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Far Cry 5

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Serinin en iyi satan oyununun patladığını iddia etmek biraz güç.


Far Cry 5's moose-whacking, bear-exploding, shovel-throwing brand of chaos has been a big hit with buyers—in its first week, it has sold more than double what Far Cry 4 sold in the same time period, Ubisoft has announced.

It's the fastest-selling game in the history of the series, and the second best launch of any Ubisoft game ever, behind The Division. It brought in more than $310 million in its first seven days, Ubisoft said, but some of the more playful stats about the game's first week are far more interesting: players have thrown more than 35 million sticks of dynamite and been ambushed by skunks more than 8,000 times, Ubisoft said on its blog.

The developer didn't reveal the full sales figures, but investment firm Jefferies Group estimates that the game has sold just shy of five million copies in its first week (via French website Boursier).

It's been a hit with streamers, naturally, with Twitch users streaming more than 55,000 hours, and Far Cry 5 YouTube videos have amassed more than 117 million views: both records for Ubisoft games.
Mesaj tarihi:
Genel tema, atmosfer vs. iyide şu uyuşturucu/beyin yıkama vs. olaylarının çokluğu ile ne yaparsak yapalım, istersek Thanos'un ordularını durduralım yinede gözümüzün yavaşça kapanıp "Aaaa... yakalandın" kısımları sıkıcıydı.

Tamam bütün Far Cry'larda var ama bunda o kadar çok kullanmışlardı ki.

Onunda dışında iyiydi yahu. Hatta yancı sniperlar ile baya baya zevkten dört köşeydim, yanyana iki hedefi aynı anda almak vs. baya güzeldi.

Birde not: Artık aklı başında Far Cry kötüsü istiyoruz. Lütfen kampanyayı siz de imzalayın...
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