Luxor Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 28, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 28, 2009 harita ekranında yolculuk ederken space tuşuna basınca sabit durduğun halde oyun akmaya devam ediyor. normalde oyun haraket ederken akıp, durunca duruyordu. yani space e basılı tutup sürünün uzaklaşmasını bekleyeceksin, eğer yanlış bir yöne sapmaya başlarsa yetişip diğer tarafa süreceksin. bazı köyler inekleri pahalıya satabiliyor o yüzden oyunun başlarında bu tip görevlere girmek gereksiz. quest başarmak oyundaki skor açısından önemli. skor diyorum, çünkü aynı piratesda olduğu gibi retire from adventuring seçeneği var. kamp kurduğunuz zaman istendiğinde retire edebilirsiniz, retire edince size oyun puanınızı söylüyor. mesela 1000 puan toplayınca peasant olarak bitiriyorsunuz, bilmemne köyünde meteliğe kurşun atan bir köylü olarak bitirdin gibisinden bir yazı ve adamın puanına göre aldığı rank in tipi çıkıyor resim olarak. oyunun zorluk derecesi özellikle etkili puanlamada.
Mohi Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 28, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 28, 2009 native expansion moduyla oynayın oyunu derim, zira oyunun orjinal haline çok şey katıyor, nerdeyse Total war gibi bişi yapıyor. download için;,49800.0.html Ben şu aralar antik yunan modunu oynuyorum ama o henüz demo halinde ve bu aşağıdaki yeniliklerden hiçbiri yok onda. Yunanlı elemana bunların önemlilerini feedback olarak yazdım, belki ekler kendi moduna diye ama bayadır girmiyo foruma.,110.0.html Bir de 5-6 türkün yaptığı lotr evrenini konu alan Ak Ela isimli mod var. Yeni başladılar, ama çok hızlı ilerliyorlar 1-2 aya çıkar sanırım. başlık için;,59220.0.html Native Exp Modundaki yenilikler; Here's a quick tutorial on what key presses do to interact with these additions. Note they only come into play when in standard field and siege combat. You won't see them when fighting peasants after collecting taxes or raiding their village or any of the other special combats that can pop up throughout the game. 1 - everyone 2 - infantry only 3 - archers only 4 - cavalry only j - Form Ranks p - Form a Line k - Form a Wedge u - Remove Formations t - Display coherence (morale and effectiveness) of both sides b - brace spear CAREFUL WITH THE Y AND V KEYS! y - Rally your men when morale is low (Costs experience) v - Call for reinforcements earlier than the system would give them normally (Also costs experience) If you kill a lot of enemies the morale gets boosted, and yes, if the morale of either side drops too low there's a good chance they'll "flee in terror" which means unless they're surrounded you'll have to chase them down. For enemies on horseback this can be a pain if you're not good at mounted archery. To brace a spear, hit the b key while having a braceable spear equipped. It only works in some battles, like open field combat. To call your mount hit the m key, if it's still alive it'll trot over to you. Obviously, this is only available if you had a horse at the start of the battle and if horses are allowed in the battle. Once you're knocked out, if the battle doesn't end hit the jump key to release the camera and take a look around the field. Hit tab to bring up the option to end the battle. ----------------------------- Detailed List of Features In no particular order. 1 - Massive number of new and rebalanced troops 2 - Large number of new items to go with those troops 3 - Kingdoms renamed, Lords boosted, and Kings made far stronger. They are extremely deadly on the field of battle. 4 - Mercenary bands now roam the countryside. They're quite tough, but excellent source of loot and money for the experienced commander. 5 - Troop Formation system has been implemented. 6 - Troop Morale system has been implemented. A slight modification has been made as of v0.516. When a reinforcement wave arrives a fleeing army will rally and a commander's tactics and leadership skills will reduce the chances of their army fleeing in terror. This works for both the player and the AI, so be careful of monarch led armies, chances are they will never flee in terror. As of v0.530 you can turn off the morale system from the camp menu and troops will never flee. 7 - On the battle map a white dot will mark the location of your inventory chest 8 - Modified Shield Bash code has been implemented (Hold defend and click attack while a shield is in hand.) 9 - Spear Wall ability has been added. When on foot and with a spear type weapon equipped hit b to brace the weapon on the ground. Any cavalry charge against a braced spear will suffer horrible damage usually resulting in the death of the horse. While braced you cannot move, attack, or defend, doing so will release the brace. Troops that are also on foot and armed with a similar weapon will also periodically move into a spear wall stance if they have been given the Hold Position or Stand Your Ground orders. Added in version 0.520: Damage from the spearwall is now based on the speed of the horse. If the horse is going slow enough it will take no damage at all. 10 - Default player kingdom name has been changed from " Rebels" to "Kingdom of ". However, this is customizable. As of version 0.544 there are two ways to customize this. The first is to set your player name to what you want your kingdom name to be, and then choose the change kingdom name option under the kingdom management menu in any town you own. The second uses the troops.txt file. If you have not yet rebelled you can set your own kingdom name ahead of time if you want to. Open the troops.txt file and search for the line: trp_player_kingdom_name Change_this_to_your_kingdom_name name 0 0 0 1 1 0 Two things must be changed to implement your custom name. The first is the Change_this_to_your_kingdom_name piece. Change it to what you want your kingdom name to be, but make sure to replace all spaces with _ characters. The second item is the last 1 in the line must be changed to a 0. An image for clarification is at the end of this post. But as an example, if I wanted to name my kingdom "Republic of Awesome" my line would look like: trp_player_kingdom_name Republic_of_Awesome name 0 0 0 1 0 0 As of version 0.526 you can change the name of your kingdom at any time after it is formed by making the correct file adjustments and then visiting the kingdom management menu in any town you own. 11 - Towns and castles owned by the player will now periodically gain and train troops into their garrison exactly the same as with NPC owned towns. 12 - Lords will now join the player's kingdom. But there's a catch. Lords will not join some upstart they hardly know. To have them join you must prove yourself in battle by defeating their kingdom. Shortly after a kingdom is completely defeated (you'll get a big notice telling you this has happened) the lords will move to kingdoms that still exist. A large number of them will move to follow the player. They will ride around and behave like normal lords including attacking and pillaging. The only difference is they will not own any land themselves. 13 - Lords can be looted after a battle. This means, in theory, it is possible to get the unique weapons off the kings if you manage to defeat them. A higher looting skill will improve your chances of this. 14 - Prisoners now have variable value to the Ransom Broker. The higher the level of the prisoner, the more they're worth. 15 - Some normal troops now have party skills, having them with you can provide bonuses to some of your skills. We aren't going to give a full list, try to find them yourselves. 16 - Player owned kingdoms have the possibility of making peace with kingdoms they haven't angered too badly. But it'll cost them. 17 - New parties. Fear the new Kingdom Patrols, led by elite troops, and the holy Crusaders, rugged Ivory Guards, massive Hordes, vicious Berserkers, and noble Councilmen. 18 - Troops can be conscripted from villages if the proper conditions are met. Look under the "take a hostile action" menu, because they don't like being conscripted. 19 - Mills give their bonus every 2 weeks rather than only when their construction is finished. 20 - Players can collect all the taxes for their kingdom at once by visiting a town. If the player owns no towns they must still visit all the villages and castles individually. 21 - If a player owns their own kingdom you can ask your companions to start raiding parties of their own. The companions will behave exactly as lords except the player can both give and take troops from them. As of version 0.524 due to a limitation in the game itself the player cannot attempt to manage companion troops while they are in a town or castle. To manage a companion's troops have them leave the town first. As of version 0.526 you can modify a companion's equipment and skills without having them leave their raiding party. 22 - If you have defeated an enemy kingdom and have lots of captured enemy lords on your hands you can either wait for their ransom or try to convince them to join your faction. To try to convince them you need to have them rotting in a town or castle's prison. Go visit them in the dungeon and give them your ultimatum. The higher your persuasion and the more they like you the better the chance of them joining you. However, if you're very persuasive and they really don't like you it may be difficult to actually get them to follow your orders once they've changed sides. 23 - Player party size increased. Leadership now gives 10 slots per point. 24 - Prisoner Management doubled to 10 per point. 25 - Wine and ale are now consumables. 26 - While building a siege tower or ladder to take a town or castle the player can now access the inventory and party screens. 27 - Persuasion is now Charisma based instead of Intelligence. 28 - Player kingdoms will now generate caravans as often as AI kingdoms. 29 - Cattle have a slightly higher growth rate. 30 - Tournament betting amounts increased fivefold as of version 0.530. 31 - The player can change the kingdom color from the kingdom management menu option in towns that they own. 32 - Looting system completely rewritten from scratch. The looting skill is worth something now and you will notice this immediately. If you have 0 looting you will have a hard time getting enough loot to upkeep a decent sized army. If you have 10 looting then money will never be a problem for you again so long as you keep killing things. The party looting skill is still used for looting village, etc. However, only the player's skill is used to determine what loot is available to a player after a battle. The companions with looting skill have sold all the loot they found for more money for themselves. They are mercenaries, are they not? As of version 0.530 you can turn this off and go back to the classic Native looting system. 33 - You can talk to village elders and guild masters from the menu upon entering the town or village. 34 - From the camp menu you can choose which loot system to use and if the fleeing in terror aspect of the morale system will be used. By default it uses the new loot system and they can flee. 35 - Nine new buildings added: * Cattle Ranch - Increases growth rate of cattle and guarantees the village will never suffer a famine killing all their cattle. * Palisade - Increases the time taken to loot the village. * Horse Ranch - Expensive, but it increases the prosperity of the village and allows the player to buy a random quality horse every few days for only 500 denars. * Distillery - Slowly increases the prosperity of the village and guarantees ale and wine are available for purchase from the elder. * Caltrops - Removes ALL horses from defending or attacking a village. * Caravan Escort Outpost - Any caravan leaving a town with one of these will have extra mercenaries added for defense, unless they have kingdom troops defending them already. * Bookstore - Adds a random selection of books to the goods merchant in town. * Festival Square - Increases the loyalty of the town monthly and increases the morale of the player's party for every 24 consecutive hours rested in town. * Blacksmith Forge - Automatically refills all defender ammo in a town or castle siege every 60 seconds. Will possibly be used for other things in the future. 36 - You can award fiefs to lords who choose to follow you from the Kingdom Management menu in any town you own. In fact you will HAVE to award them if you want to keep them happy once your kingdom becomes large enough. As of version 0.544 you can award fiefs to companions at least level 20. 37 - Faction monarchs are now often accompanied by contingents of elite guard. Even an experienced army may have a hard time with them. 38 - Building construction time was reduced to 1/3 the normal amount 39 - The information for lords serving the player's kingdom will always be up to date in the notes screen, so you will always know where they are. 40 - Players can recruit lords without lands that are on friendly terms with the player to their kingdom by bribing them with a castle or town (they choose the castle or town.) 41 - You can ask for lands back from the lord. Be careful, he will either agree or he will take his land and leave for a different faction similar to when the player refuses to give up captured land. To ask for it back you must visit the lord in person. Such matters are best discussed in person, after all. 42 - Taking a castle or town in battle now causes a negative relation with the previous owner. This is to help balance how easy it is to recruit defeated faction lords. 43 - Individual villages can be awarded to lords by visiting that village personally. If the town or castle the village is attached to changes hands the village will change as well. 44 - The capital system has been implemented. If the player kingdom owns anything better than a single castle then you will need a capital town. If you do not own a town then the player will be considered the capital. This is a bad thing, as will be described below. If the player owns a town and no capital is selected the game will pick one for the player after a few hours. Once moved a capital cannot be moved to a new town for a week. 45 - The capital extends a radius of influence about the town (or player if there currently is no capital town.) Within this influence no villages will rebel. Outside this influence towns and villages will slowly decide they no longer need to follow the player and might rebel. If the center has a 20 or higher relation with the player they will not slide into rebellion. If the village or town is awarded to a lord then the lord will direct their influence on the populace and keep them in line assuring they never rebel. On average a town can be outside the player influence for about 45-50 days before they will rebel. If the player does not have a capital this makes it difficult to go off raiding for extended periods without leaving your lands in the hands of your lords. And without a capital town it is impossible to assign fiefs to lords other than villages unless you bribe the lord to join you. As of version 0.540 the radius of the capital's influence was doubled. 46 - To assist in keeping an eye on a player's potentially rebellious lands a civics adviser can be hired from the kingdom management menu. Once hired he will appear in the capital's castle and will let the player know not only which centers could potentially rebel, but how close to rebellion they currently are. 47 - New game setting switches were added to the game settings menu, accessed by camping. New switches toggle companion personality clashes, the shield bash system, the spear wall system, if towns and villages can rebel or not, and if lords can rebel or not. 48 - A new adviser was added to the list of ones you can buy for your kingdom. The Chamberlain tracks your income and expenses and lists them for the current month and the previous month. It doesn't really do much for the game other than provide interesting statistics, so he's relatively cheap to hire. 49 - Lords can now rebel. The player needs to get within a certain distance of the lord (it's pretty large, the typical distance between a town and the 2nd closest castle) once per week or the lord will think he's not being watched. If the lord likes the player enough (depending on his personality type) nothing happens. If he doesn't like the player then his relation to the player drops. If it gets low enough he will rebel. If his old faction still exists he simply goes back to that faction. If it has been defeated he will find, or free, his old monarch and reestablish the old faction. This can be extremely problematic because ALL lords in the game that came from that faction have a chance of joining the rebellion and moving back to the old faction. 50 - Captive lords may now request to duel the player for their freedom. It happens randomly any time the player visits a town they own with a captured lord either in their party or the town's dungeon. If the lord wins they are set free. If the lord loses they will not ask to duel again unless they manage to escape and are captured again. The player may decline, but will lose honor. 51 - You can declare war on any faction from the kingdom management menu. 52 - You can ask another faction's monarch to go to war with a faction you are currently at war with. If they agree it will be very expensive, but you'll have another kingdom facing down your enemy. 53 - This is more a feature for the developers than the users. Since we're tired of seeing so many people get errors with incompatible save games there is now a check in the game itself. It will attempt to determine the version your saved game was created with and compare it to compatible versions. If the save is determined to be corrupt or from an incompatible version it will let you know. Constantly. In addition, the old town rebellion system was considerably changed. The radius of influence around the capital was doubled. As with the lords, if a population center has a high enough relation to the player they will never rebel. The golden number is 20. In addition, castles no longer rebel. Villages now rebel. If a village rebels it will switch to the outlaw faction so anyone can attempt to loot it. If the player visits the town they can attempt to bring it back into submission by fighting the peasants and the bandits that have joined them. If successful the village will once again belong to the player, but be very poor. If a competing kingdom manages to loot the village it will become theirs. 54 - Companions of level 20 or higher can be granted fiefs. They always give them back when asked for and they will never rebel from you. However, if you give all your lands to companions and your lords have no lands, they will still ask for them and you will have none to give. This means you will have a lot of angry lords who will quickly leave your kingdom. 55 - The Logistician adviser has been added. He allows your kingdom to randomly generate patrols like the other kingdoms do. If you have him hired, as well as a civics adviser, you can also talk to him about building upgrades in any of the centers in your kingdom. You will also be notified in game of any buildings that finish construction in your kingdom, even if you don't own the castle/town/village yourself. 56 - In field battles you can whistle for your horse. If you dismount and run around killing people hitting the 'm' key will cause your horse to come to you. Of course, if your horse is dead or you never had one to begin with then nothing will happen. 57 - The Master Spy adviser has been added. He will tell you which fiefless lords you might be able to bribe to join your kingdom, and he will tell you where the other monarchs are currently residing. As a little bonus he can also tell you which of your enemies' castles or towns is least defended. 58 - A new building has been added. The university. This was recommended by bunduqdari and implemented almost exactly like his suggestion. You can only ever build one. And it must be in your capital. If you change capitals then it stops working. If you lose your capital with it in there, you better get it back and make it your capital again. About every 2 weeks the university will have a breakthrough in research. Which one is random, but the list includes: +1 pathfinding, +1 spotting, +1 surgery, +1 wound treatment, or +1 engineer to you and all lords/compansion. In addition you could get the double speed siege tower, +2 battle advantage, or weapon repairing at a blacksmith breakthroughs. ---This patch added more in a single patch than I think we've ever done before. From a code standpoint at least. Minor changes include: chamberlains now tell you which lords you have visited recently civics advisers now tell you which lords might rebel castles can build blacksmiths you can change your kingdom name in game when a lord demands a fief your relation to him is shown when trying to bribe a lord to join your faction he will tell you who currently controls the castle or town he is asking for monarch elite bodyguards always move to the top of their armies now the code to select the random castle for a bribery request has been rewritten and is far more random Minor changes: Weekly wages in the party screen includes troops in garrison too, and is accurate to what the player will owe. A game setting switch has been added to allow the player to turn off lords asking for fiefs. There is now a dialog option when you talk to a captured lord in your dungeon that you can simply let them go. Caravans should reroute to new destinations if their target town comes under siege. Increased how much surrounding villages affect the prosperity of castles and towns. This means every 2 weeks you might see some spam messages about prosperity changes. A new trade good, lumber, was added. It might be needed for something in the future, maybe not. Party morale penalties and sizes have been adjusted to allow for larger player parties. If the player becomes monarch of their own kingdom the limits jump a LOT. Player kingdom patrols are now based on the original faction of the capital. 59 - Many battles will now continue even after the player is knocked out. Hit the jump key to start moving the camera around the map to get a better look at what's happening. Use tab to leave the mission when you want to end it. Attack and defend change the height of the camera, and the forward, back, left, right keys control it's position and look angle. Hold shift to move faster. 60 - There is a possibility (based on the lord's personality) that the player will be allowed to go after being defeated, rather than taken prisoner. 61 - Lords of any faction can upgrade their own fiefs. No longer will the player be the only person who actually begins construction projects. They cannot build the special recruitment buildings nor the university. 62 - The troop trees have been juggled considerably. All top tier troops cannot be upgraded to. You must recruit them directly from special buildings. The amount recruited is refreshed every week. At the start of the game each faction's capital has one of these buildings and will supply troops to the lord that owns the town as well as the town garrison. If a town has one of the special recruiting buildings another cannot be built there, it is limited to only one per town. Each faction's type of building is limited to only 2 in the entire game. This means the player can build ONE additional recruitment building in the town of their choice, but they are expensive and take a long time to build. 63 - Nobles have their own troop upgrade paths and can be recruited from towns if the player is a noble themself. Nobles can only be recruited if the player is either a monarch or a vassal. If you are a mercenary or unaligned you cannot recruit them. 64 - If you are a vassal of an existing kingdom and you take a town or castle you will receive a relation bonus with that faction now. 65 - If you are a vassal of an existing kingdom and you get a 50 or higher relation with them the monarch will reward you with a special item. 66 - If you are a monarch of your own kingdom and you own a town with a blacksmith forge, there is a good chance the blacksmiths will decide to forge a crown for you. 67 - Events are being added to the game for when the player is a monarch of their own kingdom. Currently, rather than simply declaring war, a faction leader might instead decide to threaten the player with war if the player does not relinquish a town to them. More events will be added in the future. 68 - A new food type has been added called hardtack. It gives 0 morale boost, but it lasts a VERY long time. 69 - Similar factions can now group up in combat on the map screen. But only units that makes sense to fight. Passing villagers and caravans will not join most battles unless they are forced to. 70 - The player should now be able to give troops to the garrisons of towns and castles in their kingdom that they have awarded to their lords. But you will not be able to take troops out of the garrisons. 71 - The player can now create customizable sparring matches between their own troops by visiting the arena master of any town. 72 - Long term wounding has been added. If the player or a companion is knocked out in combat they will suffer a wound (-2) to one of their physical stats. The wound will heal, but it will take time. The player's wounds are listed in the player report, and the companion wounds are listed in the party morale report screen. The wounding system can be turned off from the game settings menu (accessed by camping.) 73 - MAJOR CHANGE: After 75 days in game, a mysterious faction with incredibly powerful troops will invade Calradia from a random direction. At first, only the kingdoms closest to them will bother to fight, but after a while, as their foothold grows, all kingdoms will come to realize this threat for what it is. You can change when they will begin their invasion (including never) in the game settings menu (accessed by camping.) 74 - A road system has been half implemented. I say half implemented because it is unfinished and will likely never BE finished. It is off by default and can be turned on from the game settings menu. If you decide to turn it on, you are in no danger of generating errors that will break your game. However, as more and more roads are built your game may become so slow as to be unplayable. Roads double the speed of all units on them. To build a road you need to talk to your advisers in your capital and you can build roads between towns based on their trade routes. Feel free to use it if you want, but please do not report any bugs with this system as it will never be finished due to the limitations of the game. I just put enough effort into it I couldn't bring myself to remove what I had done.
Nosfe Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 29, 2009 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 29, 2009 Bir kaç aya TLD son versiyon çıkar o modun esamesi okunmaz. İlk sayfaları okursanız çalıntı içerik koyup yardım öneren yabancı moderlara küfür ettiklerini görebilirsiniz.
Mohi Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 29, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 29, 2009 çalsın çırpsın küfür yesin bizi ilgilendirmez ki:D altıüstü bir mod zaten, tek başına oyun değil kitap, film hiç değil. ben sonuca ve alacağım zevke bakarım. Bahsettiğin TLD yani the last days modu hala oyunun 0.808 versiyonunda çalışıyor 1.5 senedir üst versiyona taşıyacaklar ama tık yok adamlarda. millet onların keyfinimi bekleyecek, şurda yazın zaten oyunun kendi ek paketi çıkacak ve eski modlar rafa kalkacak.
Luxor Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 29, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 29, 2009 TLD yi bilmem ama asıl second age modu var. halen yapım aşamasında ama çok şev vaadediyor, kullanılabilir mancınıklar, avcılık, deniz savaşları da buna dahil. sanırım şu an bugları temizleme ve troop treeler ile uğraşıyorlar. buyrun linki:,57641.0.html
Nosfe Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 29, 2009 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 29, 2009 Ne biliyim o adama verdikleri tepkiden çoluk çocuklarmış gibi geldi. Bi de içerik olarak sundukları yeni bir şey yok.O yüzden pek umutlu değilim. TLDyi ise çok oyaladıkları doğru ama şu haliyle bile modların çoğundan yenilikçi özelliklere sahip. Yeni versiyonu çok daha iyi olur.
Mohi Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 29, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 29, 2009 valla bana native exp gayet güzel yetiyor, o yüzden tld veya ak-ela modlarını pek sallamıyorum. ama antik yunan modunun demosu gerçekten çok hoşuma gitti, o yüzden yunan elemana native exp'ten baya bir öneri yazdım. yunan eleman 33 yaşında ve polis memuru, dolayısıyla pek zamanı yok, bakalım full sürümü ne zaman çıkarabilecek.
sipeyskeyk Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 4, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 4, 2009 Düşman ordusu sayıca çok üstündü,onursuz vaegir krallığı ordumu bir kez daha hain bir pusuya düşürmüştü.Ama biz Nord krallığının askerleriydik ! Cesur huskarlar,asil swadyalı şovalyeler ve şahin gözlü sharpshooterlardan oluşan ordum karşıdaki düşmanın sayısına bakmadan cesurca savaşmıştı.Düşmanı alt etmek için tepeye doğru çekilmeye başladık,tabii ki bu önceden planlanmıştı.Tepeye çekilirken adi vaegirleri adeta kendi kanlarında boğduk,zafer her zamanki gibi nord krallığınındı ! For the nord ! (şimdi buldum)
Lopeth Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 4, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 4, 2009 kan yok aga resimde. mspaintde düzelt biraz
sipeyskeyk Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 4, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 4, 2009 bütün ayarlar en düşükte dandik pc de oynuyorum da ondan :)
lord_gorthaur Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 8, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 8, 2009 oyunun çıkaçak olan yeni eklentisi warband, videoda cem biçer abimiz oyunun grafiksel gelişimini ve birazda multi olayını anlatıyor
Apis Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 8, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 8, 2009 Grafik olarak büyük ilerleme sağlanmış. Açıkçası bilgisayar oyunları konusunda en taktir ettiğim çalışma Mount & Blade. Projenin ilerlemesi beni baya sevindiriyor.
arcane Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 8, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 8, 2009 Singleplayer bile bu kadar keyifliyken multiplayerı hayal edemiyorum. (tu)
lord_gorthaur Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 9, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 9, 2009 multi'nin sadece cs/battlefield gibi olması kötü olmuş bence, zaten asıl camping'i multiye adapte etmek zor olurdu , belki ilerde mod olarak çıkabilir :), karşılıklı olmasa bile bir co-op camping eklene bilirdi bence :(
catlikethiief Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 9, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 9, 2009 vidyodaki adam niye sürekli Iıııı diyor asx
Red Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 9, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 9, 2009 cunku ingilizce konusamıyor ayrıca multi gelsede şöle allah allah diye çarpışsak
pronoit Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 9, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 9, 2009 gençler o değilde adamın yaptıkları ortada yaptığınız muhabete bak. ayrıca adamın dedikleri de anlaşilir işte.
Gladmir Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 9, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 9, 2009 Nedir tam olarak single player ın olayı, doğrusal bir oynanış mi var yoksa serbest mi takılınıyor
lord_gorthaur Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 9, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 9, 2009 serbest ister paralı asker gibi oyna ister bir ülkeye bağlı ol amaç yanına asker alıp dağ bayır adam kesiyon :D
eregorn2 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 10, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 10, 2009 kendi krallıını kuramıormusun?
FromTheHell Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 10, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 10, 2009 ufak bi expansion pack kurarak o istediğini de yapabiliyosun
Ardeth Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 10, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 10, 2009 eregorn2 said: kendi krallıını kuramıormusun? bu konuda baya detaylı modlar var forumda krallık kurup gelir giderleri ile falan uğraştığın hatta companionlarını bazı orduların başına koyup sağa sola yolladığın
-007- Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 2, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 2, 2009 Yeni başladım acayip bağımlılık yaptı bu aralar. Multisi olsa süper olurdu.
arcane Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 3, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 3, 2009 Ardeth o modlardan en beğendiğinin ismini yazabilir misin? Bir de oyunun orjinal mekaniğine sadık, temasını bozmadan içerik ekleyen mod tavsiyesi istiyorum. Expanded Gameplay tam istediğim gibi bir mod ancak çok fazla çöktüğünden bir türlü oynayamadım.
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