaperı çekiyorum pişman ediyor. kafama kafama. sanki adam bana hook atıyo...
Mortis Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 ARtık Self heali de ulti doluruyor :) tabi costunu baya arttırdılar o yüzden ultinin. Dün PTR da oynadım biraz Roadhog, competitive girdik. Herodan sadec 1 tane seçildiği için tabi oyuna girdiğin gibi insanlar lockluyor abi heroyu. Hemen Ana, D.Va, McCree, Zenyata falan ölümüne seçildi. Ben de madem kazanalım dedim Roadhog aldım dövdük. das
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 full hp reaper hookluyorsan roadhog app'sın demek zaten asdasd. önce sağ ile 15-20% hit alacaksın, sonra çekeceksin. diğer türlü çekersin, 1 tane sokarsın, ölmez, wrath basar ya kaçar ya da seni öldürür.
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 self heali zaten ulti dolduruyordu abi, oyunda herkesten hızlı ulti doldurması ve sürekli doldurmasının sebebi o. hem healingden charge ediyorsun hem damagedan. öyle olunca iki kat hızlı doluyor gibi oluyor da babalar vermiş nerfü köküne kadar. eskisi gibi sürekli ulti basamazsın artık.
xunn Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 Hala çok kırık bir hero bence. Hook cooldown'ı çok düşük, heal cooldown'ı normal. Ya hook oturtmak zor olucak yada cd'sini düşüreceksin abi. 6 saniyede bir squishy öldürmek nedir, kimin fikridir bilmiyorum ama baya malca yani. Eski 50 kuruş büyüklüğünde hitscan crosshair, eyvallah babut.
Mortis Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 13, 2016 artık abi Ana var merkak etmeyin atacak E'yi üstüne Roadhogun , ericek roadhog.
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