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Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: male
Stranger: siktir git o zaman
You: ok
You: jale de jale üf ne jale
Stranger: jale
Stranger: hocam türk müsün?
You: nope
You: im not a turk
You: this is a spanish song
Stranger: i dont know that song
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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You: yo
Stranger: yo
You: yoyo
Stranger: kop
Stranger: kop
Stranger: kop
You: hobba
You: oturmaya mı geldik
Stranger: yandan
You: allaahh..
Stranger: kiviiiir
Stranger: kalk kizz
Stranger: kalk
You: aman geceler bitmesin
Stranger: sabaaa kadar
You: abbouuuv
Stranger: dans
You: vur çalkala oyna
You: obbarey
Stranger: hadi yavruuum
Stranger: oh oh
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Stranger: hi!:)
You: aiooooooooooooo woleloooooooooo
Stranger: what?:D
You: im from africa
Stranger: awesome:D
You: its the way we say hello in my clan
You: aiooooooooooo wolelooooo
Stranger: cooool
Stranger: aiooooooo woleloooooo
You: u learn fast
Stranger: yep:D
You: u a girl?
Stranger: yeah:D
Stranger: you?
You: my dick is 25 cm
Stranger: fuck offf
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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şu gerçeği yüzüme şırak diye çarpmış olaydır.. sade şırak diye çarpmış olsa iyi. KABOOOM, BADANALAK ve GÜMBELENET! diye de yüzüme vurmuştur.

normal, sıradan, gündelik hayatın içinden, basit bi diyalog kuramıyorum.. basit bi diyalog dahi kuramıyorum!

saçmaladığım vakit yine bişiler çıkıyor ama kalanında ı-ıh.. bariz ölü gibi.. berbat, tad yok.. zevksiz bişi işte.

bayağı cansız.

zaten uzun zamandır sokaktaki sıradan 2adamın yanında falan konuşmalarda bariz 3rd wheel olduğumu hissediyordum. bunu globale taşımış oldum.

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Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: guy?
You: yep
You: u
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: are u gay or bi?
You: haha
You: i m bi
You: u ?
Stranger: me too
Stranger: how old are you?
You: ohh thats great
Stranger: im bi
Stranger: how old?
You: i m 19 years old
Stranger: im 18
Stranger: where are you from?
You: i m from us
You: u ?
Stranger: im from usa too
Stranger: haha
Stranger: colorado
Stranger: u have any pics?
You: wait a second
You: i m looking
Stranger: nude?
You: noo of course not
You: do u have
Stranger: oh..
Stranger: damn
Stranger: i do
Stranger: but i only trade nudes...
You: can you send one of this ?
Stranger: ?
Stranger: if i send u one, will u send me a nude one?
You: in pictures
You: uhmm ok
You: by the way
You: i have 22 cm and big one
You: u
Stranger: yeah?
You: ?
Stranger: mines 7 inch
Stranger: ok
Stranger: so u have a nude right?
You: oh that sounds like to me
Stranger: resim ama sansürledik isteyene pm atılır :D
Stranger: ur turn.
You: are u wanne date
Stranger: ?
Stranger: do u have a picture of ur dick?
You: ok i m sending
Stranger: ok
Stranger: ...
Stranger: do u have one?
You: i try to make
You: i havent
You: but i m taking
Stranger: ok
Stranger: quick
You: by the way do u wanna be a date ?
Stranger: no...
Stranger: how could i be
Stranger: ?
You: why ?
You: by the way thx the pic
You: i m not bi
Stranger: your welcome
You: haha
Stranger: just sendone back
You: lmao
You: nah
Stranger: fuck u
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You: hi
Stranger: hey
You: h are u
Stranger: fine.
Stranger: you a boy or a girl?
You: boy
You: u
Stranger: girl. :)
Stranger: where you from?
You: i m from vanilla islands
You: u
Stranger: Netherlands
Stranger: vanilla islans, mmm, must be warm
You: yeah pretty much
You: how old are u
Stranger: 18
Stranger: u?
You: 22
You: what is your name
Stranger: oh nice..
Stranger: anna
You: my name is oz
Stranger: cool, so what do you want to do with me oz?
Stranger: ;)
You: whatever you like
Stranger: mmmm, dunno. you're the guy!
You: so ?
You: perhaps i will follow u. what u think about it
Stranger: nah! :d

nie yaa niesfsddf
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Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: how are u
Stranger: fine
Stranger: just school
Stranger: u?
You: it s boring
You: fine too
You: how old are u
Stranger: where are you from
Stranger: 17
You: i m from vanilla islands
You: u
Stranger: istanbul turkey
You: oh turkey
You: i see in the advertisement
You: seems to be good city
Stranger: yep
Stranger: istanbul is a very good city
You: i want come here someday
You: by the way what is your name
Stranger: cem
Stranger: u?
You: Cem sütünü iç yat uyu
Stranger: oha
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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You: HI
Stranger: HI
You: I WON
Stranger: you just lost the game
You: you only can say so
You: but u know ur a loser, I won this one
Stranger: no, you lost THE GAME
Stranger: noob
Stranger: go an hero
You: I play no games with u, nerd
Stranger: well, then your retarded, apparently you do
Stranger: and you don't play well
You: what the game are u talkin' about? HUH?
Stranger: I'm talking about THE GAME, honkey mofo
You: I think u lost ur mind cuz realty hit u in the face so hard
Stranger: No, just trust
Stranger: its The Game
Stranger: here, this site explains it
Stranger: http://infoslash.net
You: ım not gonna go to there
Stranger: well, then you'll never know
Stranger: and you'll never realize your full potential
You: ım so sad i will die of cruosity.
Stranger: and somewhere, deep in the corner of your mind
Stranger: you will always wonder
Stranger: but you will never be able to remember the name of the site
Stranger: and it will eat away at you
You: ur right
Stranger: day after day
You: I wont be able to remember the name of the site
You: cuz its not important
You: u mind game playing evil mastermind
Stranger: if you don't go today, you never will, and a part of you will die inside
You: sorry dude
You: u got that part living
You: and look where it bring u to
Stranger: ?
Stranger: lol
Stranger: the same place as you?
You: nope, Im talking about the fact that I WON AT THE START
Stranger: and you LOST THE GAME
You: LSR
Stranger: FAG
Stranger: YOU DIDN"T
You: now u will eat urself
You: thinking about
You: what if the Stranger is right?
You: ur gonna die while crawling
You: asking for momma
Stranger: no, I'm gonna go out in a bang, crashing into the empire states building
Stranger: for the glory of Allah
You: naa man god probably wont like losers like u
You: so u will probably end up in hell
Stranger: well, if so, I'll see you there
You: Well i will go there to sightseeing
You: u know tourstic stuff
You: to see if ur burning well
You: I will toss a coal at the palce heating u
Stranger: well, I'll do what I can to take you with me
You: and make a wish
You: I will wish that "I hope this guy can burn more!!"
You: well, this is your outlined destiny.
-Bu arada adam c/p yaptı soi soi diye baya uzun onu yapıştırmıyorum.
You: See u at hell, when I will go to sightsee it.
Stranger: well, tell that to the virus
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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  • Genel Yönetici
Lol, sevdim ben bunu.

İlk konuşmam böyle gelişi ve bitti:

You: Hi!
Stranger: Hello.
Stranger: Where are you from?
You: Istanbul, you.
You: Turket, that is...
Stranger: Is that in turkey?
You: Ye
Stranger: Sorry, I'm armenian
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

5. seferde bir mesaj daha atarım buraya.
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