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The Division

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Mesaj tarihi:
Adam tertemiz 1 sticky 1 nade'le 5 kill almış, tabi onun sonunu getirememiştir muhtemelen tek başına da olsun. Aynı şey 4v7, 4v8 falan yapılabiliyor, direk rank5'e çıkmak için ideal.
Mesaj tarihi:
Launch ile ilgili resmi açıklama

The servers go live officially on March 8 at 00:01AM Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT)*.

*(March 7, 2PM CET/8AM EST/5AM PST)

Türkiye saati ile pazartesi saat 15.00 oynayabiliyoruz

bu da kaynak: http://steamcommunity.com/games/365590/announcements/detail/842542556766057606
Mesaj tarihi:
release öncesi son patch notes:

The Deployable Turret no longer targets non-rogue players and doesn't damage neutral players caught in line of fire either
"They will never fix this!" people said.

day0 patch notes lol

I found this in a .txt file in the PC pre-download (Support>Readme>English):
Ubisoft Entertainment
Tom Clancy's The Division™ v1.1
Appearance Menu has received a complete overhaul:
Now displays as a Grid making it much easier to browse items
"Outfit Sets" option added to quickly equip all the items in a set
"Inspect" Feature added
Visual improvements:
Fixed several lights that did not cast global illumination
Fixed missing volumetric lights on Traffic Lights
Illuminated signs now cast actual light
Improved atmospheric haze in several Time and Weather combinations
Improved night time lighting and contrast
Tweaked exaggerated rimlight shader on characters
Improved car window reflections
Improved SSAO to be more pronounced
Mega Map and Open World updates:
New "Mission Overview" has been added to the Mega Map
Contaminated Zones will now display the required filter level on the Mega Map
Field data with Audio will automatically play when you pick them up
If you start listening to Field Data with audio from the menu you can keep listening outside the menu
Added Subtitles for all Field Data that play audio
Mission Entrance menu usability has been improved
Significantly increased number of Crafting Materials obtained from Loot Crates
New "Help" Menu is now available in Settings Menu - it stores all the Loading Screen and Context Sensitive Tips
New Tutorials added for certain gameplay features and mechanics (these can be switched off in the Options Menu)
Skill Modifiers have been added directly to Gear (previously only available on Gear Mods)
Fixed an issue on Character Select that resulted in getting stuck with specific combination of inputs
Fixed a progression blocking issue caused by accepting a group invite at a specific moment during the Base of Operations unlock sequence
Players will no longer be returned all the way back to start screen after creating or logging in to their Ubisoft Club Account
Fixed remaining Bugs that prevented log-in when some non-essential services were offline
New Icon for Landmarks in the DarkZone, Icon now changes dynamically depending on if Non-Player Enemies are present or not
Added information to the in-game Loot Pickup UI to show why an item can't be picked up
Improved multi-GPU performance
Fixed issue where you could get a white screen on start-up
Improved performance in Windowed mode
The Deployable Turret no longer targets non-rogue players and doesn't damage neutral players caught in line of fire either
Overall stability increased - lots of Crash fixes!
Further backend improvements and optimizations
Many Localization adjustments and bug fixes
Additional minor bug fixes and polish!
EDIT: Also of note, there is a folder in the file system titled "Rogue" that existed in the Beta as well. Following the folder path Rogue>sdf_streaming>pc, I found a folder titled "nyc_brooklyn". This existed in the Beta as well, but appears to have significantly more content in the full game download specifically pointing to map generation (although not on the scale of the nyc_manhattan folder). I'm not sure what people have concluded on the Brooklyn front, but this may be more information.

Mesaj tarihi:
oha lan resmen yaptıkları anketteki feedbackleri okumuşlar onlara göre değişiklikler yapmışlar acayip şaşırdım... hatta lan editor senin yazdıklarını yaptık deseler inanıcama o derece hahha
Mesaj tarihi:
TTnet playstore normal kredi kartı ile çalışmıyormuş ya ?

Tüh ne güzel 10 tl hoşgeldiniz indirimi verdiler, Gold edition u alacaktım 179 liraya uyguna geliyordu.

Kredi kartı deyince 3pay diye bir şeye yönlendiriyor onda da indirim kodu geçerli değil, taksit te yapmıyorlar. Yok mudur bunun başka yolu.

Durmaplay diye bir yerde, 119 liraya filan ön sipariş key diye satıyorlar. Güvenilir midir bu yer ? Ve o sattıkları hangi versiyonu oluyor Oyunun.
Mesaj tarihi:
loot trading olması gerektiği gibi, betada birbirimize loot veremedik dz'de. onun haricinde sıkıntı yok zaten. diablo 3 gibi olacak işte.
Mesaj tarihi:
coop session da aldığın loot u paylaşmak güzel de, birde normal trading lazım. Solo takılırken düşen legendary shotgun ı arkadaşıma vermek isterim.

şaka lan şaka istemem, çalışsın düşürsün

Mesaj tarihi:
@photo bu forum varlıklı insanlarla dolu, uplay nickleri için de bir topic vardı ekle oradan işte patileri.

bu arada olmasını gerekeni eklemişler:

The Deployable Turret no longer targets non-rogue players and doesn’t damage neutral players caught in line of fire either
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