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Mesaj tarihi:
ikinci dünya savaşı ile ilgili bir oyunda buldum, ilginç bir anket.

ikinci dünya savaşında rol almış hangi komutana benzediginizi kontrol edebilirsiniz.

adresi : http://www.paradoxplaza.com/hoi2quiz/index.asp

ben bu çıktım:


Albert Kesselring (GER)

Albert Kesselring (August 8, 1881 - July 16, 1960) was a German General Field Marshal who commanded Army Group C during World War II, supporting Operation Barbarossa amongst others. He was nicknamed "Smiling Albert."

You are an ambitious leader, always striving higher and pushing yourself to the best of your abilities. Unfortunately, this effort does not always lead to the type of results you are looking for. You work well under pressure and find it easy to keep a straight face when challenged.

sonuçların geçerliliği tartışılırda olsa, bol vakti olan varsa, belki ilgilenir : )
Mesaj tarihi:

bu ankete özel açılmamıştı başlık ama bayağı sayıda ilgilenen olmuştu, esasen burada özel başlığı açılması daha doğru oldu, diğer başlığı da karıştırdı yok yere, oyunu konuşurken hala arasıra biri gelip "şu çıktım" diyor.. :-)

ekleme: ha bu arada ben bu çıkıyorum, herhalde hakiki savaşta berbat bir kumandan olurdum ki böyle adı sanı duyulmamış biri çıktım: :-p

Konstantin Rokossovsky (December 21, 1896 - August 3, 1968), Soviet military commander and Polish Defence Minister.

Used to fending for yourself, you are independent and the only person you rely on to create your success is you. With strong determination, a sense of carefulness and your efficient leadership style you are quick to take in a situation and act accordingly. Your decisions are never rash which is sometimes perceived as an unwillingness to act.
[signature][hline]Elder Scrolls forumunda ES4'ü niye multiplayer özellikli istemediğini izah eden MutantPenguin demiş ki:
People suck, if I want to game I'll do it with/against circuit boards and lines of C++ that know how to RP, not people that don't know how to string a sentence together.

[Bu mesaj Sam tarafından 03 Şubat 2005 13:15 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
Bende bu çıktım.

"Chester Nimitz

Chester Nimitz (February 24, 1885 - February 20, 1966) was the Commander in Chief of Pacific Forces for the United States and Allied forces during World War II.

Your creative mind brings a new, fresh perspective to combat and leadership. Your dynamic leadership style is very effective when it comes to motivating others and thus you have no problems executing your policies and ideas. Just remember that many times feedback creates even greater ideas so don't forget to listen. "

Bendende hayır gelmez gibi :)[signature][hline]My Honour is My Life
Mesaj tarihi:
bu da ben

Heinz Guderian (GER)

Heinz Guderian (June 17, 1888 - May 14, 1954) was the well known "Panzer General" of the German Army during World War II, and one of the founders of the concept of blitzkrieg.

Dynamic and efficient, you are pivotal in development of strategies and operational tasks and often set the standards of what will then follow. Although your leadership style does not always mean you will rise in ranks you are still a very respected leader who does not think twice about questioning those of the highest rank.
[signature][hline]Eğer düşmanımın düşmanı benim de düşmanımsa, dostum kim ???
Mesaj tarihi:
karakedi, 03 Şubat 2005 14:11 tarihinde demiş ki:
hmm adam guderian cıkmış be.
pişt seni siteye yönetici falan mı yapsak, napsak bilmiom ki : )

bana uyar :D[signature][hline]Eğer düşmanımın düşmanı benim de düşmanımsa, dostum kim ???
Mesaj tarihi:
Valla ben çıktığım komutandan memnunum :)

Yamashita Tomoyuki

Yamashita Tomoyuki (Nov 8, 1885 - February 23, 1946) was one of the most formidable generals of the Japanese Army. His 30,000 soldiers took 80,000 Allied soldiers prisoner at the Fall of Singapore and for this he became known as the "Tiger of Malaya."

You are a diligent, ambitious and determined leader who always remains completely loyal to your superiors. Your strict discipline contributes to your ability to be an aggressive strategist and you will always be the last man standing. Your high standards can seem daunting for your followers who will never feel sufficient.[signature][hline]Özgürlüğün değerini ancak onu kaybedince anlarsınız. En zavallı insan ise esaret altındayken kendisini özgür zannedendir.

bi fransız gastesi de şey demiş:
"ırak üç parçaya ayrılıcak.
Mesaj tarihi:
Karl Dönitz
Karl Dönitz (September 16, 1891-December 24, 1980) was a naval leader in Germany during World War II.

Your strengths include ruthless application of battle technique, an iron-willed determination never to surrender and unbounded enthusiasm. You often leave "smaller" tasks that do not show immediate results on the back burner, sometimes with devastating results. You are very loyal towards your superiors.[signature][hline] EVIL
When we are in its power is not felt as evil
But as a necessity
Or even a duty
Mesaj tarihi:
valla ben diğer konudakinde montgömeri çıkmıştım, verdiğim cevapları hatırlamadan tekrar yaptım testi yine montgömeri çıktım, demek ki değişmemişim hiç :)

Bernard Montgomery

Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, (November 17, 1887 - March 24, 1976) was a British military officer during World War II.

Inspirational and successful are two words to describe your leadership. You tend to go against the current and your own uniqueness will show in everything that you do. Your troops love you and you are known to get what you want in life - just be careful as this precise characteristic makes you less prepared to deal with defeat.[signature][hline]BabacumMostors, 20 Ocak 2005 tarihli radyo yayınında şöyle demiş:
Valla benim torunlarım bayramda benden harçlık istese çok kızarım, efsanevi bi şekilde kızarım o derece yani

Mesaj tarihi:
aramaya inanmak sayın karakedi :D

feci tatmin oldum ha şimdi :P
ayrıca şimdi aklıma geldi, aramaya inanmak sayın karakedi kısmını quote edip imzama koyarsam da karizmam tavan olur off off keh keh keh[signature][hline]evryone expects u to perform but u cant. copy/paste but nothing happens. undo but cant undo. get text ha ha ha. Im a very busy person im srry youll have to wait until tomorrow or maybe the next day if u re lucky. if im lucky. if im lucky ill still be here. hello how are you is evrything

**no more dinosaurs@ montezaus
*** montezaus.deviantart.com

[Bu mesaj MonTezaus tarafından 03 Şubat 2005 17:13 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
lol yahu, herkes en meşhur generaller çıkıyorken neden ben no-name general çıktım anlamadım ki.. :-p rokossovsky kimmiş bir arayım bulayım, polish defense minister filan dedi iyice kıllandım, belki son süvari hücumunu emretmiştir benim adam, yıkılırım.. :lol:

ekleme: yok be, şimdi baktım da pek fena değilmiş, stalingrad savaşı'nda kilit rol oynamış, montgomery ile buluşmuş kuvvetleri filan. stalin'in sorgusundan son anda kurtulmuş, adam ölümün eşiğinden mareşalliğe yükselmiş heh..[signature][hline]Elder Scrolls forumunda ES4'ü niye multiplayer özellikli istemediğini izah eden MutantPenguin demiş ki:
People suck, if I want to game I'll do it with/against circuit boards and lines of C++ that know how to RP, not people that don't know how to string a sentence together.

[Bu mesaj Sam tarafından 04 Şubat 2005 00:11 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
Yamashita Tomoyuki çıktım ben de.

Fedaykinde var açıklaması gayet kral bi adammış kendisi:). Azmiyle çalışkanlığıyla ön planda olan bi insan Allah rahmet eylesin diyorum.
Mesaj tarihi:
George Patton

George Patton, Jr. (November 11, 1885 - December 21, 1945), one of the most successful American generals in World War II.

When put in a position that will meet your potential, your "larger than life," flamboyant, charismatic and controversial personality is hard to miss. You are inspirational and your troops achieve great deeds under your leadership. Just keep in mind to always back up those great words with action.

me[signature][hline]Prima, Quae vitam dedit,hora carpsit

Nascantes morimur,finisque ab orgine

Uzaylıda olsa,insan insandır...
Mesaj tarihi:
Karl Dönitz

Karl Dönitz (September 16, 1891-December 24, 1980) was a naval leader in Germany during World War II.

Your strengths include ruthless application of battle technique, an iron-willed determination never to surrender and unbounded enthusiasm. You often leave "smaller" tasks that do not show immediate results on the back burner, sometimes with devastating results. You are very loyal towards your superiors.[signature][hline]İş Hayatı
İstediğimiz hayat çalışıp adam olmak
Mesaj tarihi:
Yamashita Tomoyuki harbiden kral adammış hatta a.k.a Eye of the tiger :),
30 bin asker çıplak elle 80bin askeri rehin almış hatta kimi zaman 100bin e kadar çıktığı görülmüştür[signature][hline]ama kopuktu kopuktu zincir olduramadım......
Mesaj tarihi:

Heinz Guderian (GER)

Heinz Guderian (June 17, 1888 - May 14, 1954) was the well known "Panzer General" of the German Army during World War II, and one of the founders of the concept of blitzkrieg.

Dynamic and efficient, you are pivotal in development of strategies and operational tasks and often set the standards of what will then follow. Although your leadership style does not always mean you will rise in ranks you are still a very respected leader who does not think twice about questioning those of the highest rank.

[Bu mesaj -007- tarafından 04 Şubat 2005 23:11 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
Andrew Cunningham

Andrew Cunningham, (7 January 1883 - 12 June 1963), was the most famous British admiral of World War II.

You have a sharp mind and although not a good speaker like some of your colleagues, you have your own type of common touch. Many seek you out to ask for your advice and hear stories about your experiences. Ever the diplomat, your shrewd ways can sometimes come as a shock to those who admire you[signature][hline]orochi
Mesaj tarihi:
romme lolmak için çok uğraştım ama genelde donitz oldum

Karl Dönitz

Karl Dönitz (September 16, 1891-December 24, 1980) was a naval leader in Germany during World War II.

Your strengths include ruthless application of battle technique, an iron-willed determination never to surrender and unbounded enthusiasm. You often leave "smaller" tasks that do not show immediate results on the back burner, sometimes with devastating results. You are very loyal towards your superiors.[signature][hline]Aket Atum
"so hoder, why don't they let you shoot at your brother?
here, take this arrow, i'll help you aim..."
Mesaj tarihi:
kedi tebrik ederim seni, bunu bizim bölümde mis gibi oyun konusuna koydu bi kendini bilmez, konu harcandı resmen.. bunun yeri tarih.[signature][hline]"Zz.. Me busy, go away!"
Arcane, Lazy Peon
Mesaj tarihi:
e bende link acılmıyor[signature][hline]-Cömertlik ve yardım etmede akarsu gibi ol
-Şefkat ve merhamette güneş gibi ol
-Başkalarının kusurlarını örtmede gece gibi ol
-Hiddet ve asabiyette ölü gibi ol
-Tevazu ve alçak gönüllülükte toprak gibi ol
-Hoşgörülülükte deniz gibi ol
-Ya olduğun gibi görün ya göründüğün gibi ol--Hz. Mevlana
Mesaj tarihi:
ahanda oldu.
Konstantin Rokossovsky

Konstantin Rokossovsky (December 21, 1896 - August 3, 1968), Soviet military commander and Polish Defence Minister.

Used to fending for yourself, you are independent and the only person you rely on to create your success is you. With strong determination, a sense of carefulness and your efficient leadership style you are quick to take in a situation and act accordingly. Your decisions are never rash which is sometimes perceived as an unwillingness to act.
Kimdir bu yaw[signature][hline]-Cömertlik ve yardım etmede akarsu gibi ol
-Şefkat ve merhamette güneş gibi ol
-Başkalarının kusurlarını örtmede gece gibi ol
-Hiddet ve asabiyette ölü gibi ol
-Tevazu ve alçak gönüllülükte toprak gibi ol
-Hoşgörülülükte deniz gibi ol
-Ya olduğun gibi görün ya göründüğün gibi ol--Hz. Mevlana
Mesaj tarihi:
Gunichi Mikawa

Gunichi Mikawa (August 291888 - February 25) was an admiral in the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II.

Able to take even the worst of circumstances and turn them into your favour, you are known for your determination, good luck and control of any situation. Unfortunately your way of following through what you have set out to do is not always done in the best way and for that you have many critics.

Bu kim ya?En cinsi bana geldi galiba[signature][hline]Yükseldikçe uçma bilmeyenlere daha küçük görünmemiz kaçınılmazdır.
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