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İhanetim büyük olacak aka Irk değiştirmeden faction değiştirme / Betrayal Quest

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Mesaj tarihi:
MMO Champion

Warlords of Draenor Preview - Faction Change/Betrayal Quest
It looks like we're still getting information from the European press tour of Warlords of Draenor from February and the NDA has been lifted on one of the major features of Warlords of Draenor.

Judgehype, Mamytwink, and Millenium all posted about one of the biggest features we were able to test was the faction betrayal questline, which allows you to change factions without changing your race.

Important points:
The Alliance and Horde have been arresting the neutral Goblins and seizing their assets to fund the upcoming Draenor war effort, killing them when they resist. Each faction feels that this is justified, as the Goblins have been profiting off of the war between the Horde and Alliance for a long time.
You begin the quest by looting a Spy Report and taking it to Gazlowe, who is in need of assistance. He will consider your offer to help him until Warlords of Draenor has been released and the next phase of the questline is activated.
Upon accepting your help, Gazlowe and the Steamwheedle Cartel will require your protection at various points around the world, with their trade caravans, and eventually in Booty Bay.
Some of these events have a weekly participation cap, which will limit how fast you can complete this part of the quest line.
Baron Revilgaz will send you on a mission to protect Booty Bay. Something goes wrong and it ends with your capture and imprisonment in Tol Barad.
Upon reaching this phase of the quest, you are flagged as a traitor to your faction and you become a PvP target for both the Horde and the Alliance.
You escape from Tol Barad and meet up with the Steamwheedle Cartel again in a solo scenario.
You are then given the task of assassinating your faction's leader in another solo scenario, which was unavailable during testing. The faction leaders are traveling in a caravan to the Dark Portal. You are joined by members of the other faction, who see your heroic deeds and invite you to join them.
Upon joining the other faction you are still not trusted, and must unlock cities other than Stormwind / Orgrimmar by earning reputation with the various Alliance / Horde factions. Reputation is earned through defeating players of the other faction in PvP and doing quests that involve PvE.

Your character changes factions, your race remains the same.
You are awarded a new character title:
You also get a new pet:

A couple sidenotes
You can keep and continue to use your faction specific mounts.
You can keep anything in your inventory or void storage, but your old faction will seize any assets left behind in your bank.
This is a one way change, you won't be able to change back after you do the quest.

1 nisan
Mesaj tarihi:
kendi serverında horde tamamiyle terk edilmiş olduğu için bütün karakterleri alliance'a geçiririm her türlü. ulan ah'de silah aratıyorsun 4 tane silah çıkıyor toplamda o kadar terk edilmiş.
Mesaj tarihi:
nisan 1 dir bu ya.

gerci blizz bu yapar. faction pop cok dengesiz. sirf undead horde saflarinda diye oynayan adamlar ally oynar belki diye yaptik oldu der dsadjas. saka derken kaka olur yane dsafasfg.
Mesaj tarihi:
BonePART said:


ahueahuea harbiden butun vasifsizlari bulmuslar ya

OLGRA var lan ahaha crossroadsdaki orcun karısı deil mi bu aradagımız

sensin orcun karisi
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