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Mesaj tarihi:
xunn said:

aklı başında

bir kadın



Bu kadının aklı senin aklının 1000000 katı. Diğerlerini bilemem.


ps: benimkinin de 10000 katı
Mesaj tarihi:
sol.gen.tr midir nedir oradan çıkan tek işe yarar yazı olmuş, dean'e de ilk defa hak verdim heh.

kadınları son 50 yıldır filan insan yerine koyuyor toplum ancak, "zenci bilimadamı yok, demek ki zencilerin beyne kan gitmiyor malum nedenden" varyasyonlarının uzantısı "kadınlar şöyle böyle değişik, o yüzden bu işlere kafaları çalışmıyor" argümanları. kafa kafaya tokuşturacaksın yumurta gibi.

helal olsun gene 300 yıl önce o işleri yapmaya çalışan çıkabilmiş, yıl 2010, hakim mantık fazla değişmedi.
Mesaj tarihi:
Sam said:

sol.gen.tr midir nedir oradan çıkan tek işe yarar yazı olmuş, dean'e de ilk defa hak verdim heh.

kadınları son 50 yıldır filan insan yerine koyuyor toplum ancak, "zenci bilimadamı yok, demek ki zencilerin beyne kan gitmiyor malum nedenden" varyasyonlarının uzantısı "kadınlar şöyle böyle değişik, o yüzden bu işlere kafaları çalışmıyor" argümanları. kafa kafaya tokuşturacaksın yumurta gibi.

helal olsun gene 300 yıl önce o işleri yapmaya çalışan çıkabilmiş, yıl 2010, hakim mantık fazla değişmedi.

Abi yapma allah aşkına, kadın dediğin yemek yapar, temizlik yapar, pazara çıkar alışveriş yapar. Ama bi buluş bi icat bunlar farklı şeyler, kadınlardan beklemeyelim lütfen.....

  • 6 ay sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
ShadowFury said:

Laorx said:

astronotlar daha fena

bu ne ya, yollayın şunları uzaya muzaya gözüm görmesin diyerek astronot yapmışlar hepsini.

Desperate AstrowifEs
Mesaj tarihi:
iksmen said:

ShadowFury said:

Laorx said:

astronotlar daha fena

bu ne ya, yollayın şunları uzaya muzaya gözüm görmesin diyerek astronot yapmışlar hepsini.

Desperate AstrowifEs

uzay gemilerinde mutfak var mıydı ya ben bilmiyordum
Mesaj tarihi:
bu arada Sophie Germain bu kadar unutulmuş mu ya, kimse adını anmamış.
95'te fermat'yı kanıtlayan Andrew Wiles bu arada da, Gauss'la karşılaştırmak Gauss'a hakaret gibi tabi. Gauss hakikaten bambaşka birşey.
neyse bayaa geç kalmışım zaten

astronotlar çok kötüymüş lan hakkaten
Mesaj tarihi:


   Producing delicious alchemy since kitchen...
  • 3 yıl sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
buda dursun bari burda

History has not always been kind to women scientists. Many have passed long days and nights in the lab stirring noxious concoctions or gathering piles of data only to see the credit for their discoveries awarded to a male colleague. Sometimes the work was obscured by a famous mentor. Here is a selection of female scientists who deserve greater notice:

Lise Meitner (1878-1968) In 1938, after she escaped from the Nazis to Sweden, she carried out the key calculations that led to the discovery of nuclear fission. Her collaborator, Otto Hahn, who stayed behind in Germany, was the sole recipient of the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1944. In 1997 Meitner was finally honored when element 109 was named meitnerium.

Emmy Noether (1882-1935) She devised a mathematical principle, called Noether's theorem, which became a foundation stone of quantum physics. Her calculations helped Einstein formulate his general theory of relativity. "It is really through her that I have become competent in the subject," he admitted.

Frieda Robscheit-Robbins (1893-1973) Together with George Whipple, she discovered that a diet rich in liver cured anemia in dogs, which in turn led directly to treatment for pernicious anemia in humans. Although she coauthored numerous papers with Whipple, it was he who was honored with the 1934 Nobel Prize in medicine.

Hilde Mangold (1898-1924) Under the guidance of Hans Spemann, she carried out the experiments that led to the discovery of the organizer effect, which directs the development of embryonic cells into tissues and organs. She died after being set afire by an alcohol stove on which she was heating food for her baby. Eleven years later, Spemann won the Nobel Prize.

Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin (1900-1979) In her 1925 Ph.D. thesis—described by the noted astronomer Otto Struve in 1960 as "the most brilliant . . . ever written in astronomy"—she proposed that all stars are made mostly of hydrogen and helium. Astronomers dismissed her observations until four years later, when they were confirmed by a man. She was the first woman to become a professor of science at Harvard.

Beatrice "Tilly" Shilling (1909-1990) A prize-winning motorcycle racer and aeronautical engineer, she designed a small metal ring that fit onto the fuel line of an aircraft engine to keep the flow of fuel constant. This enabled World War II British fighter pilots to dive without fear that their engines would cut out.

Chien-Shiung Wu (1912-1997) In 1957 she and her colleagues overthrew a principle previously considered immutable in physics: that nature does not distinguish between right and left. Chien-Shiung found that this rule does not hold true for interactions between subatomic particles involving the so-called weak force. The Nobel Prize was awarded to two male colleagues.

Rosalind Franklin (1920-1958) Her X-ray photographs of crystallized DNA, taken in the early 1950s, proved that the molecule was a helix. This data was used, without her knowledge, by James Watson and Francis Crick to elucidate the structure of DNA. By the time they were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1962, Franklin had died of ovarian cancer.

Jocelyn Bell Burnell (1943-) With the aid of a radio telescope she built herself, she became the first astronomer to detect pulsars—rapidly spinning, extremely dense neutron stars. But she was deemed too inexperienced to receive the Nobel Prize, which was given instead in 1974 to her thesis adviser, Anthony Hewish—a man who later referred to her as "a jolly good girl [who] was just doing her job."

+ hypatia denmis, hypatia yi unutan yok zaten. taslanarak oldurulmesinin hristiyan karanlik caglarin baslangici oldugu zaten genel kabul edilen birsey, keplerden 1000 sene once heliocentric model uzerine kafa yorudgu tahmin edilsede butun calismlari yok oldugu icin hicbirsey bilemiyoruz bu konuda


7.30 dan sonra anlatiyor carl sagan


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Mesaj tarihi:
Laurelin said:


fazla euro centric bir chart bu.

O sırada cinliler araplar persler cillop gibi bilim yapıyo. öle korkunc bir durmusluk geri dönmüşlük yok.
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