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The Skull of Gul'dan


Öne çıkan mesajlar

The skull's destruction has been retconned. Furthermore, it was unclear what exactly was meant by "consumed." He could have literally consumed the skull (i.e. ate it). There is precedent in Warcraft for digestion as a means of gaining magical powers (for example potions, which are of course liquids), so it is possible he drank something from the skull. Regardless, physical skull still exists, and Illidan does drops it as a trinket for casters.

e yani
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burdan da anlioruz ki, illidan , guldan , muldan hepsi kunilmiş , cacıkmış 5 e 5 mahalle maçı ayarında savaşıp azeroth u kurtardık ayağı yapıolar
asıl kahramanlar gelince hepsi sündüler

bkz. wow hardcore guild oyuncuları ;p

ben başka bi ey göremiyorum burda yani boşuna yemiş senelerce blizz bizi 2 tokat atsak yeri öpen tiplermiş hepsi.
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