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The Mandalorian (2019) - Disney+

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
"Our biggest problem is that these stories are adult. I mean…these are like Deadwood in space. It so unlike anything you’ve ever associated with George before in relation to Star Wars. These aren’t for kids. I mean, we hope they’ll watch, but it’s not being targeted at 8-to-9 year old boys. The situation we have is that each episode – or if you put two hour long episodes together – is bigger than any film we’ve ever done. It’s on the Avatar level and we’ll only have about $5-6 million we can spend on each episode."
  • 6 ay sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:

We’d love to do something with Lucasfilm, we’re not sure what yet. We haven’t even sat down with them. We’re going to look at , we’re going to look at all of them, and see what’s right. We weren’t able to discuss this with them until closed and it just closed. It’s definitely going to be part of the conversation.

  • 2 yıl sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
Kathleen Kennedy, Lucasfilm president,

Underworld & 1313:

“Interestingly enough, that’s an area we’ve spent a lot of time, reading through the material that he developed is something we very much would like to explore. And there was 1313 the game, where there was…unbelievable.

So our attitude is, we don’t want to throw any of that stuff away. It’s gold. And it’s something we’re spending a lot of time looking at, pouring through, discussing, and we may very we’d develop those things further. We definitely want to.”

Underworld would be set on Coruscant and between the events of Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope.
Mesaj tarihi:
Norak said:

Kathleen Kennedy, Lucasfilm president,
Underworld would be set on Coruscant and between the events of Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope.

Aket-Atum said:

Boba Fett, Han Solo ve Jabba diyorsa büyük ihtimal 3 ile 4 arası olacaktır.

5 ile 6 arasında neler olduğunu zaten Shadows of the Empire anlatıyor.

4 ile 5 arasında da bu üçlü ile alakalı pek ahım şahım olaylar yok, o yüzden geriye sadece 3 ile 4 kalıyor.

Ben demiştim hacılar...
Mesaj tarihi:
mani said:


SW filmleri her zaman kid friendly idi. Değişen bir şey yok.

family friendly film olmasıyla, theme park for kids terimini eş mi tutuyorsun?
  • 2 yıl sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:

bunun cekimleri haftaya basliyor diyorlar, Mandalore etrafinda gececek diye soylenti var.

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