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Mass Effect 3


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Evet Ending için Nisan'da DLC geliyor,


Here is Ray Muzyka’s statement in full:


To Mass Effect 3 players, from Dr. Ray Muzyka, co-founder of BioWare

As co-founder and GM of BioWare, I’m very proud of the ME3 team; I personally believe Mass Effect 3 is the best work we’ve yet created. So, it’s incredibly painful to receive feedback from our core fans that the game’s endings were not up to their expectations. Our first instinct is to defend our work and point to the high ratings offered by critics – but out of respect to our fans, we need to accept the criticism and feedback with humility.

I believe passionately that games are an art form, and that the power of our medium flows from our audience, who are deeply involved in how the story unfolds, and who have the uncontested right to provide constructive criticism. At the same time, I also believe in and support the artistic choices made by the development team. The team and I have been thinking hard about how to best address the comments on ME3’s endings from players, while still maintaining the artistic integrity of the game.

Mass Effect 3 concludes a trilogy with so much player control and ownership of the story that it was hard for us to predict the range of emotions players would feel when they finished playing through it. The journey you undertake in Mass Effect provokes an intense range of highly personal emotions in the player; even so, the passionate reaction of some of our most loyal players to the current endings in Mass Effect 3 is something that has genuinely surprised us. This is an issue we care about deeply, and we will respond to it in a fair and timely way. We’re already working hard to do that.

To that end, since the game launched, the team has been poring over everything they can find about reactions to the game – industry press, forums, Facebook, and Twitter, just to name a few. The Mass Effect team, like other teams across the BioWare Label within EA, consists of passionate people who work hard for the love of creating experiences that excite and delight our fans. I’m honored to work with them because they have the courage and strength to respond to constructive feedback.

Building on their research, Exec Producer Casey Hudson and the team are hard at work on a number of game content initiatives that will help answer the questions, providing more clarity for those seeking further closure to their journey. You’ll hear more on this in April. We’re working hard to maintain the right balance between the artistic integrity of the original story while addressing the fan feedback we’ve received. This is in addition to our existing plan to continue providing new Mass Effect content and new full games, so rest assured that your journey in the Mass Effect universe can, and will, continue.

The reaction to the release of Mass Effect 3 has been unprecedented. On one hand, some of our loyal fans are passionately expressing their displeasure about how their game concluded; we care about this feedback, and we’re planning to directly address it. However, most folks appear to agree that the game as a whole is exceptional, with more than 75 critics giving it a perfect review score and a review average in the mid-90s. Net, I’m proud of the team, but we can and must always strive to do better.

Some of the criticism that has been delivered in the heat of passion by our most ardent fans, even if founded on valid principles, such as seeking more clarity to questions or looking for more closure, for example – has unfortunately become destructive rather than constructive. We listen and will respond to constructive criticism, but much as we will not tolerate individual attacks on our team members, we will not support or respond to destructive commentary.

If you are a Mass Effect fan and have input for the team – we respect your opinion and want to hear it. We’re committed to address your constructive feedback as best we can. In return, I’d ask that you help us do that by supporting what I truly believe is the best game BioWare has yet crafted. I urge you to do your own research: play the game, finish it and tell us what you think. Tell your friends if you feel it’s a good game as a whole. Trust that we are doing our damndest, as always, to address your feedback. As artists, we care about our fans deeply and we appreciate your support.

Thank you for your feedback – we are listening.

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Gamefront'da bir kaç gün önce gördüğüm başka bir yazı =P Sanırım söylenti değilmiş hehe.


The ending was half-assed because of the leak. They changed it at the last minute so they could have more time to prepare the real ending via DLC.

It’s called The Truth and it’s being released in April or May. You WILL be able to continue the story if you picked any of the endings. Your decision during that sequence will have a big effect on your ending of The Truth. The Truth adds two new sets of enemies, new classes, and multiplayer maps including “Firebase Hive”, which is a small area of the last remaining collector ship included in the DLC, which, by the way you should definitely bring Javik the Prothean along if you have him.

The picture here shows some of the leaked multiplayer classes and races. One race that isn’t shown is the Prothean Adept and Vanguard. This DLC also enables the ability for owners of the preorder and From Ashes DLC to find their DLC weapons in reinforcement packs.

All that content, and this might as well be labeled an expansion pack.

And it’s free.

You’re welcome.
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pageview artmasin diye tiklamiyorum bosa hit kazandirmanin anlami yok da, tahmin ettigim gibiyse zaten oyun medyasi oyunculardan daha fazla agliyor, yok efendim sanat degistirilir miymis, artistic integrity nerdeymis, oyuncular entitledmis, gamingi 10 sene geri goturmusler falan ahah cok eglenceli
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problem sektorde tuketicinin gucunun giderek dahada artmasi

nintendonun 80lerde oturttugu eski sistemde sektordeki mutlak guc yayimcinin elinde idi, tedarik zincirini iyi yoneten yayimcilar sirayla bagimsiz studyolari satin aldilar, studyolarin cokta secim sansi yoktu bu konuda, oyununu dagitamiyan studyo batmaya mahkumdu

oyun medyasida hicbirzaman oyuncunun sesi olmadi, yayimcilarin demolarini ve reklamlarini yaydigi bir oyuncak oldular hep, neredeyse butun varligini reklam gelirlerine borclu olan bu medya oyuncu ile yayimcinin bulusabildigi tek platformdu

sonra web 2.0 ve pesinden sosyal medya geldi, internet altyapisi gelsiti ve demolara gerek kalmadi, basili medya mefta oldu hepsi internet formatina kaydi, gorevleri ise degismedi

az reklam veren bagimsiz tek tuk studyolara caktikca caktilar, reklam muslugunu acanlarin en boktan oyunlarina bile tam notlari dizdiler, gamespot skandalindan beri buyumekte olan bir sorun var ortada

metacritic skorlarinin tutarsizligi aslinda cok buyuk ayna tutuyor sektore, yayimcilar eski guclerini korumak ve bok cikarsalarmedya destegiyle bunu asrin oyunu diye satmaya devam etmek istiyor

obur tarafta anon gazi ile cesitli platformlarda buyumekte olan bir huzursuzluk var, oyuncular acik acik BIZ SAKSI DEGILIZ, ONCE BIZE SORUCAKSINIZ diye haykiriyorlar ve yuzde yuz haklilar, su son olay ve EAin geri adim atmasi yasanan en onemli olaylardan biri

oyuncular artik organize olmak icin tuketici birliklerine veya sitelerin kendi actiklari garabet sitelere mahkum degil, organize olmak icin parayada ihtiyaclari yok

senelerce word of mouth uzeirndne oyunlari mainstreame tasiyanlar gene bu musteri kitlesi, ME3 ile ilgili her haberin ve videonun altina yiginla SHIT SUX yazilinca ister istemez pacalari tutusuyor boyle

oyun basina artik kendilerine ihtiyac olmadiginin farkinda bu gelisen yeni sistemde, kendilerini yayimcilara iyice yamiyarak kalkan gorevi gormeye calisiyorlar, oyuncu ile aralarinda olan kopruleri yakiyorlar, bu gibi maymunluklarla resmen oyuncuyla testis gecip trafik cekmeye kasiyorlar

oyun basinina artik ihtiyac olmadigini yayimcilar cozdugu zaman hersey biticek zaten
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You forgot the part where the volcanochild gives Frodo the option of controlling the nazgul, destroying the ring at the expense of killing all the elves, or fusing nazgul and hobbits together. Followed by the epilogue where Samwise, Aragon and Gimli all crash land on a deserted island.


Give bioware some credit and at least include Luke taking a breath for half a second after the credits.

But wait, where's the part where the ghost-child comes out and explains that the force is inherently evil and the only solution is to either destroy it or merge the dark side with the light?


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"So I haven't changed my mind about the ending. I still found it a satisfying conclusion to my 120 hour experience, and as Olly Moss tweeted: "Surely the whole game is the ending, not the 5 minute sequence at the end?" However, it's clear there is an issue with clarity - and let's face it, getting more Mass Effect means getting more Mass Effect. This is a good thing."

tam bir fail bu ya... adama bak kötü dememek için sonuna bildiğin taklalar atmış... bizde mi problem anlamıyorum ki ben... biz mi yetoyuz onlar mı?!?!?
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Yeni DLC ile oyuna tamamen farkli bir son gelecegi soylenmedi. Muzyka yalnizca bazi seyleri cevaplayip daha netlik kazandiracaklarini soyledi.

Kendi adima ondan fazlasini istemiyorum. Her ne sebeple olursa olsun bir hikayenin sonunun sonradan degistirilmesi yanlis geliyor. Sadece oyun bittikten sonra kime ne oldu vs. turu seyleri cevaplasalar yeter. Hani bunu dlc ile degil, yazili bir aciklama ile yapsalar bile olur.
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