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Mass Effect 3


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STORY INFO [spoilers]:

# ME3 will end the Shephard story arc.[1]

# ME3's universe is going to be darker, but funnier at the same time.[2]

# 'Cheating' on your ME1 LI might have negative repercussions in ME3[10]

# Shepard is going to rally the various races of the galaxy against the Reapers.[12]

# Choices from ME1, ME2, as well as DLC will have visible effect in ME3, even if they didn't in ME2. [24]

# ME3 will start with Shepard's trial on Earth, and as Earth is being attacked in the middle of it, Shepard will have to escape and gather allies. [30]

# Liara, Ashley/Kaiden, Garrus, Tali and James Sanders as confirmed squadmates. Also, James Sanders is not the Brittish sniper from the trailer. [30] [PCG]

# Tali, Jack, Wrex, Mordin, Legion, and Anderson to appear, unknown if squad mates or not. [30] ,[PS3M]

# The Illusive Man is a major antagonist, with Cerberus now hunting Shepard. [30]

# Will have multiple endings. [30]

# There are multiple ways to retake Earth [GI]

# Species Loyalty cannot only get obtained via Quests[GI]

# The opening starts with showing what is going on in various Earth Cities [GI]

# Quarians are attempting to retake their homeworld [GI]

# The Salarians are debating over the genophage in Shur'Kesh [GI]

# The Virmire Survivor has achieved Spectre status. [PS3M]

# EDI will return [PS3M]

# At some point in the game, Shepard will be in a Krogan transport that is attacked by a Reaper, who in turn is attacked by a Thresher Maw. [GI],[PS3M]

# At some point in the game, the Normandy and ships of various races jump from a relay [PS3M]

# There are some multi-race hybrid creatures -such as the Cannibal (a human-batarian-reaper hybrid), who "eats" energy from enemy corpses or a turian-krogan hybrid- created by the Reapers [PS3M]

# The Kodiak shuttle is likely to make a return [PS3M]

# Kai Leng will be after Shepard. [35]

# Palaven has been abandoned. Turians have moved to a nearby moon. [SM]

# Shepard will be an inspiration to the resistance, not a general [SM]

# The story will take place 2 months after Arrival. [F360]

# Lance Henriksen, Admiral Hackett's VA to return in [39]

# Cerberus is working for the Reapers. [PCG]

# Sex confirmed to be in ME3. [XD]

# ME3's squad will be less than 12 squadmates. [XW]

# Shepard has returned to the Alliance. [XW]

# Zaeed and Thane to be back, hinted as cameos. [XW]

# Cerberus has a mech called "Atlas", that is 15 feet tall. [50]

# Same sex romances for both sexes in ME3. [54]

# There will be new LIs, some of them presumably bisexual or gay.[58]

# At one point in the game, you will have to escort a Krogan princess off Sur'Kesh, the Salarian Homeworld. [84]

# She is important for uniting Tuchanka. Mordin Solus and Wrex will help. [85]

# If you didn't play any of the DLC, ME3 assumes that the events happened. Liara is the new Shadow Broker, and Shepard is on trial back on Earth.[85]

# Shepard thinks that some of the Cerberus troops are indoctrinated. [90]

# Anderson will be a temporary squadmate[90]

# The Normandy can do airstrikes from now and then. [90]

# Occulus appear in-game, as Reaper fighters. [90]

# Anderson will be staying on Earth. [91]

# Several missions take plae in Tuchanka. [91]

# The Citadel will be a playable area. [92]

# The geth will listen to Shepard, whose previous actions will have a bearing on whether Shep can "leverage them to help against the Reapers. [92]

# Shepard's background will have consequences. [93]

# Every major character will return. [115]

# You will be able to punch the reporter again. [115]


Confirmed: Garrus, Virmire Survivor, Tali, Liara


Everyone else: Unknown



* The mining mini-game won’t be abandoned completely. [3]


* The import feature will be present, with more variables than ME2 had. [4]

* If your Shepard dies in ME2, you won't be able to import your save in ME3[/b].[16]

* If you don't import a save game a 'Previously on Mass Effect' comic will allow you to make major decisions. [30]

* NG+ will be a hybrid of ME1's and ME2's. You can go back and finish some stuff in the post-game. [GI]

* Shepard will have access to all of his personal effects from ME2, the questions is, where are they? [87]

RPG Elements

* Skill trees to be larger. [30]

* Powers to evolve more times than once. [30]

* Weapon mods to make a return. Not all guns can support all kinds of mods. [30] [ESP] [86]

* classes can wield all weapons, but only Soldiers can have all of them at once. The rest of the classes will have limited slots. [30]

* You start out with the basic powers from ME2. [GI]

* New banter systems have been introduced [47]

* You will be able to equip of remove helmets. [48]

* Every weapon can be customized with up to five modifications. [XW]

* You get to keep the weapons that you pick up, like ME2. [60]

* The powers of squadmates evolve as well. [71]

* Interrupts are back, but with new "tech and methods". [72]

* Graphical display of bars and values to the different attributes of weapons and abilities. [91]

* Ammo powers will stay as 'powers' a la ME2. [91]

* Squad weapons can be selected and customized. [73]

* Ammo is fully replenished after every mission. [74]

* New ability shown in one of the squadmates' talents tree called Proximity Mine. [91]

* The Soldier class has a grenade power. [91]

* You will be able to change the colour and camo of your weapons. [91]

* The Engineer can build turrets, which will distract but not 'decimate' the enemy. [ESP,PS3M]

* There will be more items to loot [ESP]

* In a few flame attack, Shepard uses his omni-tool to inflict a burn to the enemy. [PS3M] [86]

* There will be a one-hit-kill melee attack, depending on your class. The engineer uses the aforementioned flame attack.[PS3M][PCG]

* A tech-blade is the unique killing blow for Soldiers. [84]

* "Blades of psionic energy" are the unique killing blow for Adepts. [84]

* You can change the colour and camoflage of weapons. [OXM]

* The Vanguard can have up to 3 weapon slots, not counting heavy weapons. [117] [118]

* Squadmates can use special weapons like the Revenant. [119]



* Melee attacks will gain more focus [GI]

* Shooting specific armor parts can have certain effects, and the AI of the enemies will have them routing Shepard and will coordinate with each other[GI]

* Enemy Weapons may be used. Bioware is currently testing whether they should drop weapons or not. (June 2011) [GI] [86]

* The cover system has been improved [GI]

* You can still dispatch squadmates to waypoints and have access to their class-based powers. [OXM]

* Cover is still assigned to "A". [86]

* Partial Leaning has been introduced. [OXM] [86]

* ME3[/b] will use thermal clips, not ME1-style regeneratable ammo. [65]

* You will be able to pilot the heavy mech, Atlus as long as you kill the pilot first.[62]

* ME3[/b] will include heavy weapons. [66]

* Just like ME2, squadmates will be using only 2 weapon types. [70]

* You will have one heavy weapon, like in ME2, but there'll be more variety. [77]

* Most pistols reload quickly, hit harder, but have less ammo. [78]

* You can reload while aiming out of cover. [79]

* Directed energy weapons are around, one of them is a laser gun. They, may however, not be shipped because they are too expensive, performance-wise. [42] [86]

* Grenades are making a return. [84]

* Shepard can jump and roll [GU,ESP,OXM]

* Abilities such as Concussive Blast will now take into account the ammo power you have added, so you can have a Cryo Concussive Blast [PCG]

Enemies - somewhat spoilerific

* The Reaperised krogan (Brute) wears heavy plates, while the Reaperised asari (Banshee) "has a bit of a potbelly" [PCG] [86]

* Various enemies have 'built-in' melee weapons. The Assault Troopers for example, will be equipped with 'shock sticks', Shepard will be unable to use them. [32]

* Cerberus troops include: Troopers, Centurions, Phantoms, Guardians, Combat Engineer, Nemeis and Atlas. [86][ESP] [109]

* A female Cerberus operative that you'll face in the game, will be one of the most elite troops, but not a boss or a unique character. [45]

* You can shatter the glass of the Cerberus mech, Atlas, and throw the pilot out. [OXM]

* Guardians are holding shields, which affect the enemy's gameplay tactics. [90]

* There will be multiple types of husks, human, turian, batarian, Rachni, Harvester and more [GI]

* Cerberus Troops account to around 40% of the enemies. [110]

* ME3[/b] was fully playable during Christmas 2010 (Possible 'Hardening' development stage? (4/5) ) [22]

* No Multiplayer for ME3[/b] [30]

* ME3[/b] will support Kinect [87], but it is not required. [88]

# Clint Mansell to join as a music composer. [23]

# The PS3 version of ME2 will use parts of ME3's engine. [18]

# The Normandy has been refitted [GI]

# Mass Effect 3 will be using the same audio engine as ME2. [33]

# Bioware partially co-operated with DICE in order to develop the sound effects. [33]

# Reapers have different sizes, ranging from 500-600 meters of the smaller ships to the 2km for Harbinger [ESP]

# Bioware is attempting to reach photorealism by trying out new lighting techniques [ESP]

# Customization will be more extensive [PS3M]

# Jack's appearance will be redesigned and will be more mature. [PS3M]

# You won't be able to feel a sense of security, because the enviroment changes all the time.[38]

# New designers have been working on some of the models. [SM]

# Combat areas are now multi-layered. [PCG]

# Water physics in ME3 are advanced. [OXM]

# Shepard armour will be different. [XW]

# Bioware is attempting to achieve seamless loading. [49] [76]

# Bioware has fixed limitations that hair had in the previous games. [52]

# Removable helmets for some armours and conversations.[55]

# You blow the top of a Husk's head off... but he keeps on coming. That makes the creature feel more relentless, and also makes it a little harder for you to get headshots on him.[67]

# Improved technolodgy allows for longer hairstyles. [68]

# ME3 will be using a heavily modified version of the Unreal 3, March 2010 edition. 75

# By pressing 'Y', the camera turns in mini-cutscenes [90]

# There will be more squad banter, possibly more than in any ME game. [95]

# You can turn helmets on, off, and off in only conversations. [94]

# The field of view during combat will be larger. [96]

# You can change your imported characters facial features,hair etc as well as class and skills. [106]

# There will be very few loading screens in ME3. The narrative has been designed in a way for them not to be necessary. [107]


# In ME3's story structure, the objective will not be clear, you will be gathering clues in order to solve a puzzle. [PS3M]

# Bioware is hoping to add an audible effect on the modding system. [40]

# Occlusion and obstruction of projectiles to be sorted out, audio-wise. [41]

# Biotics are more potent in combat. [PCG]

# All weapons from ME2 will return. [PCG]

# Liara's AI in LotSB will help in writing squadmate AI in ME3 [43]

# Changes based on the results of the heavy weapon poll may happen. [44]

# ME3's economy will be much bigger and there will be more choices in weaponry and armour. (Casey Hudson's twitter)

# ME3 will have a deeper exploration system. [XD]

# There will be intros to LIs for new players, and a final resolution for previous romances. [46]

# Bioware is trying new ways to build more of an emotional connection to Shepard's experience as they head to the finale. [51]

# ME3 is aimed to have the same length as ME2, but with more replayability. [53]

# All weapons will be available in ME3. [59]

# Squad armour customization will have more options than ME2. [63]

# Non-romance interactions to be breaking the mold. [57]

# Game choices from ME1 and 2 will affect the war in ME3. [61]

# ME3 will have a gore system, but not for a shock effect. [67]

# There will be more animations for combat, movement and character interactions. [69]

# There will be more personality to each weapon.[78]

# There will be a replacement for Carnage. [80]

# Every class will have a specific set of powers, including at least one new power, plus you can add a bonus power of your choice[81]

# Shepard will have the ability to select a single bonus power, if you already have one it will replace the one you have [82]

# More squad armour customization. [91]

# PC specs should be around the same as ME2's. [91]
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Sam said:

me2'de rezil hale getirilen armor sistemiyle ilgili çöp yok, meh. şu haliyle ikiden iyi, birden kötü gibi görünüyor.

ana karakterin armor sistemi ME 2'de daha iyi. daha kotu olan her slot icin topu topu 3-4 dandik generic parca olmasi. Oysa daha fazla loot olarak dusen (gerci oyunda loot yok) yada ne bileyim dukkandan alinan parcalar olsa, class specific armor parcalari olsa (mesela Soldier only Damage reduction yada Adept only -singularity cooldown bonuslu falan) ve(ya) armor modlama tumuyle kaldirilmamis olsa, farkli slotlara farkli parcalar ilkindeki toplu tek armor sistemine tercih edilir

Companion armor ise zaten tumuyle Bioware'in farkli body typelara farkli armor mesh hazirlamamak icin kicindan uydurdugu "Streamlined approach". DA2'de de gorduk ki malesef degismez o, "valla boylece butun npcler unique gozukuyor" ayagina yatip ucuza getiriyorlar iste.
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Sosyal ağlarda paylaş

doggy iyi de armor zırh filan değildi ki, yok hp verir yok hekşata bilmemne ekler. hp nedir, zırh denen şeyin damage reduction vermesi lazım herşeyden önce. çeşit kıtlığı inanılmaz boyuttaydı (silahlar da öyleydi gerçi) ama temel mantıkta hata var. ability açıyorum dmg reduction için, şaka gibi. illa birşey hp verecekse ability versin.

companion olayı feci zaten, jrpg gibi yaptılar tümden onu. hatta daha beter, çünkü en azından onlarda sen giydiriyorsun ama görüntü değişmiyor heh. zaten zırhın hp verme olayı da direkt jrpg'den arak.

3 kuruşla yapılan rus oyunu 7.62'nin zırh sistemi japonya&amerika'dan 20 yılda çıkan bütün oyunların toplamından daha iyi yani ne diyim. beyin çalıştırmaya da gerek yok hani, hangisinin daha iyi olduğunu rakamla renkle kodlarsın bir şekilde. ama 20ghz işlemci çağında hala böyle +20 hp veren takunya görünce sıkıntı basıyor.
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Sosyal ağlarda paylaş

e abi 7.62'nin mükemmel bi zıeh sistemi olmak gibi bi derdi var. burda mevzu o değilki.

zırhdan baska bi cusumization seceneği varmıydı 2. oyunda? belki oyunun ortasında ki silah secimi o kadar. haliyle adamlar zırh parclarına her türlü naneyi vermek zorunda kalmıs. ha veirceek bişi bulamamışlar komikti coğu zırh parcası.
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Sosyal ağlarda paylaş

zorunda kalmış değil ki olay, ability açıyorsun dmg reduction veriyor. ability hp/shield versin, dmg reduction'ı zırh versin. mükemmel istemiyorum, ilk oyunda bile en azından 3 yaşındaki çocuğun mantığına aykırı değildi. 20 tane giyilecek slot yapana kadar düzgün bir mantığı olsun önce. veya implant/augmentation filan olarak koy hp vs'yi. onu da koydular ya zaten.

ama tam bir kabzımallık başta düzgün yapılan şeyin bozulması. 100mhz'de çalışan fallout sistemi böyle kabız değildi ya. cidden geriye gittik.
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