Gangren Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 4, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 4, 2014 Before I even joined Blizzard, I was already a huge fan of the company and its games. In particular, I was extremely passionate about the emerging genre of real-time strategy games. It was a dream come true when I was given the opportunity to work on StarCraft, which at the time was being created by a very small team by today's standards. It was tremendously fulfilling to get to know everyone on the team personally and to contribute our energies toward a shared goal in such a creative and engaging environment. Blizzard Entertainment has been simply the best place in the world to be a game designer. The best aspect of designing games at Blizzard is that the entire company is passionate about the gameplay within each and every product. From the executive team to customer service to our global offices, every single person is a player and contributes to making the best possible games. It's for very good reason that the first credit on every Blizzard game is "Game Design by Blizzard Entertainment." I'm really proud of the contributions I was able to make to Blizzard's accomplishments. From building lasting games, to supporting the growth of eSports, to extending the Warcraft world into a feature film, and of course to being able to celebrate our shared passions with the Blizzard community online and at BlizzCon. The Blizzard community is ultimately the reason why we come to work every day and pour our souls into every world and experience we create. Blizzard's players are the most passionate in the world and your commitment and dedication are truly awesome to behold. Creating entertainment for you has been an incredible opportunity, and I know that you will continue to grow and become even stronger as a community over the years to come. It has been so meaningful on a personal level to help create joy for all of you. I'm looking forward to new challenges in my career, but I will always cherish the time I spent with you all and the amazing and collaborative teams at Blizzard. It was both satisfying and humbling, and it made me a better developer and a better person. I look forward to playing Blizzard games as a player for many years to come. Most important, now I have plenty of time to learn how to build a competitive Hearthstone deck. As to what I will be doing next, I don't have an answer for you yet . . . but I will "when it's ready." My priorities are to enjoy the summer with my family, play plenty of games, and think about what's next. The game industry is such an exciting place right now with PC gaming thriving, the new consoles, mobile games, and virtual reality becoming an actual reality. It's like having an empty quest log and going into a new zone for the first time. In the past, I haven't been the most avid Twitter user, but I'll strive to do better and keep you updated there—@Rob_Pardo. Please stay in touch! Rob""> "Every ending is a beginning and today marks a new beginning for me. After 17 years at Blizzard, with long and careful contemplation, I have made a difficult and bittersweet but ultimately exciting decision to pursue the next chapter in my life and career. Before I even joined Blizzard, I was already a huge fan of the company and its games. In particular, I was extremely passionate about the emerging genre of real-time strategy games. It was a dream come true when I was given the opportunity to work on StarCraft, which at the time was being created by a very small team by today's standards. It was tremendously fulfilling to get to know everyone on the team personally and to contribute our energies toward a shared goal in such a creative and engaging environment. Blizzard Entertainment has been simply the best place in the world to be a game designer. The best aspect of designing games at Blizzard is that the entire company is passionate about the gameplay within each and every product. From the executive team to customer service to our global offices, every single person is a player and contributes to making the best possible games. It's for very good reason that the first credit on every Blizzard game is "Game Design by Blizzard Entertainment." I'm really proud of the contributions I was able to make to Blizzard's accomplishments. From building lasting games, to supporting the growth of eSports, to extending the Warcraft world into a feature film, and of course to being able to celebrate our shared passions with the Blizzard community online and at BlizzCon. The Blizzard community is ultimately the reason why we come to work every day and pour our souls into every world and experience we create. Blizzard's players are the most passionate in the world and your commitment and dedication are truly awesome to behold. Creating entertainment for you has been an incredible opportunity, and I know that you will continue to grow and become even stronger as a community over the years to come. It has been so meaningful on a personal level to help create joy for all of you. I'm looking forward to new challenges in my career, but I will always cherish the time I spent with you all and the amazing and collaborative teams at Blizzard. It was both satisfying and humbling, and it made me a better developer and a better person. I look forward to playing Blizzard games as a player for many years to come. Most important, now I have plenty of time to learn how to build a competitive Hearthstone deck. As to what I will be doing next, I don't have an answer for you yet . . . but I will "when it's ready." My priorities are to enjoy the summer with my family, play plenty of games, and think about what's next. The game industry is such an exciting place right now with PC gaming thriving, the new consoles, mobile games, and virtual reality becoming an actual reality. It's like having an empty quest log and going into a new zone for the first time. In the past, I haven't been the most avid Twitter user, but I'll strive to do better and keep you updated there—@Rob_Pardo. Please stay in touch! Rob" said: Starcraft 1-2, Warcraft 3, WoW. Herif hayatımızdan 15 sene yemiş, üzüldüm valla.
arcane Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 4, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 4, 2014 Niye üzülüyorsun eğer o kadar daşşaklı bi abi ise zaten yolunu bulur, blizzort buyruğundan çıkmış olması da bonusu olur.
Esh Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 4, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 4, 2014 Heh, hayatimizdan calan adami kosede kistiralim
Gangren Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 4, 2014 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 4, 2014 Blizzard'dan ayrılanlar bir daha o kalitede oyun çıkaramıyor ya, bknz: Bill Roper
Fin Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 4, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 4, 2014 riot akar ya blizz income düştü baya sanırım.
axedice Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 4, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 4, 2014 Niye ayrıldığına dair dedikodu var mı? Titan ya da WoD la ilgili bi anlaşmazlık falan mı yaşadılar acaba?
Cuce Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 4, 2014 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 4, 2014 ciddi kayıp olmus. zaten anlamadım hıx bı zaman wc3ft'den sonra neden lead director olmadı bu adam projelerde. tam mantıklı sebepo kendisini istememiş olabileceği aslında, yorulmsu falandır belki.
pattisliborek Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 Bonfire Studios diye bir şirket kurmuşlar. Kurdukları şirket Riot tarafından finanse edilecek. Blizzard'dan birçok önemli isim de burada yer alıyor. Blizzard'ın epik cinematiclerini yapan ekibini lideri Nick Carpenter, d3:ros game director Josh Mosqueira, Battle.Net'i geliştiren ekibin lideri Matthew Versluys... Bu sabah Chris Metzen de Blizz'den ayrıldığını açıkladı. O da buraya geçer heralde. Gerçi retire falan demiş de kendi yazdığı yazıda da redemption yoluna gider reyis.
cicibeybe Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 Dev ariyorlar hatta. Haydi gencler gogo
Sam Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 ooo metzen gittiyse blizz hikayeleri saçmalamaya son verebilir bir ihtimal, hadi hayırlısı.
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 Blizz den ayrılanlar bonfire a geçmez bence. Özellikle metzenle bu abimiz. Herifler 17-20 yıl fln aynı şirkette aynı projelerde çalışmış dile kolay abi. Ömür. Yer gök para içindeler zaten laid back işler yapar kaymağını yerler hayatın diye düşünüyorum. Metzen kitap fln yazar. Öyle büyük şeyler beklememek gerek diye düşünüyorum. Lead edip stüdyo fln kursalar çok şaşırırım metzen için fln
cicibeybe Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 Abi Rob Pardo zaten gecmis bile. Verdigim linkte kimlerin yer aldigi var firmada. Metzen yok listede simdilik.
Norak Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 Rob pardo baska bir dombalak sirkette ceo olmamismiydi konsol oyunu yapicez biz diye, ordan ne zaman ayrilmis lelel
GONDARCENGIZ Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 wow warcraft falan hep lol çakması zaten,iyi olmuş lole gittiği
Kanuni Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 2004 de cikan wow 2009 da cikan lol'u mu taklit etmis? ilginc..
µh Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 sadece wow değil; sc, diablo falan da lol çakması
pattisliborek Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 Norak said: Rob pardo baska bir dombalak sirkette ceo olmamismiydi konsol oyunu yapicez biz diye, ordan ne zaman ayrilmis lelel bill roper ile karistirmis olmayasin. :D
Pordakal Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 µh said: sadece wow değil; sc, diablo falan da lol çakması hearthstone ve overwatchu unutmuşsun. warcraft 3 roc/tft'yi de dahil etmeyi unutmayalım.
Laurelin Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 Metzen gayet net vurgulamis ya emekli oldum, baska yerde calismiycam ailemle zaman geciricem diye Pardonun projede sirf backerlari yuzunden meh, blizzarddan ayrilan kimse dikis tutturamadi simdiye kadar, hellgate london olayi filan ayri komiktide pardonun "kendi shieldimizi yaratiyoruz" tanimi guldurdu, arkasindaki backerlardan biri "amerikan hukumeti" digeri "hydra" iken ne shieldi deseydi keske biri :D
bingildak Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 Aaa ben sadece op e baktım. Dün görmüştüm bonfire i mmochamp de. Enteresan. Ben şaşırdım. Bakalım neyin altına girecekler. Sağlam adamlar umut verir en azından. Sektördeki tek eli indie dokunuşla bile kırsalar yeter. Mmo a girmezler ama herhalde. Dedsektor.
Laurelin Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 13, 2016 indie dokunus = sahin venture yatirimci + riot pek indie gibi durmuyor :P online ve mobil oyun demis zaten eheh
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