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Dawn of War 3 (ooooyeeaahhhh)

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Open beta'nın aktif olmasıyla birlikte oyunu iki gündür oynuyorum. Yaklaşık 10-15 saat oynadım. Sadece 1v1 maç attım ve şunu net söyleyebilirim oyun gayet güzel olmuş. Zaten metacritic ortalamasıda en son 80'in üzerindeydi.

Bu arada betada 1 tane 3v3, 1 tane 2v2, 1 tane 1v1 map'i olmak üzere toplam üç map aktifti. Quick match atabiliyordunuz yada kendi kurduğunuz takımla arkadaşlarınızı davet ederek oynamanız mümkündü.

Oyun çıkmadan önce sc klonu, moba rts mi olur gibi eleştiriler vardı. DOW3 kesinlikle sc klonu bir yapım değil hatta en son benzediği oyun sc serisi olabilir. Küçük küçük diğer oyunlardan alınmış mekaniklerin karması olarak düşünebiliriz ama kesinlikle orjinal bir yapım olduğunu söyleyebilirim. Örneğin dow2'nin army kontrol mekaniği bunda bütünüyle mevcut. Fakat dow2'deki retreat, sync kill ve cover gibi mekanikleri silmişler. Buda oyunu basitleştiren bir etmen gibi gözüksede dow2'ye göre çok daha geniş ordular kontrolünüzde olduğundan her squad'ın ability'si kullanmak ciddi efor istiyor. O yüzden oyun kesinlikle kolay bir oyun değil.

Oyunda diğer dow oyunlarında ve wc3'teki olduğu gibi herolar mevcut. Yanlız bu tip üniteler dow3'te elite ismiyle geçiyor ve elite point'inize göre çağırabiliyorsunuz ve bir kere öldüklerinde bir çeşit cooldown aktif oluyor bittikten sonra tekrar çağırdınızda ise elite point istemiyor. Elite pointler ise sanırım 2 dakikada bir artıyor. Oyundaki kontrol noktasını ele geçirip node dikerseniz bu süre 90 saniyeye düşüyor ve rakibinizden daha erken elite ünitenizi oyuna çağırabiliyorsunuz. Buda epey bir avantaj sağlıyor. Ayrıca rakip üniteleri ve binaları yıkınca elite point'iniz artıyor. Bu elite üniteleri ve çeşitli ability'leri seçtiğimiz ve adına loadout denen bir mekanik var. Oyun oynadıkça topladğımız skull point'lerle farklılarını alabiliyoruz. 3 tane elite ünite, 3 tane elite ünitenin spawn'landığında diğer ünitelere verdiği buff gibi birşey var, onlar, ve 3 tanede belirli üniteleri bufflayan yetenekler seçiyoruz. İşte oyun tarzınıza göre farklı kombinasyonlar yapmak mümkün. Oyun öncesi elitelerimizi seçerken early game'de kullanabileceğimiz bir tane ucuz, bir tane orta şekerli, bir tanede late game'de kullanacağımız ultimate bir elite seçmek mantıklı gibi şuan. Tabi bazıları oyunun hemen başında agresif olmak için direk iki - üç tane ucuz elite seçebiliyor. Bu arada oyunda 3 phase var. Her phase'de topladığınız biraz daha kaynak artıyor. Sanırım oyun kitlenmesin ve high tech ünitelere geçilsin diye yapılmış birşey.

Moba öğelerine gelirsek, basemizde power core mevcut, sağ ve solunda da iki tane güçlü turret var. Oraya kadar gelmeden önce de shield gibi birşey var onu kırmak gerekiyor. Power core'u patlatmadan da oyun resmi olarak sona ermiş olmuyor. Ama özellikle 1v1'de gereksiz gibi geldi, direk annihilation olsa çok bir fark olmazdı çünkü baya bir maç attım power core'u yıktığım 1 yada 2 keredir. Onlardada adamlar kıllığına çıkmadı. Genelde power core'e gelmeden adamın ordusu bitmiş oluyor ve gg yazıp çıkıyor(um). Ama 2v2 ve 3v3 lerde gördüğüm kadarıyla power core önünde filan baya bir direniş oluyor oyun dönebiliyor. Birde kontrol noktalarına dikilen kuleler baya güçlü teke tek'te alıyor bir iki squad'ı buda mobalardaki kuleler gibi olmuş saldırırken filan dikkatli olmak gerek.

Irklara gelirsek gerçekten bu sefer en güzel ırk dizaynları olmuş. Dow1'de özellikle birbirinin kopyası ırklar yok, oynadığınızda sizde fark edecekseniz her ırkın birbirinden çok farklı bir mekaniği var. Örneğin eldarlar webway gatelerin menzilindeyken hızlı koşup shield'larını hızlı bir şekilde regen edip, sürekli vur kaç taktiğiyle oynuyorlar. Orklar ise yerdeki çerçöp'ü toplayıp army'lerini bufflıyor. Bu çerçöpler her birime farklı bir buff veriyor ve tabikide waagh'ları var. Space marinler ise devamlı drop pod'lar, chapter bayraklarıyla army'lerini güçlü tutuyorlar. Şuan bana oynaması en rahat space marine'ler geldi. Elite ünitelerde 2-3 squad'ı abilityleriyle tek başına dağıtabiliyorlar. Çok dikkatli olmak lazım. Baya güçlüler.

Grafikler güzel, hani öyle çizgi film havasında denmişti ama beni çok rahatsız etmedi açıkçası. Tabi ordular büyüdükçe tüm mobalardaki gibi ufak bir neyin ne olduğunu anlamama durumu oluyor. Rx480 ile full detaylarda aa medium'da, physics low'da hiç kasmadan oynuyorum. Bu arada zaman zaman hafif bir lag olabiliyor, benim internetimdende kaynaklanıyor olabilir bilemedim.

Yapımcılar sırf evrende var diye abuk subuk ırklar, dlc ile elite'ler ekleyip çöp etmezlerse espor olmaması için bir sebep yok. Lol, dota, cs:go gibi T1 olur demiyorum tabiki. Ama kendi espor kitlesini yaratabilicek potansiyeli var sanki. Ayrıca dün hemen bir turnuva yapmışlardı. https://play.eslgaming.com/dawnofwar/europe/dow3/open/1on1-open-beta-cup-1-europe/

Öyle yok terminatör zıplıyormuş, çizgi filmmiş, şöyle eldar mı olur diye takmazsanız güzel oyun beta izlenimim olumlu oldu muhtemelen alıcam.
Mesaj tarihi:
sega satislari gorunce bunlari komple kapamazsa ilerde dlc olur kesin np :P

adamlar relici alali kac sene oldu yillardir besliyorlar elden o paranin cikmasi gerek artik asd.
Mesaj tarihi:
SP ilk gorev:

baya baya hack&slash moba olmus harbiden, select all yapip ne varsa daliyoruz lambirlambur lel:

3.dk dan basliyor:

rip dow.
Mesaj tarihi:
Abi o kadar kötü değil ya kesinlikle çok abartılıyor. İndirime girince bir alıp denersiniz. Dow1 ve Dow2 ile karşılaştırılıp kötü deniyor. İyide, dow2 rts bile değildi. Oyun çıktıktan 6 ay sonra 1v1 atmak için 10 dakika beklemen gerekiyordu. Dow1'de reinforcement saçmalığı vardı. Üniteler mantar gibi yerden çıkardı. Ha bu iki oyunda kötü müydü hayır. İşte dow3'te bu iki oyunun karması denebilir. Millet steam'de saçma sapan yorumlarla eleştirmiş. Rts zaten ölen bir tür birde adamlar gidip abidik gubidik eleştiri bile denmeyecek gerekçelerle eksi vermişler. Relic azda olsa rts camiasına birşeyler vermeye çalışan bir firma desteklemek lazım. Oyun leş değil. Benim gözümde şuan orta - iyi arası bir yerde.
Mesaj tarihi:
Üniteler çoğunlukla aynı. Dow1'deki base kurma mantığı var. Mekaniklerde Dow2 gibi. Fakat cover, retreat, sync kill, garrison yok. Onun dışında üniteler dow2'deki gibi hareket ediyor. Bu arada kesinlikle zor, moba elementleri var diye kolay bir oyun değil. 1v1 oynarken baya terliyorum. Multitasking'inizin baya iyi olması lazım.
  • 3 hafta sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
Dev patch geldi. Eldar'a sağlam nerf, sm'lere ise buff geldi diyebiliriz. Ek olarak leaderboard filanda geldi. Değişikleri aşağıya kopyalıyorum. Şu linkten daha detaylıda okunabilir https://www.dawnofwar.com/article/patch-notes-may-31-2017

Opponent AI
The Codex now includes all Elite units
Map changes
Balance update (multiplayer only, balance changes do not apply to the campaign)
Cooldown of all Super Abilities (Orbital Bombardment, Eldritch Storm, and Rokks) increased from 5 minutes to 7.5 minutes
Base Requisition rate increased from 260 per minute to 340 per minute
Base Turret damage reduced from 50 to 12.5 with each player in the game increasing that damage by 12.5 (i.e. 1v1 = 25 damage; 2v2 = 37.5 damage; 3v3 = 50 damage)
Turret primary weapon damage reduced from 40 to 15 with each player in the game increasing that damage by 6.25 (1v1 = 21.25 damage; 2v2 = 27.5 damage; 3v3 = 33.75 damage)
Escalation Phases
Phase 1: Increased refund on unit loss from 25% to 35%
Phase 2: Increased refund on unit loss from 15% to 25%
Phase 4: Decreased resource rate bonus from 50% to 25%
A 1v1 variant of Mork's Mire has been added into the Custom match and Quick-Match map lists
A 3v3 variant of Crucible of Vaul has been added into the Custom match and Quick-Match map lists
Stratum P2-8: Removed a Power Node from the middle Resource Point at the center of the map
Stratum P2-8: Added a Requisition add-on to the middle Resource Point near each base
Space Marines

Bug fixes

Fixed an issue where Servitors could see over some sight blockers

Tactical Marine
Damage has been boosted across the board, as well as a decrease in reinforcement costs
We agree with the community that Tactical Marines are under performing relative to other starting units. Though they scale more strongly than their counterparts and have potent upgrades, these came at an additional cost.
Reinforcement cost of Tactical Marine upgrades reduced from 75% of upgrade cost to 25%
Ranged Damage:

Melee Damage:


Reinforcement Cost:
71 Requisition / 7 Power

63 Requisition / 2 Power

Reinforcement Cost:
75 Requisition / 9 Power

65 Requisition / 3 Power
Fixed a bug that doubled the reinforcement cost of Tactical Marines when they were Overcharged
Fixed a bug that caused Tactical Marines to gain resources when Overcharged
Fixed a bug that prevented Tactical Marines from being able to melee when Overheated
Fixed a bug that caused Tactical Marine squads with Tireless to get spread out after being reinforced, or to not benefit from the doctrine when deployed from a Drop Pod
Fixed an issue where Tactical Marines could get both Plasma and Flamer upgrades if they were triggered simultaneously

Scout Sniper
Increased rate of fire
A small quality of life improvement when using Scout Snipers will help them feel more agile in combat.
Scout Snipers no longer need to wait for a short time before being able to move after having fired their weapons
Hidden: Now gains a 10-second speed boost after firing

Assault Marine
Jump damage and charge generation time decreased, Power Sword upgrade cost increased
Assault Marines are supposed to be good at striking back line targets and objectives and generally forcing the enemy to engage on their own terms. In the hands of capable players, their offense was simply too effective, especially considering their ability to retreat. We've reduced the rate at which they generate Jump charges to give them more downtime and widen the window for counterplay.
The Power Sword upgrade is now available at Tier 2

Charge Generation Time:
65 seconds

90 seconds

Upgrading your Assault Marines with Power Swords ensured their viability in the late game, but was far too devastating early on. We'll be keeping an eye on their performance after this patch.
75 Requisition / 75 Power

125 Requisition / 125 Power
Assault Leap: Damage reduced from 75 to 20

Lascannon Devastator
Increased clarity on beam intensity and increased damage
Lascannon Devastators were seriously under performing in their role as the anti-vehicle backbone. They suffered too many disadvantages relative to their counterparts, with none of the show-stopping power.
Added a resource bar to display three tiers of beam intensity
Beam intensity will no longer decay when switching targets
Beam intensity will decay slowly when out of combat
Beam intensity will reset when stunned, knocked back, or placed into stasis
Beam Intensity 1 Damage:

Beam Intensity 2 Damage :

Beam Intensity 3 Damage:


Bug fixes

Fixed an issue where Whirlwinds using the Thunderhawk Redeployment doctrine would move back to their starting points

Predator Destructor
Increased health and area of effect
We feel that although Predator Annihilators have a clear role, the same cannot be said for the Predator Destructors. Our changes give the unit more front line resilience and make it lean more heavily towards anti-infantry and anti-heavy infantry army compositions.
Visual effects have been updated to match the new area of effect

Area of Effect:


Kill Team Ironmaw
Base damage slightly increased
We're happy with how balanced Kill Team Ironmaw feels in the early game, but they needed a slight nudge in contrast to Striking Scorpions and Stormboyz.
Ranged Damage:

Melee Damage:

Fixed a missing asset spawning when Kill Team Ironmaw was killed during teleport

Jonah Orion
Reduced damage against early game squads
We wanted to bring Jonah in line with the other changes we've made to other Elites that hit the battlefield around the same time - namely, the Weirdboy and Farseer Macha.

Both inside and outside of his Stonewall, Fury of the Ancients how affects less units.
Max number of units hit per squad decreased from unlimited to 5

Gabriel Angelos
Removed the knockback and increased damage from Critical Strike
We are pretty happy with where Gabriel is, but felt he had just a bit too much lockdown. Changes to Critical Strike will stop him from having too many disruption tools without sacrificing his damage output.
Removed knockback from Critical Strike

We're toning down the disruption from his Critical Strike.


Added knockback to Teleport and increased Cyclone Missile Barrage rate of fire
We feel that Terminators needed a few small tweaks to make them worth the cost, especially considering how easily they can be shut down with melee tie up.
Added knockback on Teleport arrival

We buffed the speed it takes to fire a full volley of cyclone missiles to give Terminators a bit more punch in late game encounters.
Rate of Fire:
8 seconds

4 seconds
Fixed an issue where the Terminator's Devastation doctrine was not applied to units deployed via Drop Pod

Venerable Dreadnought
Increased ranged damage
Though the Venerable Dreadnought's abilities are quite powerful on their own, its ranged damage was too low given the Elite Point cost. We've also added a quality of life improvement that should make Maximal Charge more reliable.
Maximal Charge can no longer be intercepted by enemy units in-between the Venerable Dreadnought and its target
Ranged Damage:


Imperial Knight Solaria
Increased range and made quality of life changes to Gatling Barrage
While Solaria has high potential, she is also the most costly Space Marine Elite to field. More drawbacks and limited mobility caused players to favour the Imperial Knight Paladin. In particular, the slow on Gets Hot! felt like it was hampering an otherwise cool gameplay moment. Instead, it will function more like a Fury mechanic, where you are rewarded for keeping her in combat.
Removed the slow from Gets Hot!


When overheated, Gatling Barrage knocks back enemies. However, the knockback range wasn't large enough to force enemies into the Gatling Barrage area of effect. This change will make this combo much more reliable.


We've tweaked the range of Ironstorm Missiles to make it a bit harder to catch Solaria unaware.


Additional Changes
Increased shields granted by Plant The Standard from 350 to 450
Drop pod damage versus buildings currently under construction from 1750 to 350
Tip of the Spear: Units must be out of combat for 20 seconds before being able to reinforce from a Listening Post

Servitor: Decreased from 2 to 1
Assault Marines: Increased from 10 to 13
Scout Snipers: Decreased from 10 to 9
Heavy Bolter Devastators: Increased from 9 to 11
Lascannon Devastators: Increased from 9 to 10
Landspeeders: Increased from 10 to 13
Dreadnought: Decreased from 18 to 17
Predator Annihilator: Decreased from 18 to 17
Predator Destructor: Decreased from 18 to 17
Whirlwind: Increased from 10 to 12

Warp range decreased and starts on cooldown
Bonesingers gave the Eldar too much early advantage by capturing points and setting up early Webways.
Warp now starts on cooldown when the unit is first spawned in




Dire Avenger
Decreased ranged damage and shields
Players were often able to survive simply with Dire Avengers, allowing for an easy transition to late game units like Falcons. Dire Avengers had far too many strengths with Eldar faction mechanics (like Fleet of Foot and Battle Focus) that made them vastly superior to other units right out of the gate. We've made some changes that will force Eldar players to put Dire Avengers at greater risk when engaging in combat.


Avenger Shield: Shield bonus reduced from 20% to 10%

Howling Banshee
Lowered cost and damage of Quick Strike upgrade
We fixed some unintended damage stacking that was coming from Quick Strike. Additionally, a combination of Taldeer's Reflective Strike doctrine and the Striking Scorpions' presence doctrine made Banshees too tough as a Tier 1 unit.


100 Requisition / 60 Power

75 Requisition / 50 Power


Hunt: When in stealth, Quick Strike will reveal you in the casting phase
Hunt: Speed bonus no longer stacks with Fleet of Foot
Hunt: Damage bonus reduced from 100% to 25%
Reflective Strike: Instead of being invulnerable, Howling Banshees take half damage

Increased Power cost
We increased the amount of power required to field Rangers so that if you're bringing a lot of squads into battle, you'll have to be okay with delaying your tech progress. This should help cut down on the dreaded "Ranger spam" and make it more costly when you mismanage and end up losing them.
330 Requisition / 15 Power

330 Requisition / 20 Power
Cost to unlock:
100 Requisition

125 Requisition / 25 Power

Fixed a bug where additional firing would not reset their stealth revert timer

Fire Prism
Decreased cost and increased damage
Fire Prisms needed more presence in the late game, so we have transitioned their role to be better against slow or static, heavily-armoured units - such as structures, Nobz, and Wraithblades.
Removed knockback from Superheated
100 Requisition / 375 Power

100 Requisition / 325 Power
Ranged Damage:



Damage Type:


Activation Time:
3 seconds

2 seconds
Fixed an issue where units could not teleport out of a Fire Prism attack

Striking Scorpions
Reduced effectiveness of Hunt
The intention behind giving true damage to Critical Strike was to keep Striking Scorpions relevant in the late game, however it was much too strong at destroying objectives and buildings early on. On top of this, even when players would "successfully" counter them using detection or disruption, stacking bonuses from Hunt and Fleet of Foot rendered the counterplay moot. These changes are targeted at these issues.
Speed bonus from Hunt only stacks with Fleet of Foot up to 33%, down from 100%
Hunt tooltip now displays speed and damage bonuses


Damage Bonus:



Damage Type:


Farseer Macha
Reduced early game effectiveness and increased support capability
To play against Macha, you always need to be mindful of where she throws her spear. In practice, though, this was more difficult than intended when taking into effect the squad-wiping potential of Psyker Blast. We've put a cap on how many units can be affected (especially helpful to your WAAAGH!), while at the same time enhancing its defensive properties to strengthen Macha's existing support utility.
Max number of units hit per squad decreased from unlimited to 4



Damage Mitigation:


Fixed an issue where Macha's Last Chance doctrine would not affect Elite squad members who spawn through healing

Jain Zar
Reduced damage on Silent Death throw, increased damage on Silent Death return
Despite her strong area of effect and squad-killing potential, Jain Zar's in a good place. We made some minor tweaks to Silent Death to more clearly communicate how the ability works.
Changed the visual effects when Silent Death is on its return path
Silent Death tooltip now displays the difference in damage when Jain Zar's triskele is returning

We didn't clearly communicate that Silent Death does more damage on the return than on its initial throw. We've tuned the damage as well.
Initial Damage:

Return Damage:


Warp Spiders
Increased activation time of Slow Mines
We've made a small tweak to give their mines some potential while in the middle of a fight, and we'll continue to observe their effectiveness.


Activation Time:
7 seconds

3 seconds

Reduced the number of squads that could be teleported by Wraith Recall
While presence doctrines are intended to have powerful effects, the Wraithlord's felt too cheap relative to how easy it was to use.
Wraith Recall tooltip now displays the number of squads that will be teleported during its casting phase

Wraith Recall: Range reduced from global to 100
Wraith Recall: Can now only teleport up to 10 units, instead of an unlimited amount

Fixed a bug where the Wraithlord's Ethereal Wall would not always block projectiles

Additional Changes
Edlritch Storm: True damage per tick reduced from 5 to 2.5
Eldritch Storm: Lightning bolt delay decreased from 0.75 to 0.25 in Conduit form
Webway Gates health decreased from 700 to 600
Fixed an issue where destroying a connected Webway while it relocates could prevent any further Webways from being connected
Improved Webways: No longer allows Webway Gates to relocate in Tier 1
Improved Webways: Health regeneration can now only occur after 10 seconds of being out of combat
Improved Webways: Relocation cast time increased from 4 seconds to 10 seconds
Dire Avengers: Increased from 6 to 8
Howling Banshees: Increased from 10 to 11
Dark Reapers: Increased from 8 to 11
Rangers: Increased from 8 to 9
Shadow Spectres: Increased from 9 to 12
Wraithblades: Increased from 12 to 16
Vyper: Increased from 5 to 9
Falcon: Increased from 12 to 17
Fire Prism: Increased from 15 to 19


Added more utility to Find the Goods

Find the Goods: Places a single mine on top of the Scrap pile that you teleport to
Find the Goods: Now stealths for 15 seconds, or until detected

Reduced stacking movement speed from multiple sources
Combining WAAAGH Towers, Shout, and the Get 'Em Boyz doctrine made Boyz too hard to run away from.

Get 'Em Boyz: Decreased Shout speed bonus stacking with WAAAGH! from 100% to 50%

Shoota Boy
Shoota Boyz have great damage for their cost, but were too easily destroyed by area of effect abilities. An increase in health and nerfs to various area of effect abilities should put them in a good spot.


Made a slight change in how the Squig Bomb Mine functions

Squig Bomb Mine: Now functions like a squig bomb and only becomes a mine if it cannot find a target

Reduced damage of Suicide Bomma doctrine

Suicide Bomma: Damage reduced from 350 to 200
Suicide Bomma: Damage versus objectives reduced from 350 to 100
Suicide Bomma: Max number of units hit per squad decreased from unlimited to 5

Increased health
Despite their harassment potential, we found that they just weren't healthy enough to transition into late game army compositions. We've upped their health to help them scale better.


Killa Kan
Reduced rokkit range on Long Range Rokkit doctrine
Long Range Rokkit: The number of rokkits remains visible on the health bar under more cases

Long Range Rokkits: Rokkits should only travel a certain distance and expire after a duration

Deff Dread
Buffed the shields from the Bigga Scrap Shield doctrine
Considering that Deff Dreads can't move while the shield is channeling, we increased the effectiveness of their shields so their lack of mobility isn't a death sentence.

Bigga Scrap Shield: Shields increased from 300 to 500
Bigga Scrap Shield: Duration increased from 5 to 10 seconds

Big Trakk
Removed stun and replaced with slow
Combined with their range, the Big Trakk's ability to keep high-value enemy targets stunned was pretty brutal. They now slow instead of stun - keeping their crowd control utility, but making them less frustrating to play against.
Kill 'Em Far now applies a slow to vehicles, instead of a stun
100 Requisition / 350 Power

100 Requisition / 325 Power
Salvage Cost:
50 Requisition / 175 Power

50 Requisition / 165 Power

Reduced Suicide Bomma's objective damage
Stormboyz are in a good spot. They're relatively easy to kill with focused fire and both forms of their Suicide Bomma can be dodged - provided you've been scouting! Despite this, its damage was too effective versus static buildings and against Orks.
Suicide Bomma's damage versus objectives reduced from 350 to 175
Max number of units hit per squad decreased from unlimited to 5

When upgraded with scrap, Suicide Bomma's damage versus objectives reduced by 50%
Upgraded Suicide Bomma will no longer explode unintentionally over certain types of terrain

Kamakazee: Changed hotkey from Q to X

Weirdboy Zappnoggin
Reduced burst damage
Like Macha, we hoped that the use of scouting would negate much of the Weirdboy's power, but Ere We Go excelled at punishing enemy squads even when they weren't particularly out of position.
Area of effect damage removed from ranged attack
Damage Type:


Scrap Blast's damage was overpowering, especially against Orks. We've capped the area of effect damage and instead increased its defensive utility.
Max number of units hit per squad decreased from unlimited to 5


Removed damage from this ability

Fist of Gork's travel time used to average about 4 seconds, but would vary based on range i.e. it was faster when at close range. We've removed this mechanic and made it a flat 3.5 seconds, regardless of range.
Travel Time:

3.5 seconds

Mad Dread
Increased health and decreased Tunnel cooldown
Increasing the Mad Dread's mobility will make it feel like a stronger Elite choice.


Increasing Tunnel usage in the middle of fights gives the Mad Dread more presence on the battlefield, and helps with his survivability.
45 seconds

30 seconds

Increased damage
While Rokkit Fist is quite strong, the Gorkanaut's basic attacks and All Da Dakka needed a bit more love.
Ranged Damage:




Fixed an issue where All Da Dakka did no damage to Shield Generators
Fixed an issue with cancelling the Gorkanaut's Rokkit Fist ability
Fixed a bug where Loot would sometimes fail to work

Additional Changes
Fixed an issue where Roks could become unresponsive if picked up and dropped
Boyz: Decreased from 8 to 7
Shoota Boyz: Increased from 8 to 9
Nobz: Decreased from 25 to 16
Deffgun Lootas: Increased from 8 to 9
Tankbustas: Increased from 6 to 10
Trukks: Increased from 8 to 9
Deffkoptas: Increased from 5 to 7
Killa Kans: Increased from 10 to 11
Deff Dreads: Increased from 12 to 15
Big Trakks: Increased from 18 to 19

Bug Fixes
Fixed assorted issues with achievements not being awarded when completing the campaign
Fixed several issues with odd audio bursts when restarting missions or progressing to certain post-mission screens
Fixed incorrect sound effects on Sky Portal death
Fixed missing sound effects on Ork Shoota Boyz
Fixed an issue with the level up sound effects playing on repeat
Fixed an issue where setting Voice volume to zero was not silencing unit barks
Fixed an issue where mission progress wasn't properly carried over between PCs
Fixed an issue where Assault Marines could bypass a gate in Mission 1
Fixed an issue when respawning Gorgutz in an unplayable space in Mission 2
Fixed an issue with Eldar attackers not assaulting the player's base in Mission 4
Fixed missing animation on a bridge in Mission 4
Fixed missing dialogue at the end of Mission 4
Fixed a rare bug that would block progression when defending your base in Mission 5
Fixed issues with deck gun effects and sound effects when loading a save in Mission 7
Tuned Diomedes' health in Mission 8
Fixed an issue where units joining the player could become hostile in Mission 11
Fixed an issue with Wazmakka's behaviour when attacked from range in Mission 12
Fixed an issue with debrief imagery in Mission 12
Fixed an issue with stacking Webway Gates in Mission 13
Fixed a rare crash when destroying the first Webway Gate in Mission 14
Fixed an issue with missing health bars on some units in Mission 16
Fixed an issue with missing objective indicators in Mission 16
Fixed an issue where Elites would not gain experience at the end of Mission 16
Fixed issues with damage from Mission 17's boss's swipe attacks
Fixed issues with boss behaviour in Mission 17
Save & Load
Fixed an issue where incorrect Elites could appear in some save games
Fixed an issue where Jonah Orion's Stonewall ability would become invisible when loading into a game saved while the ability was active
Fixed an exploit where follow camera (') could be used to track enemy stealth units and units hidden in the fog of war
Fixed an issue where paused AI games were not actually paused
Units & Abilities
Fixed a broken interaction between Wazmakka's Traktor Beam and Stormboyz' Suicide Bomma
Fixed an animation glitch on the Striking Scorpions
Fixed an issue where players could force units out of a Falcon transport ship over a chasm, instantly killing them
Fixed an issue where Kyre's Eldritch Winds could move Deathstorm Drop Pods
Fixed an overly large hit box on the Doctrine Chapel
User Interface
Fixed stacking debuff icons caused by Gorgutz' melee attacks
Fixed inconsistencies with audio and video options and forced restarts
Adjusted several incorrect ability and upgrade icons
Fixed an issue where some tooltips would be missing text for non-deployed Elites
Fixed incorrect behaviour on several gameplay UI options
Updated the reticule for the Imperial Knight Paladin's Reaper Chainsword Sweep
Fixed additional instances of effects seen through the fog of war
Fixed an issue where Shadow Spectre's beam animation would not pause when the game paused
Fixed missing effects on Kill Team Ironmaw squad member with the missile launcher
Fixed missing effects on the Temporal Mine ability
Fixed missing effects when the Venereable Dreadnought is destroyed
Fixed timing issues on destruction effects for resource add-ons
Fixed an issue where the effects and sound effects for Pin did not end
Fixed an issue with persistent teleport effects when the target building is destroyed
Offline Play
Fixed assorted crashes and soft locks caused by losing internet connection during various screen transitions
Improved performance on 4K monitors in various option and info screens
Improved performance when using the Roks ability
  • 2 ay sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
o değilde bu oyun çıkalı dow 2 retrubition deli player çekti her gün en az 500 online akşamları

ben her gün girer bi iki el atarım dow 2 retribition genelde 200-300 arası onlineken 500lere varıyo bu aralar,milletin warhammer40k açlığını azdırdı ama tatmin edemedi dow3 zannımca
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